8 letter word starting with ch

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
chaconne noun An old Spanish dance in moderate three-four measure, like the Passacaglia, which is slower. Both are used by classical composers as themes for variations.
chafewax noun Alt. of Chaffwax
chaffwax noun Formerly a chancery officer who fitted wax for sealing writs and other documents.
chaffing present participle & vb. noun of Chaff, The use of light, frivolous language by way of fun or ridicule; raillery; banter.
chaffern verb t. A vessel for heating water.
chaffery noun Traffic; bargaining.
chagreen noun See Shagreen.
chaining present participle & vb. noun of Chain
chainlet noun A small chain.
chairing present participle & vb. noun of Chair
chairmen plural of Chairman
chairman noun The presiding officer of a committee, or of a public or private meeting, or of any organized body., One whose business it is to cary a chair or sedan.
chalazas plural of Chalaza
chalazae plural of Chalaza
chalazal adjective Of or pertaining to the chalaza.
chaldaic adjective Of or pertaining to Chaldea., The language or dialect of the Chaldeans; Chaldee.
chaldean adjective Of or pertaining to Chaldea., A native or inhabitant of Chaldea., A learned man, esp. an astrologer; — so called among the Eastern nations, because astrology and the kindred arts were much cultivated by the Chaldeans., Nestorian.
chaldron noun An English dry measure, being, at London, 36 bushels heaped up, or its equivalent weight, and more than twice as much at Newcastle. Now used exclusively for coal and coke.
chaliced adjective Having a calyx or cup; cup-shaped.
chalking present participle & vb. noun of Chalk
chambrel noun Same as Gambrel.
chamfret noun A small gutter; a furrow; a groove., A chamfer.
chamfron noun The frontlet, or head armor, of a horse.
champing present participle & vb. noun of Champ
chappion noun One who engages in any contest; esp. one who in ancient times contended in single combat in behalf of another’s honor or rights; or one who acts or speaks in behalf of a person or a cause; a defender; an advocate; a hero., One who by defeating all rivals, has obtained an acknowledged supremacy in any branch of athetics or game of skill, and is ready to contend with any rival; as, the champion of England.
champion verb t. To furnish with a champion; to attend or defend as champion; to support or maintain; to protect.
chancing present participle & vb. noun of Chance
chancery noun In England, formerly, the highest court of judicature next to the Parliament, exercising jurisdiction at law, but chiefly in equity; but under the jurisdiction act of 1873 it became the chancery division of the High Court of Justice, and now exercises jurisdiction only in equity., In the Unites States, a court of equity; equity; proceeding in equity.
chandler noun A maker or seller of candles., A dealer in other commodities, which are indicated by a word prefixed; as, ship chandler, corn chandler.
chanfrin noun The fore part of a horse’s head.
changing present participle & vb. noun of Change
chanting present participle & vb. noun of Chant, Singing, esp. as a chant is sung.
chantant adjective Composed in a melodious and singing style.
chapping present participle & vb. noun of Chap
chapbook noun Any small book carried about for sale by chapmen or hawkers. Hence, any small book; a toy book.
chapelet noun A pair of straps, with stirrups, joined at the top and fastened to the pommel or the frame of the saddle, after they have been adjusted to the convenience of the rider., A kind of chain pump, or dredging machine.
chapelry noun The territorial district legally assigned to a chapel.
chaperon noun A hood; especially, an ornamental or an official hood., A device placed on the foreheads of horses which draw the hearse in pompous funerals., A matron who accompanies a young lady in public, for propriety, or as a guide and protector., To attend in public places as a guide and protector; to matronize.
chapiter noun A capital [Obs.] See Chapital., A summary in writing of such matters as are to be inquired of or presented before justices in eyre, or justices of assize, or of the peace, in their sessions; — also called articles.
chaplain noun An ecclesiastic who has a chapel, or who performs religious service in a chapel., A clergyman who is officially attached to the army or navy, to some public institution, or to a family or court, for the purpose of performing divine service., Any person (clergyman or layman) chosen to conduct religious exercises for a society, etc.; as, a chaplain of a Masonic or a temperance lodge.
chapless adjective Having no lower jaw; hence, fleshless.
chaptrel noun An impost.
charring present participle & vb. noun of Char
charcoal verb t. Impure carbon prepared from vegetable or animal substances; esp., coal made by charring wood in a kiln, retort, etc., from which air is excluded. It is used for fuel and in various mechanical, artistic, and chemical processes., Finely prepared charcoal in small sticks, used as a drawing implement.
charging present participle & vb. noun of Charge
charlock noun A cruciferous plant (Brassica sinapistrum) with yellow flowers; wild mustard. It is troublesome in grain fields. Called also chardock, chardlock, chedlock, and kedlock.
charming present participle & vb. noun of Charm, Pleasing the mind or senses in a high degree; delighting; fascinating; attractive.
charmful adjective Abounding with charms.
charneco noun Alt. of Charnico
charnico noun A sort of sweet wine.
chartism noun The principles of a political party in England (1838-48), which contended for universal suffrage, the vote by ballot, annual parliaments, equal electoral districts, and other radical reforms, as set forth in a document called the People’s Charter.
chartist noun A supporter or partisan of chartism.
chasable adjective Capable of being chased; fit for hunting.
chasible noun See Chasuble.
chasseur noun One of a body of light troops, cavalry or infantry, trained for rapid movements., An attendant upon persons of rank or wealth, wearing a plume and sword.
chastely adverb In a chaste manner; with purity.
chastise verb t. To inflict pain upon, by means of stripes, or in any other manner, for the purpose of punishment or reformation; to punish, as with stripes., To reduce to order or obedience; to correct or purify; to free from faults or excesses.
chastity noun The state of being chaste; purity of body; freedom from unlawful sexual intercourse., Moral purity., The unmarried life; celibacy., Chasteness.
chasuble noun The outer vestment worn by the priest in saying Mass, consisting, in the Roman Catholic Church, of a broad, flat, back piece, and a narrower front piece, the two connected over the shoulders only. The back has usually a large cross, the front an upright bar or pillar, designed to be emblematical of Christ’s sufferings. In the Greek Church the chasuble is a large round mantle.
chatting present participle & vb. noun of Chat
chatelet noun A little castle.
chatwood noun Little sticks; twigs for burning; fuel.
chaudron noun See Chawdron.
chauffer noun A table stove or small furnace, usually a cylindrical box of sheet iron, with a grate at the bottom, and an open top.
chaunter noun A street seller of ballads and other broadsides., A deceitful, tricky dealer or horse jockey., The flute of a bagpipe. See Chanter, n., 3.
chausses noun pl. The garment for the legs and feet and for the body below the waist, worn in Europe throughout the Middle Ages; applied also to the armor for the same parts, when fixible, as of chain mail.
chawdron noun Entrails.
cheating present participle & vb. noun of Cheat
chebacco noun A narrow-sterned boat formerly much used in the Newfoundland fisheries; — called also pinkstern and chebec.
checking present participle & vb. noun of Check
checkage noun The act of checking; as, the checkage of a name or of an item in a list., The items, or the amount, to which attention is called by a check or checks.
checkers verb A game, called also daughts, played on a checkerboard by two persons, each having twelve men (counters or checkers) which are moved diagonally. The game is ended when either of the players has lost all his men, or can not move them.
cheering present participle & vb. noun of Cheer
cheerful adjective Having or showing good spirits or joy; cheering; cheery; contented; happy; joyful; lively; animated; willing.
cheerily adverb In a cheery manner.
chelidon noun The hollow at the flexure of the arm.
chelifer noun See Book scorpion, under Book.
chelonia noun pl. An order of reptiles, including the tortoises and turtles, peculiar in having a part of the vertebrae, ribs, and sternum united with the dermal plates so as to form a firm shell. The jaws are covered by a horny beak. See Reptilia; also, Illust. in Appendix.
chemical adjective Pertaining to chemistry; characterized or produced by the forces and operations of chemistry; employed in the processes of chemistry; as, chemical changes; chemical combinations., A substance used for producing a chemical effect; a reagent.
chenille noun Tufted cord, of silk or worsted, for the trimming of ladies’ dresses, for embroidery and fringes, and for the weft of Chenille rugs.
chepster noun The European starling.
chequing noun A coin. See Sequin.
cherubim plural of Cherub, The Hebrew plural of Cherub.. Cf. Seraphim.
cherubic adjective Alt. of Cherubical
cherubin adjective Cherubic; angelic., A cherub.
chesible noun See Chasuble.
chessmen plural of Chessman
chessman noun A piece used in the game of chess.
chesteyn noun The chestnut tree.
chestnut noun The edible nut of a forest tree (Castanea vesca) of Europe and America. Commonly two or more of the nuts grow in a prickly bur., The tree itself, or its light, coarse-grained timber, used for ornamental work, furniture, etc., A bright brown color, like that of the nut., The horse chestnut (often so used in England)., One of the round, or oval, horny plates on the inner sides of the legs of the horse, and allied animals., An old joke or story., Of the color of a chestnut; of a reddish brown color; as, chestnut curls.
chetvert noun A measure of grain equal to 0.7218 of an imperial quarter, or 5.95 Winchester bushels.
cheveril verb i. Soft leather made of kid skin. Fig.: Used as a symbol of flexibility., Made of cheveril; pliant.
chiasmus noun An inversion of the order of words or phrases, when repeated or subsequently referred to in a sentence
chicaner noun One who uses chicanery.
chiccory noun See Chicory.
chiefage noun A tribute by the head; a capitation tax.
chiefest adjective First or foremost; chief; principal.
chiefrie noun A small rent paid to the lord paramount.
children plural of Child, pl. of Child.
childing present participle & vb. noun of Child, Bearing Children; (Fig.) productive; fruitful.
childbed noun The state of a woman bringing forth a child, or being in labor; parturition.
childish adjective Of, pertaining to, befitting, or resembling, a child., Puerile; trifling; weak.
chiliasm noun The millennium., The doctrine of the personal reign of Christ on earth during the millennium.
chiliast noun One who believes in the second coming of Christ to reign on earth a thousand years; a milllenarian.
chilling present participle & vb. noun of Chill, Making chilly or cold; depressing; discouraging; cold; distant; as, a chilling breeze; a chilling manner.
chilopod noun A myriapod of the order Chilopoda.
chimaera noun A cartilaginous fish of several species, belonging to the order Holocephali. The teeth are few and large. The head is furnished with appendages, and the tail terminates in a point.
chimango A south American carrion buzzard (Milvago chimango). See Caracara.
chimeras plural of Chimera
chimeric adjective Chimerical.
chimneys plural of Chimney
chinamen plural of Chinaman
chinaman noun A native of China; a Chinese.
chincona See Cinchona.
chinking present participle & vb. noun of Chink
chinsing present participle & vb. noun of Chinse
chintzes plural of Chintz
chipping present participle & vb. noun of Chip, A chip; a piece separated by a cutting or graving instrument; a fragment., The act or process of cutting or breaking off small pieces, as in dressing iron with a chisel, or reducing a timber or block of stone to shape., The breaking off in small pieces of the edges of potter’s ware, porcelain, etc.
chipmunk noun A squirrel-like animal of the genus Tamias, sometimes called the striped squirrel, chipping squirrel, ground squirrel, hackee. The common species of the United States is the Tamias striatus.
chiragra noun Gout in the hand.
chiretta noun A plant (Agathotes Chirayta) found in Northern India, having medicinal properties to the gentian, and esteemed as a tonic and febrifuge.
chirping present participle & vb. noun of Chirp, Cheering; enlivening.
chirrupy adjective Cheerful; joyous; chatty.
chiseled imp. & past participle of Chisel
chitchat noun Familiar or trifling talk; prattle.
chivalry noun A body or order of cavaliers or knights serving on horseback; illustrious warriors, collectively; cavalry., The dignity or system of knighthood; the spirit, usages, or manners of knighthood; the practice of knight-errantry., The qualifications or character of knights, as valor, dexterity in arms, courtesy, etc., A tenure of lands by knight’s service; that is, by the condition of a knight’s performing service on horseback, or of performing some noble or military service to his lord., Exploit.
chivying present participle & vb. noun of Chivy
chloasma noun A cutaneous affection characterized by yellow or yellowish brown pigmented spots.
chlorate noun A salt of chloric acid; as, chlorate of potassium.
chloride noun A binary compound of chlorine with another element or radical; as, chloride of sodium (common salt).
chlorine noun One of the elementary substances, commonly isolated as a greenish yellow gas, two and one half times as heavy as air, of an intensely disagreeable suffocating odor, and exceedingly poisonous. It is abundant in nature, the most important compound being common salt. It is powerful oxidizing, bleaching, and disinfecting agent. Symbol Cl. Atomic weight, 35.4.
chlorite noun The name of a group of minerals, usually of a green color and micaceous to granular in structure. They are hydrous silicates of alumina, iron, and magnesia., Any salt of chlorous acid; as, chlorite of sodium.
chlorous adjective Of, pertaining to, or derived from, chlorine; — said of those compounds of chlorine in which this element has a valence of three, the next lower than in chloric compounds; as, chlorous acid, HClO2., Pertaining to, or resembling, the electro-negative character of chlorine; hence, electro-negative; — opposed to basylous or zincous.
choanoid adjective Funnel-shaped; — applied particularly to a hollow muscle attached to the ball of the eye in many reptiles and mammals.
chocking present participle & vb. noun of Chock
choctaws noun pl. A tribe of North American Indians (Southern Appalachian), in early times noted for their pursuit of agriculture, and for living at peace with the white settlers. They are now one of the civilized tribes of the Indian Territory.
choicely adverb With care in choosing; with nice regard to preference., In a preferable or excellent manner; excellently; eminently.
chokedar noun A watchman; an officer of customs or police.
choleric adjective Abounding with, or producing choler, or bile., Easily irritated; irascible; inclined to anger., Angry; indicating anger; excited by anger.
choliamb noun Alt. of Choliambic
cholinic adjective Pertaining to, or obtained from, the bile.
chondrin noun A colorless, amorphous, nitrogenous substance, tasteless and odorless, formed from cartilaginous tissue by long-continued action of boiling water. It is similar to gelatin, and is a large ingredient of commercial gelatin.
chondro- A combining form meaning a grain, granular, granular cartilage, cartilaginous; as, the chondrocranium, the cartilaginous skull of the lower vertebrates and of embryos.
choosing present participle & vb. noun of Choose
chopping present participle & vb. noun of Chop, Stout or plump; large., Shifting or changing suddenly, as the wind; also, having tumbling waves dashing against each other; as, a chopping sea., Act of cutting by strokes.
chopboat noun A licensed lighter employed in the transportation of goods to and from vessels.
chopness noun A kind of spade.
choragic adjective Of or pertaining to a choragus.
choragus noun A chorus leader; esp. one who provided at his own expense and under his own supervision one of the choruses for the musical contents at Athens.
chorally adverb In the manner of a chorus; adapted to be sung by a choir; in harmony.
chording present participle & vb. noun of Chord
chordata noun pl. A comprehensive division of animals including all Vertebrata together with the Tunicata, or all those having a dorsal nervous cord.
choriamb noun Same as Choriambus.
chorisis noun The separation of a leaf or floral organ into two more parts.
choruses plural of Chorus
chorused imp. & past participle of Chorus
chouicha noun The salmon of the Columbia River or California. See Quinnat.
choultry noun See Choltry.
chousing present participle & vb. noun of Chouse
chowchow adjective Consisting of several kinds mingled together; mixed; as, chowchow sweetmeats (preserved fruits put together)., A kind of mixed pickles.
chrismal adjective Of or pertaining to or used in chrism.
christen verb t. To baptize and give a Christian name to., To give a name; to denominate., To Christianize., To use for the first time.
christly adjective Christlike.
christom noun See Chrisom.
chromate noun A salt of chromic acid.
chromism noun Same as Chromatism.
chromite noun A black submetallic mineral consisting of oxide of chromium and iron; — called also chromic iron., A compound or salt of chromous hydroxide regarded as an acid.
chromium noun A comparatively rare element occurring most abundantly in the mineral chromite. Atomic weight 52.5. Symbol Cr. When isolated it is a hard, brittle, grayish white metal, fusible with difficulty. Its chief commercial importance is for its compounds, as potassium chromate, lead chromate, etc., which are brilliantly colored and are used dyeing and calico printing. Called also chrome.
chromous adjective Of, pertaining to, or derived from, chromium, when this element has a valence lower than that in chromic compounds.
chromule noun A general name for coloring matter of plants other than chlorophyll, especially that of petals.
chrysene noun One of the higher aromatic hydrocarbons of coal tar, allied to naphthalene and anthracene. It is a white crystalline substance, C18H12, of strong blue fluorescence, but generally colored yellow by impurities.
chrysopa noun A genus of neuropterous insects. See Lacewing.
chthonic adjective Pertaining to the earth; earthy; as, chthonic religions.
chucking present participle & vb. noun of Chuck, of Chuck
chuckled imp. & past participle of Chuckle
chuffily adverb Clownishly; surlily.
chumming present participle & vb. noun of Chum
churched imp. & past participle of Church
churchly adjective Pertaining to, or suitable for, the church; ecclesiastical.
churlish adjective Like a churl; rude; cross-grained; ungracious; surly; illiberal; niggardly., Wanting pliancy; unmanageable; unyielding; not easily wrought; as, a churlish soil; the churlish and intractable nature of some minerals.
churning present participle & vb. noun of Churn, The act of one who churns., The quantity of butter made at one operation.
chylific adjective Chylifactive.
chyluria noun A morbid condition in which the urine contains chyle or fatty matter, giving it a milky appearance.