8 letter word starting with bro

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
broached imp. & past participle of Broach
broacher noun A spit; a broach., One who broaches, opens, or utters; a first publisher or promoter.
broadish adjective Rather broad; moderately broad.
brocaded adjective Woven or worked, as brocade, with gold and silver, or with raised flowers, etc., Dressed in brocade.
brocatel noun A kind of coarse brocade, or figured fabric, used chiefly for tapestry, linings for carriages, etc., A marble, clouded and veined with white, gray, yellow, and red, in which the yellow usually prevails. It is also called Siena marble, from its locality.
broccoli noun A plant of the Cabbage species (Brassica oleracea) of many varieties, resembling the cauliflower. The “curd,” or flowering head, is the part used for food.
brochure verb t. A printed and stitched book containing only a few leaves; a pamphlet.
brockish adjective Beastly; brutal.
brodekin noun A buskin or half-boot.
broidery noun Embroidery.
broiling present participle & vb. noun of Broil, Excessively hot; as, a broiling sun., The act of causing anything to broil.
brokenly adverb In a broken, interrupted manner; in a broken state; in broken language.
brokerly adjective Mean; servile.
bromlife noun A carbonate of baryta and lime, intermediate between witherite and strontianite; — called also alstonite.
bromuret noun See Bromide.
bronchia noun pl. The bronchial tubes which arise from the branching of the trachea, esp. the subdivision of the bronchi.
bronchic adjective Bronchial.
bronchus noun One of the subdivisions of the trachea or windpipe; esp. one of the two primary divisions.
bronzing present participle & vb. noun of Bronze, The act or art of communicating to articles in metal, wood, clay, plaster, etc., the appearance of bronze by means of bronze powders, or imitative painting, or by chemical processes., A material for bronzing.
bronzine noun A metal so prepared as to have the appearance of bronze., Made of bronzine; resembling bronze; bronzelike.
bronzist noun One who makes, imitates, collects, or deals in, bronzes.
bronzite noun A variety of enstatite, often having a bronzelike luster. It is a silicate of magnesia and iron, of the pyroxene family.
brooding present participle & vb. noun of Brood
brooking present participle & vb. noun of Brook
brookite noun A mineral consisting of titanic oxide, and hence identical with rutile and octahedrite in composition, but crystallizing in the orthorhombic system.
brooklet noun A small brook.
brothers plural of Brother, of Brother
brougham noun A light, close carriage, with seats inside for two or four, and the fore wheels so arranged as to turn short.
browbeat imp. of Browbeat, To depress or bear down with haughty, stern looks, or with arrogant speech and dogmatic assertions; to abash or disconcert by impudent or abusive words or looks; to bully; as, to browbeat witnesses.
browdyng noun Embroidery.
browless adjective Without shame.
browning present participle & vb. noun of Brown, The act or operation of giving a brown color, as to gun barrels, etc., A smooth coat of brown mortar, usually the second coat, and the preparation for the finishing coat of plaster.
brownian adjective Pertaining to Dr. Robert Brown, who first demonstrated (about 1827) the commonness of the motion described below.
brownish adjective Somewhat brown.
brownism noun The views or teachings of Robert Brown of the Brownists., The doctrines of the Brunonian system of medicine. See Brunonian.
brownist noun A follower of Robert Brown, of England, in the 16th century, who taught that every church is complete and independent in itself when organized, and consists of members meeting in one place, having full power to elect and depose its officers., One who advocates the Brunonian system of medicine.
browpost noun A beam that goes across a building.
browsing present participle & vb. noun of Browse, Browse; also, a place abounding with shrubs where animals may browse.
browspot noun A rounded organ between the eyes of the frog; the interocular gland.