8 letter word starting with elec

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
electing present participle & vb. noun of Elect
electant noun One who has the power of choosing; an elector.
electary noun See Electuary.
election adjective The act of choosing; choice; selection., The act of choosing a person to fill an office, or to membership in a society, as by ballot, uplifted hands, or viva voce; as, the election of a president or a mayor., Power of choosing; free will; liberty to choose or act., Discriminating choice; discernment., Divine choice; predestination of individuals as objects of mercy and salvation; — one of the “five points” of Calvinism., The choice, made by a party, of two alternatives, by taking one of which, the chooser is excluded from the other., Those who are elected.
elective adjective Exerting the power of choice; selecting; as, an elective act., Pertaining to, or consisting in, choice, or right of choosing; electoral., Dependent on choice; bestowed or passing by election; as, an elective study; an elective office., In an American college, an optional study or course of study.
electric adjective Alt. of Electrical, A nonconductor of electricity, as amber, glass, resin, etc., employed to excite or accumulate electricity.
electro- A prefix or combining form signifying pertaining to electricity, produced by electricity, producing or employing electricity, etc.; as, electro-negative; electro-dynamic; electro-magnet.
electron noun Amber; also, the alloy of gold and silver, called electrum.
electrum noun Amber., An alloy of gold and silver, of an amber color, used by the ancients., German-silver plate. See German silver, under German.