8 letter word starting with as

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
asbestic adjective Of, pertaining to, or resembling asbestus; inconsumable; asbestine.
asbestus noun Alt. of Asbestos
asbestos noun A variety of amphibole or of pyroxene, occurring in long and delicate fibers, or in fibrous masses or seams, usually of a white, gray, or green-gray color. The name is also given to a similar variety of serpentine.
ascended imp. & past participle of Ascend
ascidian noun One of the Ascidioidea, or in a more general sense, one of the Tunicata. Also as an adj.
ascidium noun A pitcher-shaped, or flask-shaped, organ or appendage of a plant, as the leaves of the pitcher plant, or the little bladderlike traps of the bladderwort (Utricularia)., A genus of simple ascidians, which formerly included most of the known species. It is sometimes used as a name for the Ascidioidea, or for all the Tunicata.
ascribed imp. & past participle of Ascribe
ashantee noun A native or an inhabitant of Ashantee in Western Africa., Of or pertaining to Ashantee.
ash-fire noun A low fire used in chemical operations.
ash-oven noun A furnace or oven for fritting materials for glass making.
assinego noun A stupid fellow., See Asinego.
asmonean adjective Of or pertaining to the patriotic Jewish family to which the Maccabees belonged; Maccabean; as, the Asmonean dynasty., One of the Asmonean family. The Asmoneans were leaders and rulers of the Jews from 168 to 35 b. c.
aspartic adjective Pertaining to, or derived, asparagine; as, aspartic acid.
aspected adjective Having an aspect.
asperate verb t. To make rough or uneven.
asperges noun The service or ceremony of sprinkling with holy water., The brush or instrument used in sprinkling holy water; an aspergill.
asperity noun Roughness of surface; unevenness; — opposed to smoothness., Roughness or harshness of sound; that quality which grates upon the ear; raucity., Roughness to the taste; sourness; tartness., Moral roughness; roughness of manner; severity; crabbedness; harshness; — opposed to mildness., Sharpness; disagreeableness; difficulty.
asperous adjective Rough; uneven.
aspersed imp. & past participle of Asperse, Having an indefinite number of small charges scattered or strewed over the surface., Bespattered; slandered; calumniated.
asperser noun One who asperses; especially, one who vilifies another.
asphalte noun Asphaltic mastic or cement. See Asphalt, 2.
asphodel noun A general name for a plant of the genus Asphodelus. The asphodels are hardy perennial plants, several species of which are cultivated for the beauty of their flowers.
asphyxia noun Alt. of Asphyxy
aspirant adjective Aspiring., One who aspires; one who eagerly seeks some high position or object of attainment.
aspirate verb t. To pronounce with a breathing, an aspirate, or an h sound; as, we aspirate the words horse and house; to aspirate a vowel or a liquid consonant., A sound consisting of, or characterized by, a breath like the sound of h; the breathing h or a character representing such a sound; an aspirated sound., A mark of aspiration (/) used in Greek; the asper, or rough breathing., An elementary sound produced by the breath alone; a surd, or nonvocal consonant; as, f, th in thin, etc., Alt. of Aspirated
aspiring present participle & vb. noun of Aspire, That aspires; as, an Aspiring mind.
assailed imp. & past participle of Assail
assailer noun One who assails.
assamese adjective Of or pertaining to Assam, a province of British India, or to its inhabitants., A native or natives of Assam.
assassin noun One who kills, or attempts to kill, by surprise or secret assault; one who treacherously murders any one unprepared for defense., To assassinate.
assaying present participle & vb. noun of Assay, The act or process of testing, esp. of analyzing or examining metals and ores, to determine the proportion of pure metal.
assecure verb t. To make sure or safe; to assure.
assemble verb t. To collect into one place or body; to bring or call together; to convene; to congregate., To meet or come together, as a number of individuals; to convene; to congregate., To liken; to compare.
assembly noun A company of persons collected together in one place, and usually for some common purpose, esp. for deliberation and legislation, for worship, or for social entertainment., A collection of inanimate objects., A beat of the drum or sound of the bugle as a signal to troops to assemble.
assented imp. & past participle of Assent
assenter noun One who assents.
asserted imp. & past participle of Assert
asserter noun One who asserts; one who avers pr maintains; an assertor.
assertor noun One who asserts or avers; one who maintains or vindicates a claim or a right; an affirmer, supporter, or vindicator; a defender; an asserter.
assessed imp. & past participle of Assess
assessee noun One who is assessed.
assessor verb One appointed or elected to assist a judge or magistrate with his special knowledge of the subject to be decided; as legal assessors, nautical assessors., One who sits by another, as next in dignity, or as an assistant and adviser; an associate in office., One appointed to assess persons or property for the purpose of taxation.
assidean noun One of a body of devoted Jews who opposed the Hellenistic Jews, and supported the Asmoneans.
assident adjective Usually attending a disease, but not always; as, assident signs, or symptoms.
assiento noun A contract or convention between Spain and other powers for furnishing negro slaves for the Spanish dominions in America, esp. the contract made with Great Britain in 1713.
assigned imp. & past participle of Assign
assignat noun One of the notes, bills, or bonds, issued as currency by the revolutionary government of France (1790-1796), and based on the security of the lands of the church and of nobles which had been appropriated by the state.
assignee verb A person to whom an assignment is made; a person appointed or deputed by another to do some act, perform some business, or enjoy some right, privilege, or property; as, an assignee of a bankrupt. See Assignment (c). An assignee may be by special appointment or deed, or be created by jaw; as an executor., In England, the persons appointed, under a commission of bankruptcy, to manage the estate of a bankrupt for the benefit of his creditors.
assigner noun One who assigns, appoints, allots, or apportions.
assignor noun An assigner; a person who assigns or transfers an interest; as, the assignor of a debt or other chose in action.
assisted imp. & past participle of Assist
assister noun An assistant; a helper.
assistor noun A assister.
assizing present participle & vb. noun of Assize
assonant adjective Having a resemblance of sounds., Pertaining to the peculiar species of rhyme called assonance; not consonant.
assonate verb i. To correspond in sound.
assorted imp. & past participle of Assort, Selected; culled.
assuaged imp. & past participle of Assuage
assuager noun One who, or that which, assuages.
assuming present participle & vb. noun of Assume, Pretentious; taking much upon one’s self; presumptuous.
assument noun A patch; an addition; a piece put on.
assuring present participle & vb. noun of Assure, That assures; tending to assure; giving confidence.
assyrian adjective Of or pertaining to Assyria, or to its inhabitants., A native or an inhabitant of Assyria; the language of Assyria.
asterias noun A genus of echinoderms.
asterion noun The point on the side of the skull where the lambdoid, parieto-mastoid and occipito-mastoid sutures.
asterisk noun The figure of a star, thus, /, used in printing and writing as a reference to a passage or note in the margin, to supply the omission of letters or words, or to mark a word or phrase as having a special character.
asterism noun A constellation., A small cluster of stars., An asterisk, or mark of reference., Three asterisks placed in this manner, /, to direct attention to a particular passage., An optical property of some crystals which exhibit a star-shaped by reflected light, as star sapphire, or by transmitted light, as some mica.
asternal adjective Not sternal; — said of ribs which do not join the sternum.
asteroid noun A starlike body; esp. one of the numerous small planets whose orbits lie between those of Mars and Jupiter; — called also planetoids and minor planets.
asthenia noun Alt. of Astheny
asthenic adjective Characterized by, or pertaining to, debility; weak; debilitating.
astomous adjective Not possessing a mouth.
astonied past participle Stunned; astonished. See Astony., of Astony
astonish verb t. To stun; to render senseless, as by a blow., To strike with sudden fear, terror, or wonder; to amaze; to surprise greatly, as with something unaccountable; to confound with some sudden emotion or passion.
astraean adjective Pertaining to the genus Astraea or the family Astraeidae., A coral of the family Astraeidae; a star coral.
astragal noun A convex molding of rounded surface, generally from half to three quarters of a circle., A round molding encircling a cannon near the mouth.
astringe verb t. To bind fast; to constrict; to contract; to cause parts to draw together; to compress., To bind by moral or legal obligation.
astrofel noun Alt. of Astrofell
astroite noun A radiated stone or fossil; star-stone.
astucity noun Craftiness; astuteness.
asturian adjective Of or pertaining to Asturias in Spain., A native of Asturias.
astyllen noun A small dam to prevent free passage of water in an adit or level.
aswooned adverb In a swoon.
asystole noun A weakening or cessation of the contractile power of the heart.