8 letter word starting with eve

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
evectics noun The branch of medical science which teaches the method of acquiring a good habit of body.
evection The act of carrying up or away; exaltation., An inequality of the moon’s motion is its orbit to the attraction of the sun, by which the equation of the center is diminished at the syzygies, and increased at the quadratures by about 1ยก 20′., The libration of the moon.
evenfall noun Beginning of evening.
evenhand noun Equality.
evenness noun The state of being ven, level, or disturbed; smoothness; horizontal position; uniformity; impartiality; calmness; equanimity; appropriate place or level; as, evenness of surface, of a fluid at rest, of motion, of dealings, of temper, of condition.
evensong noun A song for the evening; the evening service or form of worship (in the Church of England including vespers and compline); also, the time of evensong.
eventful adjective Full of, or rich in, events or incidents; as, an eventful journey; an eventful period of history; an eventful period of life.
eventide noun The time of evening; evening.
evermore adverb During eternity; always; forever; for an indefinite period; at all times; — often used substantively with for.
eversion noun The act of eversing; destruction., The state of being turned back or outward; as, eversion of eyelids; ectropium.
eversive adjective Tending to evert or overthrow; subversive; with of.
everting present participle & vb. noun of Evert
everyday adjective Used or fit for every day; common; usual; as, an everyday suit or clothes.
everyone noun Everybody; — commonly separated, every one.
evesdrop verb i. See Eavesdrop.