8 letter word starting with cle

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
cleading noun A jacket or outer covering of wood, etc., to prevent radiation of heat, as from the boiler, cylinder. etc., of a steam engine., The planking or boarding of a shaft, cofferdam, etc.
cleaning present participle & vb. noun of Clean, The act of making clean., The afterbirth of cows, ewes, etc.
cleansed imp. & past participle of Cleanse
cleanser noun One who, or that which, cleanses; a detergent.
clearing present participle & vb. noun of Clear, The act or process of making clear., A tract of land cleared of wood for cultivation., A method adopted by banks and bankers for making an exchange of checks held by each against the others, and settling differences of accounts., The gross amount of the balances adjusted in the clearing house.
clearage noun The act of removing anything; clearance.
cleavage noun The act of cleaving or splitting., The quality possessed by many crystallized substances of splitting readily in one or more definite directions, in which the cohesive attraction is a minimum, affording more or less smooth surfaces; the direction of the dividing plane; a fragment obtained by cleaving, as of a diamond. See Parting., Division into laminae, like slate, with the lamination not necessarily parallel to the plane of deposition; — usually produced by pressure.
cleaving present participle & vb. noun of Cleave, of Cleave
cleavers noun A species of Galium (G. Aparine), having a fruit set with hooked bristles, which adhere to whatever they come in contact with; — called also, goose grass, catchweed, etc.
clematis noun A genus of flowering plants, of many species, mostly climbers, having feathery styles, which greatly enlarge in the fruit; — called also virgin’s bower.
clemence noun Clemency.
clemency noun Disposition to forgive and spare, as offenders; mildness of temper; gentleness; tenderness; mercy., Mildness or softness of the elements; as, the clemency of the season.
clepsine noun A genus of fresh-water leeches, furnished with a proboscis. They feed upon mollusks and worms.
clergeon noun A chorister boy.
clergial adjective Learned; erudite; clerical.
clerical adjective Of or pertaining to the clergy; suitable for the clergy., Of or relating to a clerk or copyist, or to writing.
cleverly adverb In a clever manner.