8 letter word starting with ci

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
cibation noun The act of taking food., The process or operation of feeding the contents of the crucible with fresh material.
ciborium noun A canopy usually standing free and supported on four columns, covering the high altar, or, very rarely, a secondary altar., The coffer or case in which the host is kept; the pyx.
cicatrix noun The pellicle which forms over a wound or breach of continuity and completes the process of healing in the latter, and which subsequently contracts and becomes white, forming the scar.
ciceroni plural of Cicerone
cicerone noun One who shows strangers the curiosities of a place; a guide.
cich-pea noun The chick-pea.
cicisbei plural of Cicisbeo
cicisbeo noun A professed admirer of a married woman; a dangler about women., A knot of silk or ribbon attached to a fan, walking stick, etc.
cicurate verb t. To tame.
ciderist noun A maker of cider.
ciderkin noun A kind of weak cider made by steeping the refuse pomace in water.
ciliated adjective Provided with, or surrounded by, cilia; as, a ciliate leaf; endowed with vibratory motion; as, the ciliated epithelium of the windpipe.
cilician adjective Of or pertaining to Cilicia in Asia Minor., A native or inhabitant of Cilicia.
ciliform adjective Alt. of Ciliiform
cillosis noun A spasmodic trembling of the upper eyelid.
cimbrian adjective Of or pertaining to the Cimbri., One of the Cimbri. See Cimbric.
cimolite noun A soft, earthy, clayey mineral, of whitish or grayish color.
cinchona noun A genus of trees growing naturally on the Andes in Peru and adjacent countries, but now cultivated in the East Indies, producing a medicinal bark of great value., The bark of any species of Cinchona containing three per cent. or more of bitter febrifuge alkaloids; Peruvian bark; Jesuits’ bark.
cincture noun A belt, a girdle, or something worn round the body, — as by an ecclesiastic for confining the alb., That which encompasses or incloses; an inclosure., The fillet, listel, or band next to the apophyge at the extremity of the shaft of a column.
cinerary adjective Pertaining to ashes; containing ashes.
cingulum noun A distinct girdle or band of color; a raised spiral line as seen on certain univalve shells., The clitellus of earthworms., The base of the crown of a tooth.
cinnabar noun Red sulphide of mercury, occurring in brilliant red crystals, and also in red or brown amorphous masses. It is used in medicine., The artificial red sulphide of mercury used as a pigment; vermilion.
cinnamic adjective Pertaining to, or obtained from, cinnamon.
cinnamon noun The inner bark of the shoots of Cinnamomum Zeylanicum, a tree growing in Ceylon. It is aromatic, of a moderately pungent taste, and is one of the best cordial, carminative, and restorative spices., Cassia.
cinnamyl noun The hypothetical radical, (C6H5.C2H2)2C, of cinnamic compounds.
ciphered imp. & past participle of Cipher
cipherer noun One who ciphers.
circinal adjective Circinate.
circling present participle & vb. noun of Circle
circuity noun A going round in a circle; a course not direct; a roundabout way of proceeding.
circular adjective In the form of, or bounded by, a circle; round., repeating itself; ending in itself; reverting to the point of beginning; hence, illogical; inconclusive; as, circular reasoning., Adhering to a fixed circle of legends; cyclic; hence, mean; inferior. See Cyclic poets, under Cyclic., Addressed to a circle, or to a number of persons having a common interest; circulated, or intended for circulation; as, a circular letter., Perfect; complete., A circular letter, or paper, usually printed, copies of which are addressed or given to various persons; as, a business circular., A sleeveless cloak, cut in circular form.
circulet noun A circlet.
circuses plural of Circus
cirrhose adjective Same as Cirrose.
cirrhous adjective See Cirrose.
cirriped noun One of the Cirripedia.
ciselure noun The process of chasing on metals; also, the work thus chased.
citation noun An official summons or notice given to a person to appear; the paper containing such summons or notice., The act of citing a passage from a book, or from another person, in his own words; also, the passage or words quoted; quotation., Enumeration; mention; as, a citation of facts., A reference to decided cases, or books of authority, to prove a point in law.
citatory adjective Having the power or form of a citation; as, letters citatory.
citicism noun The manners of a cit or citizen.
citified adjective Aping, or having, the manners of a city.
civicism noun The principle of civil government.
civilian noun One skilled in the civil law., A student of the civil law at a university or college., One whose pursuits are those of civil life, not military or clerical.
civilist noun A civilian.
civillty noun The state of society in which the relations and duties of a citizen are recognized and obeyed; a state of civilization., A civil office, or a civil process, Courtesy; politeness; kind attention; good breeding; a polite act or expression.
civilize verb t. To reclaim from a savage state; to instruct in the rules and customs of civilization; to educate; to refine., To admit as suitable to a civilized state.