8 letter word starting with cre

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
creaking present participle & vb. noun of Creak, A harsh grating or squeaking sound, or the act of making such a sound.
creaming present participle & vb. noun of Cream
creamery noun A place where butter and cheese are made, or where milk and cream are put up in cans for market., A place or apparatus in which milk is set for raising cream., An establishment where cream is sold.
creasing present participle & vb. noun of Crease, A layer of tiles forming a corona for a wall.
creasote noun See Creosote.
creating present participle & vb. noun of Create
creation noun The act of creating or causing to exist. Specifically, the act of bringing the universe or this world into existence., That which is created; that which is produced or caused to exist, as the world or some original work of art or of the imagination; nature., The act of constituting or investing with a new character; appointment; formation.
creative adjective Having the power to create; exerting the act of creation.
creatrix noun A creatress.
creature noun Anything created; anything not self-existent; especially, any being created with life; an animal; a man., A human being, in pity, contempt, or endearment; as, a poor creature; a pretty creature., A person who owes his rise and fortune to another; a servile dependent; an instrument; a tool., A general term among farmers for horses, oxen, etc.
crebrous adjective Frequent; numerous.
credence noun Reliance of the mind on evidence of facts derived from other sources than personal knowledge; belief; credit; confidence., That which gives a claim to credit, belief, or confidence; as, a letter of credence., The small table by the side of the altar or communion table, on which the bread and wine are placed before being consecrated., A cupboard, sideboard, or cabinet, particularly one intended for the display of rich vessels or plate, and consisting chiefly of open shelves for that purpose., To give credence to; to believe.
credenda plural of Credendum
credible adjective Capable of being credited or believed; worthy of belief; entitled to confidence; trustworthy.
credibly adverb In a manner inducing belief; as, I have been credibly informed of the event.
credited imp. & past participle of Credit
creditor noun One who credits, believes, or trusts., One who gives credit in business matters; hence, one to whom money is due; — correlative to debtor.
creeping present participle & vb. noun of Creep, Crawling, or moving close to the ground., Growing along, and clinging to, the ground, or to a wall, etc., by means of rootlets or tendrils.
cremator noun One who, or that which, cremates or consumes to ashes.
cremosin noun See Crimson.
crenated adjective Having the margin cut into rounded teeth notches, or scallops.
crenelle noun Alt. of Crenel
creolean adjective Alt. of Creolian
creolian adjective Pertaining to, or characteristic of, the Creoles., A Creole.
creosote noun Wood-tar oil; an oily antiseptic liquid, of a burning smoky taste, colorless when pure, but usually colored yellow or brown by impurity or exposure. It is a complex mixture of various phenols and their ethers, and is obtained by the distillation of wood tar, especially that of beechwood., To saturate or impregnate with creosote, as timber, for the prevention of decay.
crepance noun Alt. of Crepane
crepitus noun The noise produced by a sudden discharge of wind from the bowels., Same as Crepitation, 2.
crescent noun The increasing moon; the moon in her first quarter, or when defined by a concave and a convex edge; also, applied improperly to the old or decreasing moon in a like state., Anything having the shape of a crescent or new moon., A representation of the increasing moon, often used as an emblem or badge, A symbol of Artemis, or Diana., The ancient symbol of Byzantium or Constantinople., The emblem of the Turkish Empire, adopted after the taking of Constantinople., Any one of three orders of knighthood; the first instituted by Charles I., king of Naples and Sicily, in 1268; the second by Rene of Anjou, in 1448; and the third by the Sultan Selim III., in 1801, to be conferred upon foreigners to whom Turkey might be indebted for valuable services., The emblem of the increasing moon with horns directed upward, when used in a coat of arms; — often used as a mark of cadency to distinguish a second son and his descendants., Shaped like a crescent., Increasing; growing., To form into a crescent, or something resembling a crescent., To adorn with crescents.
crescive adjective Increasing; growing.
cresting present participle & vb. noun of Crest, An ornamental finish on the top of a wall or ridge of a roof.
cresylic adjective Pertaining to, or derived from, cresol, creosote, etc.
cretonne noun A strong white fabric with warp of hemp and weft of flax., A fabric with cotton warp and woolen weft., A kind of chintz with a glossy surface.
creutzer noun See Kreutzer.
crevalle noun The cavally or jurel., The pompano (Trachynotus Carolinus).
crevasse noun A deep crevice or fissure, as in embankment; one of the clefts or fissure by which the mass of a glacier is divided., A breach in the levee or embankment of a river, caused by the pressure of the water, as on the lower Mississippi.
creviced adjective Having a crevice or crevices; as, a creviced structure for storing ears of corn.
crefting noun Croftland., Exposing linen to the sun, on the grass, in the process of bleaching.