8 letter word starting with aff

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
affamish verb t. & i. To afflict with, or perish from, hunger.
affected imp. & past participle of Affect, Regarded with affection; beloved., Inclined; disposed; attached., Given to false show; assuming or pretending to possess what is not natural or real., Assumed artificially; not natural., Made up of terms involving different powers of the unknown quantity; adfected; as, an affected equation.
affecter noun One who affects, assumes, pretends, or strives after.
affeerer noun Alt. of Affeeror
affeeror noun One who affeers.
afferent adjective Bearing or conducting inwards to a part or organ; — opposed to efferent; as, afferent vessels; afferent nerves, which convey sensations from the external organs to the brain.
affiance noun Plighted faith; marriage contract or promise., Trust; reliance; faith; confidence., To betroth; to pledge one’s faith to for marriage, or solemnly promise (one’s self or another) in marriage., To assure by promise.
affinity noun Relationship by marriage (as between a husband and his wife’s blood relations, or between a wife and her husband’s blood relations); — in contradistinction to consanguinity, or relationship by blood; — followed by with, to, or between., Kinship generally; close agreement; relation; conformity; resemblance; connection; as, the affinity of sounds, of colors, or of languages., Companionship; acquaintance., That attraction which takes place, at an insensible distance, between the heterogeneous particles of bodies, and unites them to form chemical compounds; chemism; chemical or elective affinity or attraction., A relation between species or highe/ groups dependent on resemblance in the whole plan of structure, and indicating community of origin., A superior spiritual relationship or attraction held to exist sometimes between persons, esp. persons of the opposite sex; also, the man or woman who exerts such psychical or spiritual attraction.
affirmed imp. & past participle of Affirm
affirmer noun One who affirms.
affixing present participle & vb. noun of Affix
affixion noun Affixture.
afflatus noun A breath or blast of wind., A divine impartation of knowledge; supernatural impulse; inspiration.
affluent adjective Flowing to; flowing abundantly., Abundant; copious; plenteous; hence, wealthy; abounding in goods or riches., A stream or river flowing into a larger river or into a lake; a tributary stream.
affodill noun Asphodel.
afforded imp. & past participle of Afford
afforest verb t. To convert into a forest; as, to afforest a tract of country.
affrayed past participle of Affray
affrayer noun One engaged in an affray.
affright verb t. To impress with sudden fear; to frighten; to alarm., Affrighted., Sudden and great fear; terror. It expresses a stronger impression than fear, or apprehension, perhaps less than terror., The act of frightening; also, a cause of terror; an object of dread.
affronte adjective Face to face, or front to front; facing.
affusing present participle & vb. noun of Affuse
affusion noun The act of pouring upon, or sprinkling with a liquid, as water upon a child in baptism., The act of pouring water or other fluid on the whole or a part of the body, as a remedy in disease.