8 letter word starting with fir

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
fireback noun One of several species of pheasants of the genus Euplocamus, having the lower back a bright, fiery red. They inhabit Southern Asia and the East Indies.
fireball noun A ball filled with powder or other combustibles, intended to be thrown among enemies, and to injure by explosion; also, to set fire to their works and light them up, so that movements may be seen., A luminous meteor, resembling a ball of fire passing rapidly through the air, and sometimes exploding.
firebare noun A beacon.
firebird noun The Baltimore oriole.
firebote noun An allowance of fuel. See Bote.
firefish noun A singular marine fish of the genus Pterois, family Scorpaenidae, of several species, inhabiting the Indo-Pacific region. They are usually red, and have very large spinose pectoral and dorsal fins.
fireless adjective Destitute of fire.
firelock noun An old form of gunlock, as the flintlock, which ignites the priming by a spark; perhaps originally, a matchlock. Hence, a gun having such a lock.
fire-new adjective Fresh from the forge; bright; quite new; brand-new.
fire-set noun A set of fire irons, including, commonly, tongs, shovel, and poker.
fireside noun A place near the fire or hearth; home; domestic life or retirement.
firetail noun The European redstart; — called also fireflirt.
fireweed noun An American plant (Erechthites hiercifolia), very troublesome in spots where brushwood has been burned., The great willow-herb (Epilobium spicatum).
firewood noun Wood for fuel.
firework noun A device for producing a striking display of light, or a figure or figures in plain or colored fire, by the combustion of materials that burn in some peculiar manner, as gunpowder, sulphur, metallic filings, and various salts. The most common feature of fireworks is a paper or pasteboard tube filled with the combustible material. A number of these tubes or cases are often combined so as to make, when kindled, a great variety of figures in fire, often variously colored. The skyrocket is a common form of firework. The name is also given to various combustible preparations used in war., A pyrotechnic exhibition.
fireworm noun The larva of a small tortricid moth which eats the leaves of the cranberry, so that the vines look as if burned; — called also cranberry worm.
firmless adjective Detached from substance., Infirm; unstable.
firmness noun The state or quality of being firm.
fir tree See Fir.