8 letter word starting with bi

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
bibacity noun The practice or habit of drinking too much; tippling.
bibirine noun See Bebeerine.
bibitory adjective Of or pertaining to drinking or tippling.
biblical adjective Pertaining to, or derived from, the Bible; as, biblical learning; biblical authority.
bibulous verb t. Readily imbibing fluids or moisture; spongy; as, bibulous blotting paper., Inclined to drink; addicted to tippling.
bicaudal adjective Having, or terminating in, two tails.
bickered imp. & past participle of Bicker
bickerer noun One who bickers.
biconvex adjective Convex on both sides; as, a biconvex lens.
bicorned adjective Alt. of Bicornous
bicrural adjective Having two legs.
bicuspid adjective Alt. of Bicuspidate, One of the two double-pointed teeth which intervene between the canines (cuspids) and the molars, on each side of each jaw. See Tooth, n.
bicycler noun One who rides a bicycle.
bicyclic adjective Relating to bicycles.
biddable adjective Obedient; docile.
bidental adjective Having two teeth.
biennial adjective Happening, or taking place, once in two years; as, a biennial election., Continuing for two years, and then perishing, as plants which form roots and leaves the first year, and produce fruit the second., Something which takes place or appears once in two years; esp. a biennial examination., A plant which exists or lasts for two years.
bierbalk noun A church road (e. g., a path across fields) for funerals.
bifacial adjective Having the opposite surfaces alike.
biferous adjective Bearing fruit twice a year.
bifidate adjective See Bifid.
biforate adjective Having two perforations.
biforine noun An oval sac or cell, found in the leaves of certain plants of the order Araceae. It has an opening at each end through which raphides, generated inside, are discharged.
biforked adjective Bifurcate.
biformed adjective Having two forms.
biforous adjective See Biforate.
bigamist noun One who is guilty of bigamy.
bigamous adjective Guilty of bigamy; involving bigamy; as, a bigamous marriage.
bigaroon noun The large white-heart cherry.
bignonia noun A large genus of American, mostly tropical, climbing shrubs, having compound leaves and showy somewhat tubular flowers. B. capreolata is the cross vine of the Southern United States. The trumpet creeper was formerly considered to be of this genus.
bijoutry noun Small articles of virtu, as jewelry, trinkets, etc.
bijugate adjective Having two pairs, as of leaflets.
bijugous adjective Bijugate.
bilander noun A small two-masted merchant vessel, fitted only for coasting, or for use in canals, as in Holland.
bilberry noun The European whortleberry (Vaccinium myrtillus); also, its edible bluish black fruit., Any similar plant or its fruit; esp., in America, the species Vaccinium myrtilloides, V. caespitosum and V. uliginosum.
biliment noun A woman’s ornament; habiliment.
bilinear adjective Of, pertaining to, or included by, two lines; as, bilinear coordinates.
billeted imp. & past participle of Billet
billfish noun A name applied to several distinct fishes, The garfish (Tylosurus, / Belone, longirostris) and allied species., The saury, a slender fish of the Atlantic coast (Scomberesox saurus)., The Tetrapturus albidus, a large oceanic species related to the swordfish; the spearfish., The American fresh-water garpike (Lepidosteus osseus).
billhead noun A printed form, used by merchants in making out bills or rendering accounts.
billhook noun A thick, heavy knife with a hooked point, used in pruning hedges, etc. When it has a short handle, it is sometimes called a hand bill; when the handle is long, a hedge bill or scimiter.
billiard adjective Of or pertaining to the game of billiards.
billowed imp. & past participle of Billow
billyboy noun A flat-bottomed river barge or coasting vessel.
bilobate adjective Divided into two lobes or segments.
bimanous adjective Having two hands; two-handed.
bimedial adjective Applied to a line which is the sum of two lines commensurable only in power (as the side and diagonal of a square).
bimensal adjective See Bimonthly, a.
binaural adjective Of or pertaining to, or used by, both ears.
bindweed noun A plant of the genus Convolvulus; as, greater bindweed (C. Sepium); lesser bindweed (C. arvensis); the white, the blue, the Syrian, bindweed. The black bryony, or Tamus, is called black bindweed, and the Smilax aspera, rough bindweed.
binnacle noun A case or box placed near the helmsman, containing the compass of a ship, and a light to show it at night.
binomial noun An expression consisting of two terms connected by the sign plus (+) or minus (-); as, a + b, or 7 – 3., Consisting of two terms; pertaining to binomials; as, a binomial root., Having two names; — used of the system by which every animal and plant receives two names, the one indicating the genus, the other the species, to which it belongs.
binoxide noun Same as Dioxide.
bioblast noun Same as Bioplast.
biologic adjective Alt. of Biological
biolysis noun The destruction of life.
biolytic adjective Relating to the destruction of life.
biometry noun Measurement of life; calculation of the probable duration of human life.
bioplasm noun A name suggested by Dr. Beale for the germinal matter supposed to be essential to the functions of all living beings; the material through which every form of life manifests itself; unaltered protoplasm.
bioplast noun A tiny mass of bioplasm, in itself a living unit and having formative power, as a living white blood corpuscle; bioblast.
biparous adjective Bringing forth two at a birth.
bipennis noun An ax with an edge or blade on each side of the handle.
biramous adjective Having, or consisting of, two branches.
birching present participle & vb. noun of Birch
birdbolt noun A short blunt arrow for killing birds without piercing them., Anything which smites without penetrating.
birdcage noun A cage for confining birds.
birdcall noun A sound made in imitation of the note or cry of a bird for the purpose of decoying the bird or its mate., An instrument of any kind, as a whistle, used in making the sound of a birdcall.
birdikin noun A young bird.
birdlike adjective Resembling a bird.
birdlime noun An extremely adhesive viscid substance, usually made of the middle bark of the holly, by boiling, fermenting, and cleansing it. When a twig is smeared with this substance it will hold small birds which may light upon it. Hence: Anything which insnares., To smear with birdlime; to catch with birdlime; to insnare.
birdling noun A little bird; a nestling.
birdseed noun Canary seed, hemp, millet or other small seeds used for feeding caged birds.
birthday noun The day in which any person is born; day of origin or commencement., The day of the month in which a person was born, in whatever succeeding year it may recur; the anniversary of one’s birth., Of or pertaining to the day of birth, or its anniversary; as, birthday gifts or festivities.
birthdom noun The land of one’s birth; one’s inheritance.
birthing noun Anything added to raise the sides of a ship.
biscayan adjective Of or pertaining to Biscay in Spain., A native or inhabitant of Biscay.
biscotin noun A confection made of flour, sugar, marmalade, and eggs; a sweet biscuit.
bisected imp. & past participle of Bisect
bisector noun One who, or that which, bisects; esp. (Geom.) a straight line which bisects an angle.
biserial adjective Alt. of Biseriate
bisetose adjective Alt. of Bisetous
bisetous adjective Having two bristles.
bisexous adjective Bisexual.
bisexual adjective Of both sexes; hermaphrodite; as a flower with stamens and pistil, or an animal having ovaries and testes.
bishoped imp. & past participle of Bishop, of Bishop
bishoply adjective Bishoplike; episcopal., In the manner of a bishop.
bistoury noun A surgical instrument consisting of a slender knife, either straight or curved, generally used by introducing it beneath the part to be divided, and cutting towards the surface.
bitheism noun Belief in the existence of two gods; dualism.
bitingly adverb In a biting manner.
bitstock noun A stock or handle for holding and rotating a bit; a brace.
bittacle noun A binnacle.
bitterly adverb In a bitter manner.
bivalent present participle Equivalent in combining or displacing power to two atoms of hydrogen; dyad.
bivalved adjective Having two valves, as the oyster and some seed pods; bivalve.
bivector noun A term made up of the two parts / + /1 /-1, where / and /1 are vectors.
biweekly adjective Occurring or appearing once every two weeks; fortnightly., A publication issued every two weeks.