8 letter word starting with cut

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
cutchery noun A hindoo hall of justice.
cuteness noun Acuteness; cunning.
cutgrass A grass with leaves having edges furnished with very minute hooked prickles, which form a cutting edge; one or more species of Leersia.
cutinize verb t. & i. To change into cutin.
cutpurse noun One who cuts purses for the sake of stealing them or their contents (an act common when men wore purses fastened by a string to their girdles); one who steals from the person; a pickpocket
cutwater noun The fore part of a ship’s prow, which cuts the water., A starling or other structure attached to the pier of a bridge, with an angle or edge directed up stream, in order better to resist the action of water, ice, etc.; the sharpened upper end of the pier itself., A sea bird of the Atlantic (Rhynchops nigra); — called also black skimmer, scissorsbill, and razorbill. See Skimmer.