8 letter word starting with dom

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
domanial adjective Of or relating to a domain or to domains.
domebook noun A book said to have been compiled under the direction of King Alfred. It is supposed to have contained the principal maxims of the common law, the penalties for misdemeanors, and the forms of judicial proceedings. Domebook was probably a general name for book of judgments.
domesday noun A day of judgment. See Doomsday.
domesmen plural of Domesman
domesman noun A judge; an umpire.
domestic adjective Of or pertaining to one’s house or home, or one’s household or family; relating to home life; as, domestic concerns, life, duties, cares, happiness, worship, servants., Of or pertaining to a nation considered as a family or home, or to one’s own country; intestine; not foreign; as, foreign wars and domestic dissensions., Remaining much at home; devoted to home duties or pleasures; as, a domestic man or woman., Living in or near the habitations of man; domesticated; tame as distinguished from wild; as, domestic animals., Made in one’s own house, nation, or country; as, domestic manufactures, wines, etc., One who lives in the family of an other, as hired household assistant; a house servant., Articles of home manufacture, especially cotton goods.
domicile noun An abode or mansion; a place of permanent residence, either of an individual or a family., A residence at a particular place accompanied with an intention to remain there for an unlimited time; a residence accepted as a final abode., To establish in a fixed residence, or a residence that constitutes habitancy; to domiciliate.
dominant adjective Ruling; governing; prevailing; controlling; predominant; as, the dominant party, church, spirit, power., The fifth tone of the scale; thus G is the dominant of C, A of D, and so on.
dominate verb t. To predominate over; to rule; to govern., To be dominant.
domineer verb t. To rule with insolence or arbitrary sway; to play the master; to be overbearing; to tyrannize; to bluster; to swell with conscious superiority or haughtiness; — often with over; as, to domineer over dependents.
dominion noun Sovereign or supreme authority; the power of governing and controlling; independent right of possession, use, and control; sovereignty; supremacy., Superior prominence; predominance; ascendency., That which is governed; territory over which authority is exercised; the tract, district, or county, considered as subject; as, the dominions of a king. Also used figuratively; as, the dominion of the passions., A supposed high order of angels; dominations. See Domination, 3.
dominoes plural of Domino