8 letter word starting with emb

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
embalmed imp. & past participle of Embalm
embalmer noun One who embalms.
embanked imp. & past participle of Embank
embarred imp. & past participle of Embar
embarked imp. & past participle of Embark
embattle verb t. To arrange in order of battle; to array for battle; also, to prepare or arm for battle; to equip as for battle., To be arrayed for battle., To furnish with battlements.
embaying present participle & vb. noun of Embay
embedded imp. & past participle of Embed
embetter verb t. To make better.
embezzle verb t. To appropriate fraudulently to one’s own use, as property intrusted to one’s care; to apply to one’s private uses by a breach of trust; as, to embezzle money held in trust., To misappropriate; to waste; to dissipate in extravagance.
embillow verb i. To swell or heave like a ///// of the sea.
embitter verb t. To make bitter or sad. See Imbitter.
emblanch verb t. To whiten. See Blanch.
emblazed imp. & past participle of Emblaze
emblazon verb t. To depict or represent; — said of heraldic bearings. See Blazon., To deck in glaring colors; to set off conspicuously; to display pompously; to decorate.
emblemed imp. & past participle of Emblem
embodier noun One who embodies.
embodied imp. & past participle of Embody
embolden verb t. To give boldness or courage to; to encourage.
embolism noun Intercalation; the insertion of days, months, or years, in an account of time, to produce regularity; as, the embolism of a lunar month in the Greek year., Intercalated time., The occlusion of a blood vessel by an embolus. Embolism in the brain often produces sudden unconsciousness and paralysis.
embolite noun A mineral consisting of both the chloride and the bromide of silver.
emborder verb t. To furnish or adorn with a border; to imborder.
embossed imp. & past participle of Emboss, Formed or covered with bosses or raised figures., Having a part projecting like the boss of a shield., Swollen; protuberant.
embosser noun One who embosses.
embottle verb t. To bottle.
embraced imp. & past participle of Embrace
embracer noun One who embraces.
embright verb t. To brighten.
embronze verb t. To embody in bronze; to set up a bronze representation of, as of a person., To color in imitation of bronze. See Bronze, v. t.
embroude verb t. Alt. of Embroyde
embrowde verb t. Alt. of Embroyde
embroyde verb t. To embroider; to adorn.
embryous adjective Embryonic; undeveloped.