8 letter word starting with au

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
audacity noun Daring spirit, resolution, or confidence; venturesomeness., Reckless daring; presumptuous impudence; — implying a contempt of law or moral restraints.
audience adjective The act of hearing; attention to sounds., Admittance to a hearing; a formal interview, esp. with a sovereign or the head of a government, for conference or the transaction of business., An auditory; an assembly of hearers. Also applied by authors to their readers.
auditing present participle & vb. noun of Audit
audition noun The act of hearing or listening; hearing.
auditive adjective Of or pertaining to hearing; auditory.
auditory adjective Of or pertaining to hearing, or to the sense or organs of hearing; as, the auditory nerve. See Ear., An assembly of hearers; an audience., An auditorium.
auditual adjective Auditory.
auguring present participle & vb. noun of Augur
augurate verb t. & i. To make or take auguries; to augur; to predict., The office of an augur.
augurial adjective Relating to augurs or to augury.
augurist noun An augur.
augurous adjective Full of augury; foreboding.
auguries plural of Augury
augustan noun Of or pertaining to Augustus Caesar or to his times., Of or pertaining to the town of Augsburg.
augustly adverb In an august manner.
aularian adjective Relating to a hall., At Oxford, England, a member of a hall, distinguished from a collegian.
aulnager noun See Alnage and Alnager.
auncetry noun Ancestry.
auntrous adjective Adventurous.
aurelian adjective Of or pertaining to the aurelia., An amateur collector and breeder of insects, esp. of butterflies and moths; a lepidopterist.
auricled adjective Having ear-shaped appendages or lobes; auriculate; as, auricled leaves.
auricula noun A species of Primula, or primrose, called also, from the shape of its leaves, bear’s-ear., A species of Hirneola (H. auricula), a membranaceous fungus, called also auricula Judae, or Jew’s-ear., A genus of air-breathing mollusks mostly found near the sea, where the water is brackish, One of the five arched processes of the shell around the jaws of a sea urchin.
auriform adjective Having the form of the human ear; ear-shaped.
ausonian adjective Italian.
auspices plural of Auspice
austrian adjective Of or pertaining to Austria, or to its inhabitants., A native or an inhabitant of Austria.
austrine noun Southern; southerly; austral.
autarchy noun Self-sufficiency.
authorly adjective Authorial.
autocrat adjective An absolute sovereign; a monarch who holds and exercises the powers of government by claim of absolute right, not subject to restriction; as, Autocrat of all the Russias (a title of the Czar)., One who rules with undisputed sway in any company or relation; a despot.
autogamy noun Self-fertilization, the fertilizing pollen being derived from the same blossom as the pistil acted upon.
automath noun One who is self-taught.
automata plural of Automaton
autonomy noun The power or right of self-government; self-government, or political independence, of a city or a state., The sovereignty of reason in the sphere of morals; or man’s power, as possessed of reason, to give law to himself. In this, according to Kant, consist the true nature and only possible proof of liberty.
autopsic adjective Alt. of Autopsical
autoptic adjective Alt. of Autoptical
autotype noun A facsimile., A photographic picture produced in sensitized pigmented gelatin by exposure to light under a negative; and subsequent washing out of the soluble parts; a kind of picture in ink from a gelatin plate.
autotypy noun The art or process of making autotypes.
autumnal adjective Of, belonging to, or peculiar to, autumn; as, an autumnal tint; produced or gathered in autumn; as, autumnal fruits; flowering in autumn; as, an autumnal plant., Past the middle of life; in the third stage.
auxiliar adjective Auxiliary., An auxiliary.