7 letter word starting with x

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
xanthic adjective Tending toward a yellow color, or to one of those colors, green being excepted, in which yellow is a constituent, as scarlet, orange, etc., Possessing, imparting, or producing a yellow color; as, xanthic acid., Of or pertaining to xanthic acid, or its compounds; xanthogenic., Of or pertaining to xanthin.
xanthin noun A crystalline nitrogenous body closely related to both uric acid and hypoxanthin, present in muscle tissue, and occasionally found in the urine and in some urinary calculi. It is also present in guano. So called from the yellow color of certain of its salts (nitrates)., A yellow insoluble coloring matter extracted from yellow flowers; specifically, the coloring matter of madder., One of the gaseous or volatile decomposition products of the xanthates, and probably identical with carbon disulphide.
xantho- A combining form from Gr. xanqo`s yellow; as in xanthocobaltic salts. Used also adjectively in chemistry.
xenylic adjective Pertaining to, derived from, designating, certain amido compounds obtained by reducing certain nitro derivatives of diphenyl.
xeronic adjective Pertaining to, or designating, an acid, C8H12O4, related to fumaric acid, and obtained from citraconic acid as an oily substance having a bittersweet taste; — so called from its tendency to form its anhydride.
xiphias noun A genus of fishes comprising the common swordfish., The constellation Dorado., A comet shaped like a sword
xiphius noun A genus of cetaceans having a long, pointed, bony beak, usually two tusklike teeth in the lower jaw, but no teeth in the upper jaw.
xiphoid adjective Like a sword; ensiform., Of or pertaining to the xiphoid process; xiphoidian.
xiphura noun pl. Same as Limuloidea. Called also Xiphosura.
xylenol noun Any one of six metameric phenol derivatives of xylene, obtained as crystalline substances, (CH3)2.C6H3.OH.
xyletic adjective Pertaining to, or designating, a complex acid related to mesitylenic acid, obtained as a white crystalline substance by the action of sodium and carbon dioxide on crude xylenol.
xylidic adjective Pertaining to, or designating, either one of two distinct acids which are derived from xylic acid and related compounds, and are metameric with uvitic acid.
xylogen noun Nascent wood; wood cells in a forming state., Lignin.