8 letter word starting with fl

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
flabbily adverb In a flabby manner.
flagging present participle & vb. noun of Flag, A pavement or sidewalk of flagstones; flagstones, collectively., Growing languid, weak, or spiritless; weakening; delaying.
flagella plural of Flagellum
flagrant adjective Flaming; inflamed; glowing; burning; ardent., Actually in preparation, execution, or performance; carried on hotly; raging., Flaming into notice; notorious; enormous; heinous; glaringly wicked.
flagrate verb t. To burn.
flagship noun The vessel which carries the commanding officer of a fleet or squadron and flies his distinctive flag or pennant.
flagworm noun A worm or grub found among flags and sedge.
flamming present participle & vb. noun of Flam
flambeau noun A flaming torch, esp. one made by combining together a number of thick wicks invested with a quick-burning substance (anciently, perhaps, wax; in modern times, pitch or the like); hence, any torch.
flamelet noun A small flame.
flammens plural of Flamen
flamines plural of Flamen
flamingo noun Any bird of the genus Phoenicopterus. The flamingoes have webbed feet, very long legs, and a beak bent down as if broken. Their color is usually red or pink. The American flamingo is P. ruber; the European is P. antiquorum.
flanches plural of Flanch
flanched adjective Having flanches; — said of an escutcheon with those bearings.
flanging present participle & vb. noun of Flange
flanking present participle & vb. noun of Flank
flapping present participle & vb. noun of Flap
flapjack noun A fklat cake turned on the griddle while cooking; a griddlecake or pacake., A fried dough cake containing fruit; a turnover.
flare-up noun A sudden burst of anger or passion; an angry dispute.
flashing present participle & vb. noun of Flash, The creation of an artifical flood by the sudden letting in of a body of water; — called also flushing., Pieces of metal, built into the joints of a wall, so as to lap over the edge of the gutters or to cover the edge of the roofing; also, similar pieces used to cover the valleys of roofs of slate, shingles, or the like. By extension, the metal covering of ridges and hips of roofs; also, in the United States, the protecting of angles and breaks in walls of frame houses with waterproof material, tarred paper, or the like. Cf. Filleting., The reheating of an article at the furnace aperture during manufacture to restore its plastic condition; esp., the reheating of a globe of crown glass to allow it to assume a flat shape as it is rotated., A mode of covering transparent white glass with a film of colored glass.
flashily adverb In a flashy manner; with empty show.
flatting present participle & vb. noun of Flat, The process or operation of making flat, as a cylinder of glass by opening it out., A mode of painting,in which the paint, being mixed with turpentine, leaves the work without gloss., A method of preserving gilding unburnished, by touching with size., The process of forming metal into sheets by passing it between rolls.
flatbill noun Any bird of the genus Flatyrynchus. They belong to the family of flycatchers.
flatboat noun A boat with a flat bottom and square ends; — used for the transportation of bulky freight, especially in shallow waters.
flat-cap noun A kind of low-crowned cap formerly worn by all classes in England, and continued in London after disuse elsewhere; — hence, a citizen of London.
flatfish noun Any fish of the family Pleuronectidae; esp., the winter flounder (Pleuronectes Americanus). The flatfishes have the body flattened, swim on the side, and have eyes on one side, as the flounder, turbot, and halibut. See Flounder.
flathead adjective Characterized by flatness of head, especially that produced by artificial means, as a certain tribe of American Indians., A Chinook Indian. See Chinook, n., 1.
flatiron noun An iron with a flat, smooth surface for ironing clothes.
flatlong adverb With the flat side downward; not edgewise.
flatness noun The quality or state of being flat., Eveness of surface; want of relief or prominence; the state of being plane or level., Want of vivacity or spirit; prostration; dejection; depression., Want of variety or flavor; dullness; insipidity., Depression of tone; the state of being below the true pitch; — opposed to sharpness or acuteness.
flattery verb t. The act or practice of flattering; the act of pleasing by artiful commendation or compliments; adulation; false, insincere, or excessive praise.
flattish adjective Somewhat flat.
flatuous adjective Windy; generating wind.
flatuses plural of Flatus
flatware noun Articles for the table, as china or silverware, that are more or less flat, as distinguished from hollow ware.
flatwise adjective / adverb With the flat side downward, or next to another object; not edgewise.
flatworm noun Any worm belonging to the Plathelminthes; also, sometimes applied to the planarians.
flaunted imp. & past participle of Flaunt
flautist noun A player on the flute; a flutist.
flavored imp. & past participle of Flavor, Having a distinct flavor; as, high-flavored wine.
flawless adjective Free from flaws.
flaxseed noun The seed of the flax; linseed.
flaxweed noun See Toadflax.
fleabane noun One of various plants, supposed to have efficacy in driving away fleas. They belong, for the most part, to the genera Conyza, Erigeron, and Pulicaria.
fleaking noun A light covering of reeds, over which the main covering is laid, in thatching houses.
fleawort noun An herb used in medicine (Plantago Psyllium), named from the shape of its seeds.
flecking present participle & vb. noun of Fleck
flection noun The act of bending, or state of being bent., The variation of words by declension, comparison, or conjugation; inflection.
fledging present participle & vb. noun of Fledge
fleecing present participle & vb. noun of Fleece
fleering present participle & vb. noun of Fleer
fleeting present participle & vb. noun of Fleet, Passing swiftly away; not durable; transient; transitory; as, the fleeting hours or moments.
fleshing present participle & vb. noun of Flesh, A person devoted to fleshly things.
fleshpot noun A pot or vessel in which flesh is cooked, plenty; high living.
fletched imp. & past participle of Fletch
fletcher noun One who fletches of feathers arrows; a manufacturer of bows and arrows.
flexible adjective Capable of being flexed or bent; admitting of being turned, bowed, or twisted, without breaking; pliable; yielding to pressure; not stiff or brittle., Willing or ready to yield to the influence of others; not invincibly rigid or obstinate; tractable; manageable; ductile; easy and compliant; wavering., Capable or being adapted or molded; plastic,; as, a flexible language.
flexuose adjective Flexuous.
flexuous adjective Having turns, windings, or flexures., Having alternate curvatures in opposite directions; bent in a zigzag manner., Wavering; not steady; flickering.
flexural adjective Of, pertaining to, or resulting from, flexure; of the nature of, or characterized by, flexure; as, flexural elasticity.
flicking present participle & vb. noun of Flick
flighted adjective Taking flight; flying; — used in composition., Feathered; — said of arrows.
flighter noun A horizontal vane revolving over the surface of wort in a cooler, to produce a circular current in the liquor.
flimflam noun A freak; a trick; a lie.
flimsily adverb In a flimsy manner.
flinched imp. & past participle of Flinch
flincher noun One who flinches or fails.
flinders noun pl. Small pieces or splinters; fragments.
flinging present participle & vb. noun of Fling
flipping present participle & vb. noun of Flip
flippant adjective Of smooth, fluent, and rapid speech; speaking with ease and rapidity; having a voluble tongue; talkative., Speaking fluently and confidently, without knowledge or consideration; empty; trifling; inconsiderate; pert; petulant., A flippant person.
flirting present participle & vb. noun of Flirt
flitting present participle & vb. noun of Flit, A flying with lightness and celerity; a fluttering., A removal from one habitation to another.
flitches plural of Flitch
flittern adjective A term applied to the bark obtained from young oak trees.
floating present participle & vb. noun of Float, Buoyed upon or in a fluid; a, the floating timbers of a wreck; floating motes in the air., Free or lose from the usual attachment; as, the floating ribs in man and some other animals., Not funded; not fixed, invested, or determined; as, floating capital; a floating debt., Floating threads. See Floating threads, above., The second coat of three-coat plastering.
floatage noun Same as Flotage.
floccose noun Spotted with small tufts like wool., Having tufts of soft hairs, which are often deciduous.
flocculi plural of Flocculus
flocking present participle & vb. noun of Flock
flockmel adverb In a flock; in a body.
flogging present participle & vb. noun of Flog, from Flog, v. t.
flooding present participle & vb. noun of Flood, The filling or covering with water or other fluid; overflow; inundation; the filling anything to excess., An abnormal or excessive discharge of blood from the uterus.
floodage noun Inundation.
flooring present participle & vb. noun of Floor, A platform; the bottom of a room; a floor; pavement. See Floor, n., Material for the construction of a floor or floors.
floorage noun Floor space.
flopping present participle & vb. noun of Flop
flopwing noun The lapwing.
florally adverb In a floral manner.
florence noun An ancient gold coin of the time of Edward III., of six shillings sterling value., A kind of cloth.
floriage noun Bloom; blossom.
floridly adverb In a florid manner.
floriken noun An Indian bustard (Otis aurita). The Bengal floriken is Sypheotides Bengalensis.
florimer noun See Floramour.
floscule noun A floret.
flotilla noun A little fleet, or a fleet of small vessels.
flounced imp. & past participle of Flounce
flounder noun A flatfish of the family Pleuronectidae, of many species., A tool used in crimping boot fronts., To fling the limbs and body, as in making efforts to move; to struggle, as a horse in the mire, or as a fish on land; to roll, toss, and tumble; to flounce., The act of floundering.
flouring present participle & vb. noun of Flour
flourish verb i. To grow luxuriantly; to increase and enlarge, as a healthy growing plant; a thrive., To be prosperous; to increase in wealth, honor, comfort, happiness, or whatever is desirable; to thrive; to be prominent and influental; specifically, of authors, painters, etc., to be in a state of activity or production., To use florid language; to indulge in rhetorical figures and lofty expressions; to be flowery., To make bold and sweeping, fanciful, or wanton movements, by way of ornament, parade, bravado, etc.; to play with fantastic and irregular motion., To make ornamental strokes with the pen; to write graceful, decorative figures., To execute an irregular or fanciful strain of music, by way of ornament or prelude., To boast; to vaunt; to brag., To adorn with flowers orbeautiful figures, either natural or artificial; to ornament with anything showy; to embellish., To embellish with the flowers of diction; to adorn with rhetorical figures; to grace with ostentatious eloquence; to set off with a parade of words., To move in bold or irregular figures; to swing about in circles or vibrations by way of show or triumph; to brandish., To develop; to make thrive; to expand., A flourishing condition; prosperity; vigor., Decoration; ornament; beauty., Something made or performed in a fanciful, wanton, or vaunting manner, by way of ostentation, to excite admiration, etc.; ostentatious embellishment; ambitious copiousness or amplification; parade of words and figures; show; as, a flourish of rhetoric or of wit., A fanciful stroke of the pen or graver; a merely decorative figure., A fantastic or decorative musical passage; a strain of triumph or bravado, not forming part of a regular musical composition; a cal; a fanfare., The waving of a weapon or other thing; a brandishing; as, the flourish of a sword.
flouting present participle & vb. noun of Flout
flowered imp. & past participle of Flower
flowerer noun A plant which flowers or blossoms.
floweret noun A small flower; a floret.
fluently adverb In a fluent manner.
fluework noun A general name for organ stops in which the sound is caused by wind passing through a flue or fissure and striking an edge above; — in distinction from reedwork.
fluinity noun The quality of being fluid or capable of flowing; a liquid, aeriform. or gaseous state; — opposed to solidity.
fluidize verb t. To render fluid.
flummery noun A light kind of food, formerly made of flour or meal; a sort of pap., Something insipid, or not worth having; empty compliment; trash; unsubstantial talk of writing.
flunking present participle & vb. noun of Flunk
flunkies plural of Flunky
fluorene noun A colorless, crystalline hydrocarbon, C13H10 having a beautiful violet fluorescence; whence its name. It occurs in the higher boiling products of coal tar, and is obtained artificially.
fluoride noun A binary compound of fluorine with another element or radical.
fluorine noun A non-metallic, gaseous element, strongly acid or negative, or associated with chlorine, bromine, and iodine, in the halogen group of which it is the first member. It always occurs combined, is very active chemically, and possesses such an avidity for most elements, and silicon especially, that it can neither be prepared nor kept in glass vessels. If set free it immediately attacks the containing material, so that it was not isolated until 1886. It is a pungent, corrosive, colorless gas. Symbol F. Atomic weight 19.
fluorite noun Calcium fluoride, a mineral of many different colors, white, yellow, purple, green, red, etc., often very beautiful, crystallizing commonly in cubes with perfect octahedral cleavage; also massive. It is used as a flux. Some varieties are used for ornamental vessels. Also called fluor spar, or simply fluor.
fluoroid noun A tetrahexahedron; — so called because it is a common form of fluorite.
fluorous adjective Pertaining to fluor.
flurried adjective Agitated; excited., of Flurry
flurries plural of Flurry
flushing present participle & vb. noun of Flush, A heavy, coarse cloth manufactured from shoddy; — commonly in the /, A surface formed of floating threads.
fluxible adjective Capable of being melted or fused, as a mineral.
fluxions noun pl. See Fluxion, 6(b).
flyblown adjective Tainted or contaminated with flyblows; damaged; foul.
fly-case noun The covering of an insect, esp. the elytra of beetles.
fly-fish verb i. To angle, using flies for bait.
flyspeck noun A speck or stain made by the excrement of a fly; hence, any insignificant dot., To soil with flyspecks.