8 letter word starting with ap

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
apagogic adjective Alt. of Apagogical
apastron noun That point in the orbit of a double star where the smaller star is farthest from its primary.
apathist noun One who is destitute of feeling.
apathies plural of Apathy
apellous adjective Destitute of skin.
apennine adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, the Apennines, a chain of mountains extending through Italy.
aperient adjective Gently opening the bowels; laxative., An aperient medicine or food.
apertion noun The act of opening; an opening; an aperture.
aperture noun The act of opening., An opening; an open space; a gap, cleft, or chasm; a passage perforated; a hole; as, an aperture in a wall., The diameter of the exposed part of the object glass of a telescope or other optical instrument; as, a telescope of four-inch aperture.
aphakial adjective Pertaining to aphakia; as, aphakial eyes.
aphanite noun A very compact, dark-colored /ock, consisting of hornblende, or pyroxene, and feldspar, but neither of them in perceptible grains.
aphelion noun That point of a planet’s or comet’s orbit which is most distant from the sun, the opposite point being the perihelion.
aphetism noun An aphetized form of a word.
aphetize verb t. To shorten by aphesis.
aphidian adjective Of or pertaining to the family Aphidae., One of the aphides; an aphid.
aphonous adjective Without voice; voiceless; nonvocal.
aphorism noun A comprehensive maxim or principle expressed in a few words; a sharply defined sentence relating to abstract truth rather than to practical matters.
aphorist noun A writer or utterer of aphorisms.
aphorize verb i. To make aphorisms.
aphthoid adjective Of the nature of aphthae; resembling thrush.
aphthong noun A letter, or a combination of letters, employed in spelling a word, but in the pronunciation having no sound.
aphthous adjective Pertaining to, or caused by, aphthae; characterized by aphtae; as, aphthous ulcers; aphthous fever.
apiarian adjective Of or relating to bees.
apiarist noun One who keeps an apiary.
apicular adjective Situated at, or near, the apex; apical.
aplastic adjective Not plastic or easily molded.
aplotomy noun Simple incision.
aplustre noun An ornamental appendage of wood at the ship’s stern, usually spreading like a fan and curved like a bird’s feather.
apocynin noun A bitter principle obtained from the dogbane (Apocynum cannabinum).
apodixis noun Full demonstration.
apodosis noun The consequent clause or conclusion in a conditional sentence, expressing the result, and thus distinguished from the protasis or clause which expresses a condition. Thus, in the sentence, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him,” the former clause is the protasis, and the latter the apodosis.
apogamic adjective Relating to apogamy.
apograph noun A copy or transcript.
apollyon noun The Destroyer; — a name used (Rev. ix. 11) for the angel of the bottomless pit, answering to the Hebrew Abaddon.
apologer noun A teller of apologues.
apologue noun A story or relation of fictitious events, intended to convey some moral truth; a moral fable.
apophyge noun The small hollow curvature given to the top or bottom of the shaft of a column where it expands to meet the edge of the fillet; — called also the scape.
apoplexy noun Sudden diminution or loss of consciousness, sensation, and voluntary motion, usually caused by pressure on the brain.
apositic adjective Destroying the appetite, or suspending hunger.
apostasy noun An abandonment of what one has voluntarily professed; a total desertion of departure from one’s faith, principles, or party; esp., the renunciation of a religious faith; as, Julian’s apostasy from Christianity.
apostate noun One who has forsaken the faith, principles, or party, to which he before adhered; esp., one who has forsaken his religion for another; a pervert; a renegade., One who, after having received sacred orders, renounces his clerical profession., Pertaining to, or characterized by, apostasy; faithless to moral allegiance; renegade., To apostatize.
aposteme noun An abscess; a swelling filled with purulent matter.
apostume noun See Aposteme.
apothegm noun Alt. of Apophthegm
appalled imp. & past participle of Appall
appanage noun The portion of land assigned by a sovereign prince for the subsistence of his younger sons., A dependency; a dependent territory., That which belongs to one by custom or right; a natural adjunct or accompaniment.
apparent adjective Capable of being seen, or easily seen; open to view; visible to the eye; within sight or view., Clear or manifest to the understanding; plain; evident; obvious; known; palpable; indubitable., Appearing to the eye or mind (distinguished from, but not necessarily opposed to, true or real); seeming; as the apparent motion or diameter of the sun., An heir apparent.
appealed imp. & past participle of Appeal, of Appease
appealer noun One who makes an appeal.
appeared imp. & past participle of Appear
appearer noun One who appears.
appeaser noun One who appeases; a pacifier.
appellee noun The defendant in an appeal; — opposed to appellant., The person who is appealed against, or accused of crime; — opposed to appellor.
appellor noun The person who institutes an appeal, or prosecutes another for a crime., One who confesses a felony committed and accuses his accomplices.
appenage noun See Appanage.
appended imp. & past participle of Append
appendix noun Something appended or added; an appendage, adjunct, or concomitant., Any literary matter added to a book, but not necessarily essential to its completeness, and thus distinguished from supplement, which is intended to supply deficiencies and correct inaccuracies.
appetent adjective Desiring; eagerly desirous.
appetite noun The desire for some personal gratification, either of the body or of the mind., Desire for, or relish of, food or drink; hunger., Any strong desire; an eagerness or longing., Tendency; appetency., The thing desired.
appetize verb t. To make hungry; to whet the appetite of.
applause noun The act of applauding; approbation and praise publicly expressed by clapping the hands, stamping or tapping with the feet, acclamation, huzzas, or other means; marked commendation.
applique adjective Ornamented with a pattern (which has been cut out of another color or stuff) applied or transferred to a foundation; as, applique lace; applique work.
applying present participle & vb. noun of Apply
apporter noun A bringer in; an importer.
apposite adjective Very applicable; well adapted; suitable or fit; relevant; pat; — followed by to; as, this argument is very apposite to the case.
appraise verb t. To set a value; to estimate the worth of, particularly by persons appointed for the purpose; as, to appraise goods and chattels., To estimate; to conjecture., To praise; to commend.
apprised imp. & past participle of Apprise
apprizal noun See Appraisal.
apprizer noun An appraiser., A creditor for whom an appraisal is made.
approach verb i. To come or go near, in place or time; to draw nigh; to advance nearer., To draw near, in a figurative sense; to make advances; to approximate; as, he approaches to the character of the ablest statesman., To bring near; to cause to draw near; to advance., To come near to in place, time, or character; to draw nearer to; as, to approach the city; to approach my cabin; he approached the age of manhood., To take approaches to., The act of drawing near; a coming or advancing near., A access, or opportunity of drawing near., Movements to gain favor; advances., A way, passage, or avenue by which a place or buildings can be approached; an access., The advanced works, trenches, or covered roads made by besiegers in their advances toward a fortress or military post., See Approaching.
appropre verb t. To appropriate.
approval noun Approbation; sanction.
approved imp. & past participle of Approve
approver noun One who approves. Formerly, one who made proof or trial., An informer; an accuser., One who confesses a crime and accuses another. See 1st Approvement, 2., A bailiff or steward; an agent.
apricate verb t. & i. To bask in the sun.
apronful noun The quantity an apron can hold.
apterous adjective Destitute of wings; apteral; as, apterous insects., Destitute of winglike membranous expansions, as a stem or petiole; — opposed to alate.
aptitude noun A natural or acquired disposition or capacity for a particular purpose, or tendency to a particular action or effect; as, oil has an aptitude to burn., A general fitness or suitableness; adaptation., Readiness in learning; docility; aptness.
aptychus noun A shelly plate found in the terminal chambers of ammonite shells. Some authors consider them to be jaws; others, opercula.
apyretic adjective Without fever; — applied to days when there is an intermission of fever.
apyrexia noun Alt. of Apyrexy