8 letter word starting with dys

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
dyscrasy noun Dycrasia.
dysluite noun A variety of the zinc spinel or gahnite.
dyslysin noun A resinous substance formed in the decomposition of cholic acid of bile; — so called because it is difficult to solve.
dysodile noun An impure earthy or coaly bitumen, which emits a highly fetid odor when burning.
dyspepsy A kind of indigestion; a state of the stomach in which its functions are disturbed, without the presence of other diseases, or, if others are present, they are of minor importance. Its symptoms are loss of appetite, nausea, heartburn, acrid or fetid eructations, a sense of weight or fullness in the stomach, etc.
dysphagy noun Difficulty in swallowing.
dysphony noun A difficulty in producing vocal sounds; enfeebled or depraved voice.
dyspnoea noun Difficulty of breathing.
dyspnoic adjective Affected with shortness of breath; relating to dyspnoea.
dystocia noun Difficult delivery pr parturition.