8 letter word starting with bl

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
blabbing present participle & vb. noun of Blab
blacking present participle & vb. noun of Black, Any preparation for making things black; esp. one for giving a black luster to boots and shoes, or to stoves., The act or process of making black.
blackcap noun A small European song bird (Sylvia atricapilla), with a black crown; the mock nightingale., An American titmouse (Parus atricapillus); the chickadee., An apple roasted till black, to be served in a dish of boiled custard., The black raspberry.
blackfin noun See Bluefin.
blackish adjective Somewhat black.
blackleg noun A notorious gambler., A disease among calves and sheep, characterized by a settling of gelatinous matter in the legs, and sometimes in the neck.
bladdery adjective Having bladders; also, resembling a bladder.
blamable adjective Deserving of censure; faulty; culpable; reprehensible; censurable; blameworthy.
blameful adjective Faulty; meriting blame., Attributing blame or fault; implying or conveying censure; faultfinding; censorious.
blancard noun A kind of linen cloth made in Normandy, the thread of which is partly blanches before it is woven.
blanched imp. & past participle of Blanch
blancher noun One who, or that which, blanches or whitens; esp., one who anneals and cleanses money; also, a chemical preparation for this purpose., One who, or that which, frightens away or turns aside.
blandise verb i. To blandish any one.
blandish verb t. To flatter with kind words or affectionate actions; to caress; to cajole., To make agreeable and enticing.
blanking present participle & vb. noun of Blank
blasting present participle & vb. noun of Blast, A blast; destruction by a blast, or by some pernicious cause., The act or process of one who, or that which, blasts; the business of one who blasts.
blastema noun The structureless, protoplasmic tissue of the embryo; the primitive basis of an organ yet unformed, from which it grows.
blastide noun A small, clear space in the segments of the ovum, the precursor of the nucleus.
blastoid noun One of the Blastoidea.
blastula noun That stage in the development of the ovum in which the outer cells of the morula become more defined and form the blastoderm.
blastule noun Same as Blastula.
blatancy noun Blatant quality.
blazoned imp. & past participle of Blazon
blazoner noun One who gives publicity, proclaims, or blazons; esp., one who blazons coats of arms; a herald.
blazonry noun Same as Blazon, 3., A coat of arms; an armorial bearing or bearings., Artistic representation or display.
bleached imp. & past participle of Bleach, Whitened; make white.
bleacher noun One who whitens, or whose occupation is to whiten, by bleaching.
blearing present participle & vb. noun of Blear
bleareye noun A disease of the eyelids, consisting in chronic inflammation of the margins, with a gummy secretion of sebaceous matter.
bleating present participle & vb. noun of Bleat, Crying as a sheep does., The cry of, or as of, a sheep.
bleeding present participle & vb. noun of Bleed, Emitting, or appearing to emit, blood or sap, etc.; also, expressing anguish or compassion., A running or issuing of blood, as from the nose or a wound; a hemorrhage; the operation of letting blood, as in surgery; a drawing or running of sap from a tree or plant.
blenched imp. & past participle of Blench
blencher noun One who, or that which, scares another; specifically, a person stationed to prevent the escape of the deer, at a hunt. See Blancher., One who blenches, flinches, or shrinks back.
blending present participle & vb. noun of Blend, The act of mingling., The method of laying on different tints so that they may mingle together while wet, and shade into each other insensibly.
blendous adjective Pertaining to, consisting of, or containing, blende.
blenniid adjective Of, pertaining to, or resembling, the blennies.
blennies plural of Blenny
blessing present participle & vb. noun of Bless, The act of one who blesses., A declaration of divine favor, or an invocation imploring divine favor on some or something; a benediction; a wish of happiness pronounces., A means of happiness; that which promotes prosperity and welfare; a beneficent gift., A gift., Grateful praise or worship.
bletting noun A form of decay seen in fleshy, overripe fruit.
blighted imp. & past participle of Blight
blimbing noun See Bilimbi, etc.
blinding present participle & vb. noun of Blind, Making blind or as if blind; depriving of sight or of understanding; obscuring; as, blinding tears; blinding snow., A thin coating of sand and fine gravel over a newly paved road. See Blind, v. t., 4.
blindage noun A cover or protection for an advanced trench or approach, formed of fascines and earth supported by a framework.
blinking present participle & vb. noun of Blink
blinkard noun One who blinks with, or as with, weak eyes., That which twinkles or glances, as a dim star, which appears and disappears.
blissful adjective Full of, characterized by, or causing, joy and felicity; happy in the highest degree.
blistery adjective Full of blisters.
blithely adverb In a blithe manner.
blizzard noun A gale of piercingly cold wind, usually accompanied with fine and blinding snow; a furious blast.
bloating present participle & vb. noun of Bloat
blocking present participle & vb. noun of Block, The act of obstructing, supporting, shaping, or stamping with a block or blocks., Blocks used to support (a building, etc.) temporarily.
blockade verb t. The shutting up of a place by troops or ships, with the purpose of preventing ingress or egress, or the reception of supplies; as, the blockade of the ports of an enemy., An obstruction to passage., To shut up, as a town or fortress, by investing it with troops or vessels or war for the purpose of preventing ingress or egress, or the introduction of supplies. See note under Blockade, n., Hence, to shut in so as to prevent egress., To obstruct entrance to or egress from.
blockage noun The act of blocking up; the state of being blocked up.
blockish adjective Like a block; deficient in understanding; stupid; dull.
bloedite noun A hydrous sulphate of magnesium and sodium.
bloncket adjective Alt. of Blonket
blooding present participle & vb. noun of Blood
bloodily adverb In a bloody manner; cruelly; with a disposition to shed blood.
bloodlet verb t. bleed; to let blood.
bloodulf noun The European bullfinch.
bloodwit noun A fine or amercement paid as a composition for the shedding of blood; also, a riot wherein blood was spilled.
bloodied imp. & past participle of Bloody
blooming present participle & vb. noun of Bloom, The process of making blooms from the ore or from cast iron., Opening in blossoms; flowering., Thriving in health, beauty, and vigor; indicating the freshness and beauties of youth or health.
bloomary noun See Bloomery.
bloomery noun A furnace and forge in which wrought iron in the form of blooms is made directly from the ore, or (more rarely) from cast iron.
blossomy adjective Full of blossoms; flowery.
blotting present participle & vb. noun of Blot
blotched adjective Marked or covered with blotches.
blotless adjective Without blot.
blowball noun The downy seed head of a dandelion, which children delight to blow away.
blowhole noun A cavern in a cliff, at the water level, opening to the air at its farther extremity, so that the waters rush in with each surge and rise in a lofty jet from the extremity., A nostril or spiracle in the top of the head of a whale or other cetacean., A hole in the ice to which whales, seals, etc., come to breathe., An air hole in a casting.
blow-off noun A blowing off steam, water, etc.;, as, a blow-off cock or pipe., An outburst of temper or excitement.
blow-out noun The cleaning of the flues of a boiler from scale, etc., by a blast of steam.
blowpipe noun A tube for directing a jet of air into a fire or into the flame of a lamp or candle, so as to concentrate the heat on some object., A blowgun; a blowtube.
blowtube noun A blowgun., A similar instrument, commonly of tin, used by boys for discharging paper wads and other light missiles., A long wrought iron tube, on the end of which the workman gathers a quantity of “metal” (melted glass), and through which he blows to expand or shape it; — called also blowing tube, and blowpipe.
blubbery adjective Swollen; protuberant., Like blubber; gelatinous and quivering; as, a blubbery mass.
bludgeon noun A short stick, with one end loaded, or thicker and heavier that the other, used as an offensive weapon.
blueback noun A trout (Salmo oquassa) inhabiting some of the lakes of Maine., A salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) of the Columbia River and northward., An American river herring (Clupea aestivalis), closely allied to the alewife.
bluebell noun A plant of the genus Campanula, especially the Campanula rotundifolia, which bears blue bell-shaped flowers; the harebell., A plant of the genus Scilla (Scilla nutans).
bluebill noun A duck of the genus Fuligula. Two American species (F. marila and F. affinis) are common. See Scaup duck.
bluebird noun A small song bird (Sialia sialis), very common in the United States, and, in the north, one of the earliest to arrive in spring. The male is blue, with the breast reddish. It is related to the European robin.
bluecoat noun One dressed in blue, as a soldier, a sailor, a beadle, etc.
blue-eye noun The blue-cheeked honeysucker of Australia.
bluefish noun A large voracious fish (Pomatomus saitatrix), of the family Carangidae, valued as a food fish, and widely distributed on the American coast. On the New Jersey and Rhode Island coast it is called the horse mackerel, in Virginia saltwater tailor, or skipjack., A West Indian fish (Platyglossus radiatus), of the family Labridae.
bluegown noun One of a class of paupers or pensioners, or licensed beggars, in Scotland, to whim annually on the king’s birthday were distributed certain alms, including a blue gown; a beadsman.
blue jay The common jay of the United States (Cyanocitta, or Cyanura, cristata). The predominant color is bright blue.
blueness noun The quality of being blue; a blue color.
bluenose noun A nickname for a Nova Scotian.
bluepoll noun A kind of salmon (Salmo Cambricus) found in Wales.
bluewing noun The blue-winged teal. See Teal.
bluffing present participle & vb. noun of Bluff
blunging noun The process of mixing clay in potteries with a blunger.
blunting present participle & vb. noun of Blunt
bluntish adjective Somewhat blunt.
blurring present participle & vb. noun of Blur
blurting present participle & vb. noun of Blurt
blushing present participle & vb. noun of Blush, Showing blushes; rosy red; having a warm and delicate color like some roses and other flowers; blooming; ruddy; roseate., The act of turning red; the appearance of a reddish color or flush upon the cheeks.
blushful adjective Full of blushes.