8 letter word starting with ag

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
againbuy verb t. To redeem.
againsay verb t. To gainsay.
agalloch noun Alt. of Agallochum
agastric adjective Having to stomach, or distinct digestive canal, as the tapeworm.
agedness noun The quality of being aged; oldness.
agencies plural of Agency
agenesic adjective Characterized by sterility; infecund.
agenesis noun Any imperfect development of the body, or any anomaly of organization.
agential adjective Of or pertaining to an agent or an agency.
ageratum noun A genus of plants, one species of which (A. Mexicanum) has lavender-blue flowers in dense clusters.
aggerate verb t. To heap up.
aggerose adjective In heaps; full of heaps.
aggrieve verb t. To give pain or sorrow to; to afflict; hence, to oppress or injure in one’s rights; to bear heavily upon; — now commonly used in the passive TO be aggrieved., To grieve; to lament.
agiotage noun Exchange business; also, stockjobbing; the maneuvers of speculators to raise or lower the price of stocks or public funds.
agitable adjective Capable of being agitated, or easily moved.
agitated imp. & past participle of Agitate
agitator noun One who agitates; one who stirs up or excites others; as, political reformers and agitators., One of a body of men appointed by the army, in Cromwell’s time, to look after their interests; — called also adjutators., An implement for shaking or mixing.
aglimmer adverb & adjective In a glimmering state.
aglitter adverb & adjective Glittering; in a glitter.
aglossal adjective Without tongue; tongueless.
agminate adjective Alt. of Agminated
agnation noun Consanguinity by a line of males only, as distinguished from cognation.
agnition noun Acknowledgment.
agnostic adjective Professing ignorance; involving no dogmatic; pertaining to or involving agnosticism., One who professes ignorance, or denies that we have any knowledge, save of phenomena; one who supports agnosticism, neither affirming nor denying the existence of a personal Deity, a future life, etc.
agonized imp. & past participle of Agonize
agraphia noun The absence or loss of the power of expressing ideas by written signs. It is one form of aphasia.
agraphic adjective Characterized by agraphia.
agrappes noun pl. Hooks and eyes for armor, etc.
agrarian adjective Pertaining to fields, or lands, or their tenure; esp., relating to an equal or equitable division of lands; as, the agrarian laws of Rome, which distributed the conquered and other public lands among citizens., Wild; — said of plants growing in the fields., One in favor of an equal division of landed property., An agrarian law.
agreeing present participle & vb. noun of Agree
agrestic adjective Pertaining to fields or the country, in opposition to the city; rural; rustic; unpolished; uncouth.
agrimony noun A genus of plants of the Rose family., The name is also given to various other plants; as, hemp agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum); water agrimony (Bidens).
agronomy noun The management of land; rural economy; agriculture.
agrostis noun A genus of grasses, including species called in common language bent grass. Some of them, as redtop (Agrostis vulgaris), are valuable pasture grasses.