8 letter word starting with fe

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
feaberry noun A gooseberry.
fearless adjective Free from fear.
fearsome adjective Frightful; causing fear., Easily frightened; timid; timorous.
feasible adjective Capable of being done, executed, or effected; practicable., Fit to be used or tailed, as land.
feasting present participle & vb. noun of Feast
feastful adjective Festive; festal; joyful; sumptuous; luxurious.
feateous adjective Dexterous; neat.
feathery adjective Pertaining to, or resembling, feathers; covered with, or as with, feathers; as, feathery spray or snow.
featness noun Skill; adroitness.
featured adjective Shaped; fashioned., Having features; formed into features.
feazings verb t. The unlaid or ragged end of a rope.
febrific adjective Producing fever.
february noun The second month in the year, said to have been introduced into the Roman calendar by Numa. In common years this month contains twenty-eight days; in the bissextile, or leap year, it has twenty-nine days.
fecifork noun The anal fork on which the larvae of certain insects carry their faeces.
feckless adjective Spiritless; weak; worthless.
feculent adjective Foul with extraneous or impure substances; abounding with sediment or excrementitious matter; muddy; thick; turbid.
federary noun A partner; a confederate; an accomplice.
federate adjective United by compact, as sovereignties, states, or nations; joined in confederacy; leagued; confederate; as, federate nations.
feetless adjective Destitute of feet; as, feetless birds.
feigning present participle & vb. noun of Feign, That feigns; insincere; not genuine; false.
feldspar noun Alt. of Feldspath
felicity noun The state of being happy; blessedness; blissfulness; enjoyment of good., That which promotes happiness; a successful or gratifying event; prosperity; blessing., A pleasing faculty or accomplishment; as, felicity in painting portraits, or in writing or talking.
fellable adjective Fit to be felled.
fellahin plural of Fellah
felltare noun The fieldfare.
fellinic adjective Of, relating to, or derived from, bile or gall; as, fellinic acid.
fellness noun The quality or state of being fell or cruel; fierce barbarity.
fellowly adjective Fellowlike.
felonous adjective Wicked; felonious.
felonies plural of Felony
felsitic adjective relating to, composed of, or containing, felsite.
felspath noun See Feldspar.
felstone noun See Felsite.
femalist noun A gallant.
femalize verb t. To make, or to describe as, female or feminine.
femerell noun A lantern, or louver covering, placed on a roof, for ventilation or escape of smoke.
feminate adjective Feminine.
feminine adjective Of or pertaining to a woman, or to women; characteristic of a woman; womanish; womanly., Having the qualities of a woman; becoming or appropriate to the female sex; as, in a good sense, modest, graceful, affectionate, confiding; or, in a bad sense, weak, nerveless, timid, pleasure-loving, effeminate., A woman., Any one of those words which are the appellations of females, or which have the terminations usually found in such words; as, actress, songstress, abbess, executrix.
feminity noun Womanliness; femininity.
feminize verb t. To make womanish or effeminate.
fenceful adjective Affording defense; defensive.
fencible noun A soldier enlisted for home service only; — usually in the pl.
fenerate verb i. To put money to usury; to lend on interest.
fenestra noun A small opening; esp., one of the apertures, closed by membranes, between the tympanum and internal ear.
feoffing present participle & vb. noun of Feoff
feracity noun The state of being feracious or fruitful.
ferdness noun Fearfulness.
feretory noun A portable bier or shrine, variously adorned, used for containing relics of saints.
ferforth adverb Far forth.
feringee noun The name given to Europeans by the Hindos.
ferocity noun Savage wildness or fierceness; fury; cruelty; as, ferocity of countenance.
ferreous adjective Partaking of, made of, or pertaining to, iron; like iron.
ferreted imp. & past participle of Ferret
ferreter noun One who ferrets.
ferretto noun Copper sulphide, used to color glass.
ferriage noun The price or fare to be paid for passage at a ferry.
ferroso- See Ferro-.
ferrying present participle & vb. noun of Ferry
ferrymen plural of Ferryman
ferryman noun One who maintains or attends a ferry.
feruling present participle & vb. noun of Ferule
fervence noun Heat; fervency.
fervency noun The state of being fervent or warm; ardor; warmth of feeling or devotion; eagerness.
fescuing present participle & vb. noun of Fescue
fesswise adverb In the manner of fess.
festally adverb Joyously; festively; mirthfully.
festered imp. & past participle of Fester
festival adjective Pertaining to a fest; festive; festal; appropriate to a festival; joyous; mirthful.
festlich noun Festive; fond of festive occasions.
festoony adjective Pertaining to, consisting of, or resembling, festoons.
fetation noun The formation of a fetus in the womb; pregnancy.
fetching present participle & vb. noun of Fetch
feticide noun The act of killing the fetus in the womb; the offense of procuring an abortion.
feticism noun See Fetichism.
fetidity noun Fetidness.
fetisely adverb Neatly; gracefully; properly.
fettered adjective Seeming as if fettered, as the feet of certain animals which bend backward, and appear unfit for walking.
fetterer noun One who fetters.
fettling noun A mixture of ore, cinders, etc., used to line the hearth of a puddling furnace., The operation of shaving or smoothing the surface of undried clay ware.
feudally adverb In a feudal manner.
feudtory adjective Held from another on some conditional tenure; as, a feudatory title.
feuterer noun A dog keeper.
fevering present participle & vb. noun of Fever
feverfew noun A perennial plant (Pyrethrum, / Chrysanthemum, Parthenium) allied to camomile, having finely divided leaves and white blossoms; — so named from its supposed febrifugal qualities.
feverish adjective Having a fever; suffering from, or affected with, a moderate degree of fever; showing increased heat and thirst; as, the patient is feverish., Indicating, or pertaining to, fever; characteristic of a fever; as, feverish symptoms., Hot; sultry., Disordered as by fever; excited; restless; as, the feverish condition of the commercial world.
feverous adjective Affected with fever or ague; feverish., Pertaining to, or having the nature of, fever; as, a feverous pulse., Having the tendency to produce fever; as, a feverous disposition of the year.