8 letter word starting with eng

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
engaging present participle & vb. noun of Encage, of Engage, Tending to draw the attention or affections; attractive; as, engaging manners or address.
engender verb t. To produce by the union of the sexes; to beget., To cause to exist; to bring forth; to produce; to sow the seeds of; as, angry words engender strife., To assume form; to come into existence; to be caused or produced., To come together; to meet, as in sexual embrace., One who, or that which, engenders.
engineer noun A person skilled in the principles and practice of any branch of engineering. See under Engineering, n., One who manages as engine, particularly a steam engine; an engine driver., One who carries through an enterprise by skillful or artful contrivance; an efficient manager., To lay out or construct, as an engineer; to perform the work of an engineer on; as, to engineer a road., To use contrivance and effort for; to guide the course of; to manage; as, to engineer a bill through Congress.
enginery noun The act or art of managing engines, or artillery., Engines, in general; instruments of war., Any device or contrivance; machinery; structure or arrangement.
enginous adjective Pertaining to an engine., Contrived with care; ingenious.
engirded imp. & past participle of Engird
engirdle verb t. To surround as with a girdle; to girdle.
engorged imp. & past participle of Engorge, Swallowed with greediness, or in large draughts., Filled to excess with blood or other liquid; congested.
engouled adjective Partly swallowed; disappearing in the jaws of anything; as, an infant engouled by a serpent; said also of an ordinary, when its two ends to issue from the mouths of lions, or the like; as, a bend engouled.
engoulee adjective Same as Engouled.
engraved imp. of Engrave, of Engrave, Made by engraving or ornamented with engraving., Having the surface covered with irregular, impressed lines.
engraven of Engrave
engraver noun One who engraves; a person whose business it is to produce engraved work, especially on metal or wood.
engregge verb t. To aggravate; to make worse; to lie heavy on.
engrieve verb t. To grieve.
engulfed imp. & past participle of Engulf