7 letter word starting with zi

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
zincked imp. & past participle of Zinc
zincing of Zinc, The act or process of applying zinc; galvanization.
zincane noun Zinc chloride.
zincide noun A binary compound of zinc.
zincify verb t. To coat or impregnate with zinc.
zincite noun Native zinc oxide; a brittle, translucent mineral, of an orange-red color; — called also red zinc ore, and red oxide of zinc.
zincode noun The positive electrode of an electrolytic cell; anode.
zincoid adjective Pertaining to, or resembling, zinc; — said of the electricity of the zincous plate in connection with a copper plate in a voltaic circle; also, designating the positive pole.
zincous adjective Of, pertaining to, or containing, zinc; zincic; as, zincous salts., Hence, formerly, basic, basylous, as opposed to chlorous., Of or pertaining to the positive pole of a galvanic battery; electro-positive.
zingari plural of Zingaro
zingaro noun A gypsy.
zinsang noun The delundung.
zircona noun Zirconia.
zircono See Zirco-.
zittern noun See Cittern.
zizania noun A genus of grasses including Indian rice. See Indian rice, under Rice.