8 letter word starting with an

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
anabasis noun A journey or expedition up from the coast, like that of the younger Cyrus into Central Asia, described by Xenophon in his work called “The Anabasis.”, The first period, or increase, of a disease; augmentation.
anabatic adjective Pertaining to anabasis; as, an anabatic fever.
anabolic adjective Pertaining to anabolism; an anabolic changes, or processes, more or less constructive in their nature.
anaconda noun A large South American snake of the Boa family (Eunectes murinus), which lives near rivers, and preys on birds and small mammals. The name is also applied to a similar large serpent (Python tigris) of Ceylon.
anaglyph noun Any sculptured, chased, or embossed ornament worked in low relief, as a cameo.
anagogic adjective Alt. of Anagogical
anagraph noun An inventory; a record.
analcime noun A white or flesh-red mineral, of the zeolite family, occurring in isometric crystals. By friction, it acquires a weak electricity; hence its name.
analcite noun Analcime.
analects noun pl. Alt. of Analecta
analecta noun pl. A collection of literary fragments.
analemma noun An orthographic projection of the sphere on the plane of the meridian, the eye being supposed at an infinite distance, and in the east or west point of the horizon., An instrument of wood or brass, on which this projection of the sphere is made, having a movable horizon or cursor; — formerly much used in solving some common astronomical problems., A scale of the sun’s declination for each day of the year, drawn across the torrid zone on an artificial terrestrial globe.
analepsy Recovery of strength after sickness., A species of epileptic attack, originating from gastric disorder.
analogal adjective Analogous.
analogic adjective Of or belonging to analogy.
analogon noun Analogue.
analogue noun That which is analogous to, or corresponds with, some other thing., A word in one language corresponding with one in another; an analogous term; as, the Latin “pater” is the analogue of the English “father.”, An organ which is equivalent in its functions to a different organ in another species or group, or even in the same group; as, the gill of a fish is the analogue of a lung in a quadruped, although the two are not of like structural relations., A species in one genus or group having its characters parallel, one by one, with those of another group., A species or genus in one country closely related to a species of the same genus, or a genus of the same group, in another: such species are often called representative species, and such genera, representative genera.
analyser noun Same as Analyze, Analyzer, etc.
analyses plural of Analysis
analysis noun A resolution of anything, whether an object of the senses or of the intellect, into its constituent or original elements; an examination of the component parts of a subject, each separately, as the words which compose a sentence, the tones of a tune, or the simple propositions which enter into an argument. It is opposed to synthesis., The separation of a compound substance, by chemical processes, into its constituents, with a view to ascertain either (a) what elements it contains, or (b) how much of each element is present. The former is called qualitative, and the latter quantitative analysis., The tracing of things to their source, and the resolving of knowledge into its original principles., The resolving of problems by reducing the conditions that are in them to equations., A syllabus, or table of the principal heads of a discourse, disposed in their natural order., A brief, methodical illustration of the principles of a science. In this sense it is nearly synonymous with synopsis., The process of ascertaining the name of a species, or its place in a system of classification, by means of an analytical table or key.
analytic adjective Alt. of Analytical
analyzed imp. & past participle of Analyze
analyzer noun One who, or that which, analyzes., The part of a polariscope which receives the light after polarization, and exhibits its properties.
anapaest Alt. of Anapaestic
anaphora noun A repetition of a word or of words at the beginning of two or more successive clauses.
anapnoic adjective Relating to respiration.
anarchal adjective Lawless; anarchical.
anarchic adjective Alt. of Anarchical
anasarca noun Dropsy of the subcutaneous cellular tissue; an effusion of serum into the cellular substance, occasioning a soft, pale, inelastic swelling of the skin.
anastate noun One of a series of substances formed, in secreting cells, by constructive or anabolic processes, in the production of protoplasm; — opposed to katastate.
anathema noun A ban or curse pronounced with religious solemnity by ecclesiastical authority, and accompanied by excommunication. Hence: Denunciation of anything as accursed., An imprecation; a curse; a malediction., Any person or thing anathematized, or cursed by ecclesiastical authority.
anatifae plural of Anatifa
anatifer noun Same as Anatifa.
anatomic adjective Alt. of Anatomical
ancestor noun One from whom a person is descended, whether on the father’s or mother’s side, at any distance of time; a progenitor; a fore father., An earlier type; a progenitor; as, this fossil animal is regarded as the ancestor of the horse., One from whom an estate has descended; — the correlative of heir.
ancestry noun Condition as to ancestors; ancestral lineage; hence, birth or honorable descent., A series of ancestors or progenitors; lineage, or those who compose the line of natural descent.
anchored imp. & past participle of Anchor, Held by an anchor; at anchor; held safely; as, an anchored bark; also, shaped like an anchor; forked; as, an anchored tongue., Having the extremities turned back, like the flukes of an anchor; as, an anchored cross.
anchoret noun Alt. of Anchorite
anchusin noun A resinoid coloring matter obtained from alkanet root.
ancienty noun Age; antiquity., Seniority.
anconeal adjective Of or pertaining to the ancon or elbow.
anconeus noun A muscle of the elbow and forearm.
anconoid adjective Elbowlike; anconal.
andesine noun A kind of triclinic feldspar found in the Andes.
andesite noun An eruptive rock allied to trachyte, consisting essentially of a triclinic feldspar, with pyroxene, hornblende, or hypersthene.
anecdote noun Unpublished narratives., A particular or detached incident or fact of an interesting nature; a biographical incident or fragment; a single passage of private life.
anemonic adjective An acrid, poisonous, crystallizable substance, obtained from, the anemone, or from anemonin.
anemonin noun An acrid, poisonous, crystallizable substance, obtained from some species of anemone.
aneurism noun A soft, pulsating, hollow tumor, containing blood, arising from the preternatural dilation or rupture of the coats of an artery.
angelage noun Existence or state of angels.
angelica noun An aromatic umbelliferous plant (Archangelica officinalis or Angelica archangelica) the leaf stalks of which are sometimes candied and used in confectionery, and the roots and seeds as an aromatic tonic., The candied leaf stalks of angelica.
angelify verb t. To make like an angel; to angelize.
angelize verb t. To raise to the state of an angel; to render angelic.
angering present participle & vb. noun of Anger
angevine adjective Of or pertaining to Anjou in France., A native of Anjou.
anginous adjective Alt. of Anginose
anginose adjective Pertaining to angina or angina pectoris.
anglican adjective English; of or pertaining to England or the English nation; especially, pertaining to, or connected with, the established church of England; as, the Anglican church, doctrine, orders, ritual, etc., Pertaining to, characteristic of, or held by, the high church party of the Church of England., A member of the Church of England., In a restricted sense, a member of the High Church party, or of the more advanced ritualistic section, in the Church of England.
angulate adjective Alt. of Angulated, To make angular.
angulose adjective Angulous.
angulous adjective Angular; having corners; hooked.
anhelose adjective Anhelous; panting.
anhelous adjective Short of breath; panting.
animally adverb Physically.
animated imp. & past participle of Animate, Endowed with life; full of life or spirit; indicating animation; lively; vigorous.
animater noun One who animates.
animator noun One who, or that which, animates; an animater.
anisette noun A French cordial or liqueur flavored with anise seeds.
ankerite noun A mineral closely related to dolomite, but containing iron.
ankylose verb t. & i. Same as Anchylose.
annalist noun A writer of annals.
annalize verb t. To record in annals.
annealed imp. & past participle of Anneal
annealer noun One who, or that which, anneals.
annelida noun pl. A division of the Articulata, having the body formed of numerous rings or annular segments, and without jointed legs. The principal subdivisions are the Chaetopoda, including the Oligochaeta or earthworms and Polychaeta or marine worms; and the Hirudinea or leeches. See Chaetopoda.
anneloid noun An animal resembling an annelid.
annexing present participle & vb. noun of Annex
annexion noun Annexation.
annotate noun To explain or criticize by notes; as, to annotate the works of Bacon., To make notes or comments; — with on or upon.
annotine noun A bird one year old, or that has once molted.
announce verb t. To give public notice, or first notice of; to make known; to publish; to proclaim., To pronounce; to declare by judicial sentence.
annoying present participle & vb. noun of Annoy, That annoys; molesting; vexatious.
annoyful adjective Annoying.
annoyous adjective Troublesome; annoying.
annually adverb Yearly; year by year.
annueler noun A priest employed in saying annuals, or anniversary Masses.
annulled imp. & past participle of Annul
annulary adjective Having the form of a ring; annular.
annulata noun pl. A class of articulate animals, nearly equivalent to Annelida, including the marine annelids, earthworms, Gephyrea, Gymnotoma, leeches, etc. See Annelida.
annulate noun One of the Annulata., Alt. of Annulated
annuller noun One who annuls.
annuloid adjective Of or pertaining to the Annuloida.
annulosa noun pl. A division of the Invertebrata, nearly equivalent to the Articulata. It includes the Arthoropoda and Anarthropoda. By some zoologists it is applied to the former only.
annulose adjective Furnished with, or composed of, rings or ringlike segments; ringed., Of or pertaining to the Annulosa.
anointed imp. & past participle of Anoint
anointer noun One who anoints.
anomoura noun pl. A group of decapod Crustacea, of which the hermit crab in an example.
anomural adjective Alt. of Anomuran
anomuran adjective Irregular in the character of the tail or abdomen; as, the anomural crustaceans., One of the Anomura.
anophyte noun A moss or mosslike plant which cellular stems, having usually an upward growth and distinct leaves.
anoplura noun pl. A group of insects which includes the lice.
anorexia noun Alt. of Anorexy
anorthic adjective Having unequal oblique axes; as, anorthic crystals.
anourous adjective See Anurous.
anserine adjective Pertaining to, or resembling, a goose, or the skin of a goose., Pertaining to the Anseres.
anserous adjective Resembling a goose; silly; simple.
answered imp. & past participle of Answer
answerer noun One who answers.
antacrid adjective Corrective of acrimony of the humors.
antagony noun Contest; opposition; antagonism.
antalgic adjective Alleviating pain., A medicine to alleviate pain; an anodyne.
ant-bear noun An edentate animal of tropical America (the Tamanoir), living on ants. It belongs to the genus Myrmecophaga.
ant bird See Ant bird, under Ant, n.
antecede verb t. & i. To go before in time or place; to precede; to surpass.
antedate noun Prior date; a date antecedent to another which is the actual date., Anticipation., To date before the true time; to assign to an earlier date; thus, to antedate a deed or a bond is to give it a date anterior to the true time of its execution., To precede in time., To anticipate; to make before the true time.
antefact noun Something done before another act.
antefixa plural of Antefix
antelope noun One of a group of ruminant quadrupeds, intermediate between the deer and the goat. The horns are usually annulated, or ringed. There are many species in Africa and Asia.
antennae plural of Antenna
antennal adjective Belonging to the antennae.
antepast noun A foretaste.
antepone verb t. To put before; to prefer.
anteport noun An outer port, gate, or door.
anterior adjective Before in time; antecedent., Before, or toward the front, in place; as, the anterior part of the mouth; — opposed to posterior.
anteroom noun A room before, or forming an entrance to, another; a waiting room.
antevert verb t. To prevent., To displace by anteversion.
anthelia plural of Anthelion
anthelix noun Same as Antihelix.
anthemis noun Chamomile; a genus of composite, herbaceous plants.
anthesis noun The period or state of full expansion in a flower.
ant-hill noun A mound thrown up by ants or by termites in forming their nests.
anthozoa noun pl. The class of the Coelenterata which includes the corals and sea anemones. The three principal groups or orders are Acyonaria, Actinaria, and Madreporaria.
antiarin noun A poisonous principle obtained from antiar.
anticked imp. & past participle of Antic
anticous adjective Facing toward the axis of the flower, as in the introrse anthers of the water lily.
antidote noun A remedy to counteract the effects of poison, or of anything noxious taken into the stomach; — used with against, for, or to; as, an antidote against, for, or to, poison., Whatever tends to prevent mischievous effects, or to counteract evil which something else might produce., To counteract or prevent the effects of, by giving or taking an antidote., To fortify or preserve by an antidote.
antilogy noun A contradiction between any words or passages in an author.
antimask noun A secondary mask, or grotesque interlude, between the parts of a serious mask.
antimere noun One of the two halves of bilaterally symmetrical animals; one of any opposite symmetrical or homotypic parts in animals and plants.
antimony noun An elementary substance, resembling a metal in its appearance and physical properties, but in its chemical relations belonging to the class of nonmetallic substances. Atomic weight, 120. Symbol, Sb.
antinomy noun Opposition of one law or rule to another law or rule., An opposing law or rule of any kind., A contradiction or incompatibility of thought or language; — in the Kantian philosophy, such a contradiction as arises from the attempt to apply to the ideas of the reason, relations or attributes which are appropriate only to the facts or the concepts of experience.
antiphon noun A musical response; alternate singing or chanting. See Antiphony, and Antiphone., A verse said before and after the psalms.
antipode noun One of the antipodes; anything exactly opposite.
antipole noun The opposite pole; anything diametrically opposed.
antipope noun One who is elected, or claims to be, pope in opposition to the pope canonically chosen; esp. applied to those popes who resided at Avignon during the Great Schism.
antipyic adjective Checking or preventing suppuration., An antipyic medicine.
antiscii noun pl. The inhabitants of the earth, living on different sides of the equator, whose shadows at noon are cast in opposite directions.
antithet noun An antithetic or contrasted statement.
antitype noun That of which the type is the pattern or representation; that which is represented by the type or symbol.
antitypy noun Opposition or resistance of matter to force.
antlered adjective Furnished with antlers.
ant-lion noun A neuropterous insect, the larva of which makes in the sand a pitfall to capture ants, etc. The common American species is Myrmeleon obsoletus, the European is M. formicarius.
antozone noun A compound formerly supposed to be modification of oxygen, but now known to be hydrogen dioxide; — so called because apparently antagonistic to ozone, converting it into ordinary oxygen.
antrorse adjective Forward or upward in direction.
anything noun Any object, act, state, event, or fact whatever; thing of any kind; something or other; aught; as, I would not do it for anything., Expressing an indefinite comparison; — with as or like., In any measure; anywise; at all.
anywhere adverb In any place.
angurize verb t. To augur.