7 letter word starting with vir

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
virelay noun An ancient French song, or short poem, wholly in two rhymes, and composed in short lines, with a refrain.
vireton noun An arrow or bolt for a crossbow having feathers or brass placed at an angle with the shaft to make it spin in flying.
virgate adjective Having the form of a straight rod; wand-shaped; straight and slender., A yardland, or measure of land varying from fifteen to forty acres.
virgule noun A comma.
viroled adjective Furnished with a virole or viroles; — said of a horn or a bugle when the rings are of different tincture from the rest of the horn.
virtual adjective Having the power of acting or of invisible efficacy without the agency of the material or sensible part; potential; energizing., Being in essence or effect, not in fact; as, the virtual presence of a man in his agent or substitute.