8 letter word starting with car

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
cariccio noun A piece in a free form, with frequent digressions from the theme; a fantasia; — often called caprice., A caprice; a freak; a fancy.
carabine noun A carbine.
caraboid adjective Like, or pertaining to the genus Carabus.
caracara noun A south American bird of several species and genera, resembling both the eagles and the vultures. The caracaras act as scavengers, and are also called carrion buzzards.
caracole noun A half turn which a horseman makes, either to the right or the left., A staircase in a spiral form., To move in a caracole, or in caracoles; to wheel.
caracoly noun An alloy of gold, silver, and copper, of which an inferior quality of jewelry is made.
caracore noun Alt. of Caracora
caracora noun A light vessel or proa used by the people of Borneo, etc., and by the Dutch in the East Indies.
carageen noun Alt. of Caragheen
carapace noun The thick shell or shield which covers the back of the tortoise, or turtle, the crab, and other crustaceous animals.
carapato noun A south American tick of the genus Amblyomma. There are several species, very troublesome to man and beast.
carbamic adjective Pertaining to an acid so called.
carbanil noun A mobile liquid, CO.N.C6H5, of pungent odor. It is the phenyl salt of isocyanic acid.
carbazol noun A white crystallized substance, C12H8NH, derived from aniline and other amines.
carbinol noun Methyl alcohol, CH3OH; — also, by extension, any one in the homologous series of paraffine alcohols of which methyl alcohol is the type.
carbolic adjective Pertaining to, or designating, an acid derived from coal tar and other sources; as, carbolic acid (called also phenic acid, and phenol). See Phenol.
carbonic adjective Of, pertaining to, or obtained from, carbon; as, carbonic oxide.
carbonyl noun The radical (CO)”, occuring, always combined, in many compounds, as the aldehydes, the ketones, urea, carbonyl chloride, etc.
carboxyl noun The complex radical, CO.OH, regarded as the essential and characteristic constituent which all oxygen acids of carbon (as formic, acetic, benzoic acids, etc.) have in common; — called also oxatyl.
carburet noun A carbide. See Carbide, To combine or to impregnate with carbon, as by passing through or over a liquid hydrocarbon; to carbonize or carburize.
carcajou noun The wolverene; — also applied, but erroneously, to the Canada lynx, and sometimes to the American badger. See Wolverene.
carcanet noun A jeweled chain, necklace, or collar.
carceral adjective Belonging to a prison.
cardamom noun The aromatic fruit, or capsule with its seeds, of several plants of the Ginger family growing in the East Indies and elsewhere, and much used as a condiment, and in medicine., A plant which produces cardamoms, esp. Elettaria Cardamomum and several species of Amomum.
cardcase noun A case for visiting cards.
cardinal adjective Of fundamental importance; preeminent; superior; chief; principal., One of the ecclesiastical princes who constitute the pope’s council, or the sacred college., A woman’s short cloak with a hood., Mulled red wine.
cardioid noun An algebraic curve, so called from its resemblance to a heart.
carditis noun Inflammation of the fleshy or muscular substance of the heart. See Endocarditis and Pericarditis.
cardines plural of Cardo
careened imp. & past participle of Careen
careered imp. & past participle of Career
careless adjective Free from care or anxiety. hence, cheerful; light-hearted., Having no care; not taking ordinary or proper care; negligent; unconcerned; heedless; inattentive; unmindful; regardless., Without thought or purpose; without due care; without attention to rule or system; unstudied; inconsiderate; spontaneous; rash; as, a careless throw; a careless expression., Not receiving care; uncared for.
caressed imp. & past participle of Caress
careworn adjective Worn or burdened with care; as, careworn look or face.
cargason noun A cargo.
cargoose noun A species of grebe (Podiceps crisratus); the crested grebe.
caribbee adjective Of or pertaining to the Caribs, to their islands (the eastern and southern West Indies), or to the sea (called the Caribbean sea) lying between those islands and Central America., A Carib.
caricous adjective Of the shape of a fig; as, a caricous tumor.
carillon noun A chime of bells diatonically tuned, played by clockwork or by finger keys., A tune adapted to be played by musical bells.
carinate adjective Alt. of Carinated
carkanet noun A carcanet.
caroline noun A silver coin once current in some parts of Italy, worth about seven cents., A coin. See Carline.
carlings noun pl. Same as Carl, 3.
carmelin adjective Of or pertaining to the order of Carmelites.
carminic adjective Of or pertaining to, or derived from, carmine.
carnally adverb According to the flesh, to the world, or to human nature; in a manner to gratify animal appetites and lusts; sensually.
carnauba noun The Brazilian wax palm. See Wax palm.
carneous adjective Consisting of, or like, flesh; carnous; fleshy.
carnifex noun The public executioner at Rome, who executed persons of the lowest rank; hence, an executioner or hangman.
carnival noun A festival celebrated with merriment and revelry in Roman Gatholic countries during the week before Lent, esp. at Rome and Naples, during a few days (three to ten) before Lent, ending with Shrove Tuesday., Any merrymaking, feasting, or masquerading, especially when overstepping the bounds of decorum; a time of riotous excess.
caroched adjective Placed in a caroche.
caroigne noun Dead body; carrion.
carolled of Carol
caroling present participle & vb. noun of Carol, A song of joy or devotion; a singing, as of carols.
caroteel noun A tierce or cask for dried fruits, etc., usually about 700 lbs.
carousal noun A jovial feast or festival; a drunken revel; a carouse.
caroused imp. & past participle of Carouse
carouser noun One who carouses; a reveler.
carpalia plural of Carpale
carpeted imp. & past participle of Carpet
carraway noun See Caraway.
carriage noun That which is carried; burden; baggage., The act of carrying, transporting, or conveying., The price or expense of carrying., That which carries of conveys,, A wheeled vehicle for persons, esp. one designed for elegance and comfort., A wheeled vehicle carrying a fixed burden, as a gun carriage., A part of a machine which moves and carries of supports some other moving object or part., A frame or cage in which something is carried or supported; as, a bell carriage., The manner of carrying one’s self; behavior; bearing; deportment; personal manners., The act or manner of conducting measures or projects; management.
carriboo noun See Caribou.
carrying present participle & vb. noun of Carry, The act or business of transporting from one place to another.
carryall noun A light covered carriage, having four wheels and seats for four or more persons, usually drawn by one horse.
cartbote noun Wood to which a tenant is entitled for making and repairing carts and other instruments of husbandry.
cartouch noun A roll or case of paper, etc., holding a charge for a firearm; a cartridge, A cartridge box., A wooden case filled with balls, to be shot from a cannon., A gunner’s bag for ammunition, A military pass for a soldier on furlough., A cantalever, console, corbel, or modillion, which has the form of a scroll of paper, A tablet for ornament, or for receiving an inscription, formed like a sheet of paper with the edges rolled up; hence, any tablet of ornamental form., An oval figure on monuments, and in papyri, containing the name of a sovereign.
carucage noun A tax on every plow or plowland., The act of plowing.
carucate noun A plowland; as much land as one team can plow in a year and a day; — by some said to be about 100 acres.
caruncle noun Alt. of Caruncula
caryatic adjective Alt. of Caryatid
caryatid adjective Of or pertaining to a caryatid., A draped female figure supporting an entablature, in the place of a column or pilaster.