7 letter word starting with vo

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
vocable noun A word; a term; a name; specifically, a word considered as composed of certain sounds or letters, without regard to its meaning.
vocalic adjective Of or pertaining to vowel sounds; consisting of the vowel sounds.
vocally adverb In a vocal manner; with voice; orally; with audible sound., In words; verbally; as, to express desires vocally.
voicing present participle & vb. noun of Voice
voiding present participle & vb. noun of Void, The act of one who, or that which, v/ids., That which is voided; that which is ejected or evacuated; a remnant; a fragment., Receiving what is ejected or voided.
voiture noun A carriage.
voivode noun See Waywode.
volador noun A flying fish of California (Exoc/tus Californicus): — called also volator., The Atlantic flying gurnard. See under Flying.
volante noun A cumbrous two-wheeled pleasure carriage used in Cuba.
volapuk noun Literally, world’s speech; the name of an artificial language invented by Johan Martin Schleyer, of Constance, Switzerland, about 1879.
volator noun Same as Volador, 1.
volcano noun A mountain or hill, usually more or less conical in form, from which lava, cinders, steam, sulphur gases, and the like, are ejected; — often popularly called a burning mountain.
volleys plural of Volley
voltage noun Electric potential or potential difference, expressed in volts.
voltaic adjective Of or pertaining to Alessandro Volta, who first devised apparatus for developing electric currents by chemical action, and established this branch of electric science; discovered by Volta; as, voltaic electricity., Of or pertaining to voltaism, or voltaic electricity; as, voltaic induction; the voltaic arc.
voluble adjective Easily rolling or turning; easily set in motion; apt to roll; rotating; as, voluble particles of matter., Moving with ease and smoothness in uttering words; of rapid speech; nimble in speaking; glib; as, a flippant, voluble, tongue., Changeable; unstable; fickle., Having the power or habit of turning or twining; as, the voluble stem of hop plants.
volumed adjective Having the form of a volume, or roil; as, volumed mist., Having volume, or bulk; massive; great.
volupty noun Voluptuousness.
volutas plural of Voluta
volutae plural of Voluta
voluted adjective Having a volute, or spiral scroll.
vomited imp. & past participle of Vomit
votress noun A votaress.
vouched imp. & past participle of Vouch
vouchee noun The person who is vouched, or called into court to support or make good his warranty of title in the process of common recovery.
voucher noun One who vouches, or gives witness or full attestation, to anything., A book, paper, or document which serves to vouch the truth of accounts, or to confirm and establish facts of any kind; also, any acquittance or receipt showing the payment of a debt; as, the merchant’s books are his vouchers for the correctness of his accounts; notes, bonds, receipts, and other writings, are used as vouchers in proving facts., The act of calling in a person to make good his warranty of title in the old form of action for the recovery of lands., The tenant in a writ of right; one who calls in another to establish his warranty of title. In common recoveries, there may be a single voucher or double vouchers.
voweled adjective Furnished with vowels.
voyaged imp. & past participle of Voyage
voyager noun One who voyages; one who sails or passes by sea or water.