8 letter word starting with barb

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
barbacan noun See Barbican., A tower or advanced work defending the entrance to a castle or city, as at a gate or bridge. It was often large and strong, having a ditch and drawbridge of its own., An opening in the wall of a fortress, through which missiles were discharged upon an enemy.
barbados noun Alt. of Barbadoes
barbated adjective Having barbed points.
barbecue noun A hog, ox, or other large animal roasted or broiled whole for a feast., A social entertainment, where many people assemble, usually in the open air, at which one or more large animals are roasted or broiled whole., A floor, on which coffee beans are sun-dried., To dry or cure by exposure on a frame or gridiron., To roast or broil whole, as an ox or hog.
barbered imp. & past participle of Barber
barberry noun A shrub of the genus Berberis, common along roadsides and in neglected fields. B. vulgaris is the species best known; its oblong red berries are made into a preserve or sauce, and have been deemed efficacious in fluxes and fevers. The bark dyes a fine yellow, esp. the bark of the root.
barbette noun A mound of earth or a platform in a fortification, on which guns are mounted to fire over the parapet.
barbican noun Alt. of Barbacan
barbicel noun One of the small hooklike processes on the barbules of feathers.
barbiers noun A variety of paralysis, peculiar to India and the Malabar coast; — considered by many to be the same as beriberi in chronic form.
barbiton noun An ancient Greek instrument resembling a lyre.