8 letter word starting with er

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
eradiate verb i. To shoot forth, as rays of light; to beam; to radiate.
erasable adjective Capable of being erased.
erastian noun One of the followers of Thomas Erastus, a German physician and theologian of the 16th century. He held that the punishment of all offenses should be referred to the civil power, and that holy communion was open to all. In the present day, an Erastian is one who would see the church placed entirely under the control of the State.
erecting present participle & vb. noun of Erect
erectile adjective Capable of being erected; susceptible of being erected of dilated.
erection noun The act of erecting, or raising upright; the act of constructing, as a building or a wall, or of fitting together the parts of, as a machine; the act of founding or establishing, as a commonwealth or an office; also, the act of rousing to excitement or courage., The state of being erected, lifted up, built, established, or founded; exaltation of feelings or purposes., State of being stretched to stiffness; tension., Anything erected; a building of any kind., The state of a part which, from having been soft, has become hard and swollen by the accumulation of blood in the erectile tissue.
erective adjective Making erect or upright; raising; tending to erect.
eremitic adjective Alt. of Eremitical
ereption noun A snatching away.
erethism noun A morbid degree of excitement or irritation in an organ.
erewhile adverb Alt. of Erewhiles
ergotine A powerful astringent alkaloid extracted from ergot as a brown, amorphous, bitter substance. It is used to produce contraction of the uterus.
ergotism noun A logical deduction., A diseased condition produced by eating rye affected with the ergot fungus.
ericinol noun A colorless oil (quickly becoming brown), with a pleasant odor, obtained by the decomposition of ericolin.
ericolin noun A glucoside found in the bearberry (and others of the Ericaceae), and extracted as a bitter, yellow, amorphous mass.
eridanus noun A long, winding constellation extending southward from Taurus and containing the bright star Achernar.
erigible adjective Capable of being erected.
erminois noun See Note under Ermine, n., 4.
erogated imp. & past participle of Erogate
erotesis noun A figure o/ speech by which a strong affirmation of the contrary, is implied under the form o/ an earnest interrogation, as in the following lines; –
erotical adjective Of or pertaining to the passion of love; treating of love; amatory.
errabund adjective Erratic.
errantia noun pl. A group of chaetopod annelids, including those that are not confined to tubes. See Chaetopoda.
errantry noun A wandering; a roving; esp., a roving in quest of adventures., The employment of a knight-errant.
erration noun A wandering; a roving about.
errorful adjective Full of error; wrong.
errorist noun One who encourages and propagates error; one who holds to error.
eructate verb t. To eject, as wind, from the stomach; to belch.
erudiate verb t. To instruct; to educate; to teach.
erumpent adjective Breaking out; — said of certain fungi which burst through the texture of leaves.
eruption noun The act of breaking out or bursting forth; as: (a) A violent throwing out of flames, lava, etc., as from a volcano of a fissure in the earth’s crust. (b) A sudden and overwhelming hostile movement of armed men from one country to another. Milton. (c) A violent commotion., That which bursts forth., A violent exclamation; ejaculation., The breaking out of pimples, or an efflorescence, as in measles, scarlatina, etc.
eruptive adjective Breaking out or bursting forth., Attended with eruption or efflorescence, or producing it; as, an eruptive fever., Produced by eruption; as, eruptive rocks, such as the igneous or volcanic., An eruptive rock.
eryngium noun A genus of umbelliferous plants somewhat like thistles in appearance. Eryngium maritimum, or sea holly, has been highly esteemed as an aphrodisiac, the roots being formerly candied.
erythema noun A disease of the skin, in which a diffused inflammation forms rose-colored patches of variable size.
erythric adjective Pertaining to, derived from, or resembling, erythrin.
erythrin noun Alt. of Erythrine