8 letter word starting with cap

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
capacify verb t. To quality.
capacity noun The power of receiving or containing; extent of room or space; passive power; — used in reference to physical things., The power of receiving and holding ideas, knowledge, etc.; the comprehensiveness of the mind; the receptive faculty; capability of undestanding or feeling., Ability; power pertaining to, or resulting from, the possession of strength, wealth, or talent; possibility of being or of doing., Outward condition or circumstances; occupation; profession; character; position; as, to work in the capacity of a mason or a carpenter., Legal or noral qualification, as of age, residence, character, etc., necessary for certain purposes, as for holding office, for marrying, for making contracts, will, etc.; legal power or right; competency.
capellet noun A swelling, like a wen, on the point of the elbow (or the heel of the hock) of a horse, caused probably by bruises in lying down.
capering present participle & vb. noun of Caper
capibara noun See Capybara.
capitate adjective Headlike in form; also, having the distal end enlarged and rounded, as the stigmas of certain flowers., Having the flowers gathered into a head.
capitula noun pl. See Capitulum.
capitule noun A summary.
capnomor noun A limpid, colorless oil with a peculiar odor, obtained from beech tar.
capoches plural of Capoch
capoched imp. & past participle of Capoch
caponize verb t. To castrate, as a fowl.
capotted imp. & past participle of Capot
cappaper See cap, n., also Paper, n.
cappella noun See A cappella.
capriole verb i. A leap that a horse makes with all fours, upwards only, without advancing, but with a kick or jerk of the hind legs when at the height of the leap., A leap or caper, as in dancing., To perform a capriole.
capriped adjective Having feet like those of a goat.
caproate noun A salt of caproic acid.
caprylic adjective See under Capric.
capsheaf noun The top sheaf of a stack of grain: (fig.) the crowning or finishing part of a thing.
capsicin noun A red liquid or soft resin extracted from various species of capsicum.
capsicum noun A genus of plants of many species, producing capsules or dry berries of various forms, which have an exceedingly pungent, biting taste, and when ground form the red or Cayenne pepper of commerce.
capsized imp. & past participle of Capsize
capstone noun A fossil echinus of the genus Cannulus; — so called from its supposed resemblance to a cap.
capsular adjective Alt. of Capsulary
captious adjective Apt to catch at faults; disposed to find fault or to cavil; eager to object; difficult to please., Fitted to harass, perplex, or insnare; insidious; troublesome.
captived imp. & past participle of Captive
captured imp. & past participle of Capture
capuccio noun A capoch or hood.
capuched adjective Cover with, or as with, a hood.
capuchin noun A Franciscan monk of the austere branch established in 1526 by Matteo di Baschi, distinguished by wearing the long pointed cowl or capoch of St. Francis., A garment for women, consisting of a cloak and hood, resembling, or supposed to resemble, that of capuchin monks., A long-tailed South American monkey (Cabus capucinus), having the forehead naked and wrinkled, with the hair on the crown reflexed and resembling a monk’s cowl, the rest being of a grayish white; — called also capucine monkey, weeper, sajou, sapajou, and sai., Other species of Cabus, as C. fatuellus (the brown or horned capucine.), C. albifrons (the cararara), and C. apella., A variety of the domestic pigeon having a hoodlike tuft of feathers on the head and sides of the neck.
capucine noun See Capuchin, 3.
capybara noun A large South American rodent (Hydrochaerus capybara) Living on the margins of lakes and rivers. It is the largest extant rodent, being about three feet long, and half that in height. It somewhat resembles the Guinea pig, to which it is related; — called also cabiai and water hog.