8 letter word starting with ga

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
gabarage noun A kind of coarse cloth for packing goods.
gabbling present participle & vb. noun of Gabble
gabioned p. adjective Furnished with gabions.
gadabout noun A gadder
gadflies plural of Gadfly
gadhelic adjective Of or pertaining to that division of the Celtic languages, which includes the Irish, Gaelic, and Manx.
gaggling present participle & vb. noun of Gaggle
gagtooth noun A projecting tooth.
gaillard adjective Gay; brisk; merry; galliard.
gainable verb t. Capable of being obtained or reached.
gainless adjective Not producing gain; unprofitable.
gainpain noun Bread-gainer; — a term applied in the Middle Ages to the sword of a hired soldier.
gainsaid imp. & past participle of Gainsay
gainsome adjective Gainful., Prepossessing; well-favored.
gairfowl noun See Garefowl.
galactic adjective Of or pertaining to milk; got from milk; as, galactic acid., Of or pertaining to the galaxy or Milky Way.
galactin noun An amorphous, gelatinous substance containing nitrogen, found in milk and other animal fluids. It resembles peptone, and is variously regarded as a coagulating or emulsifying agent., A white waxy substance found in the sap of the South American cow tree (Galactodendron)., An amorphous, gummy carbohydrate resembling gelose, found in the seeds of leguminous plants, and yielding on decomposition several sugars, including galactose.
galangal noun The pungent aromatic rhizome or tuber of certain East Indian or Chinese species of Alpinia (A. Galanga and A. officinarum) and of the Kaempferia Galanga), — all of the Ginger family.
galatian adjective Of or pertaining to Galatia or its inhabitants. — A native or inhabitant of Galatia, in Asia Minor; a descendant of the Gauls who settled in Asia Minor.
galaxies plural of Galaxy
galbanum noun A gum resin exuding from the stems of certain Asiatic umbelliferous plants, mostly species of Ferula. The Bubon Galbanum of South Africa furnishes an inferior kind of galbanum. It has an acrid, bitter taste, a strong, unpleasant smell, and is used for medical purposes, also in the arts, as in the manufacture of varnish.
galeated adjective Wearing a helmet; protected by a helmet; covered, as with a helmet., Helmeted; having a helmetlike part, as a crest, a flower, etc.; helmet-shaped.
galenism noun The doctrines of Galen.
galenist noun A follower of Galen.
galenite noun Galena; lead ore.
galerite noun A cretaceous fossil sea urchin of the genus Galerites.
galician adjective Of or pertaining to Galicia, in Spain, or to Galicia, the kingdom of Austrian Poland., A native of Galicia in Spain; — called also Gallegan.
galilean adjective Of or pertaining to Galileo; as, the Galilean telescope. See Telescope., Of or relating to Galilee., A native or inhabitant of Galilee, the northern province of Palestine under the Romans., One of the party among the Jews, who opposed the payment of tribute to the Romans; — called also Gaulonite., A Christian in general; — used as a term of reproach by Mohammedans and Pagans.
galleass noun A large galley, having some features of the galleon, as broadside guns; esp., such a vessel used by the southern nations of Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries. See Galleon, and Galley.
gallegan noun Alt. of Gallego
galliard adjective Gay; brisk; active., A brisk, gay man., A gay, lively dance. Cf. Gailliarde.
galliass noun Same as Galleass.
gallican adjective Of or pertaining to Gaul or France; Gallic; French; as, the Gallican church or clergy., An adherent to, and supporter of, Gallicanism.
gallinae noun An order of birds, including the common domestic fowls, pheasants, grouse, quails, and allied forms; — sometimes called Rasores.
gallipot noun A glazed earthen pot or vessel, used by druggists and apothecaries for containing medicines, etc.
gallivat noun A small armed vessel, with sails and oars, — used on the Malabar coast.
galloped imp. & past participle of Gallop
galloper noun One who, or that which, gallops., A carriage on which very small guns were formerly mounted, the gun resting on the shafts, without a limber.
gallopin verb i. An under servant for the kitchen; a scullion; a cook’s errand boy.
galloway noun A small horse of a breed raised at Galloway, Scotland; — called also garran, and garron.
galvanic adjective Of or pertaining to, or exhibiting the phenomena of, galvanism; employing or producing electrical currents.
gamashes noun pl. High boots or buskins; in Scotland, short spatterdashes or riding trousers, worn over the other clothing.
gambeson noun Same as Gambison.
gambison noun A defensive garment formerly in use for the body, made of cloth stuffed and quilted.
gambling present participle & vb. noun of Gamble
gambogic adjective Pertaining to, resembling, or containing, gamboge.
gamboled imp. & past participle of Gambol
gambroon noun A kind of twilled linen cloth for lining.
gamecock noun The male game fowl.
gameless adjective Destitute of game.
gameness noun Endurance; pluck.
gamesome adjective Gay; sportive; playful; frolicsome; merry.
gamester noun A merry, frolicsome person., A person who plays at games; esp., one accustomed to play for a stake; a gambler; one skilled in games., A prostitute; a strumpet.
gammoned imp. & past participle of Gammon
gangetic adjective Pertaining to, or inhabiting, the Ganges; as, the Gangetic shark.
gangliac adjective Alt. of Ganglial
ganglial adjective Relating to a ganglion; ganglionic.
ganglion noun A mass or knot of nervous matter, including nerve cells, usually forming an enlargement in the course of a nerve., A node, or gland in the lymphatic system; as, a lymphatic ganglion., A globular, hard, indolent tumor, situated somewhere on a tendon, and commonly formed by the effusion of a viscid fluid into it; — called also weeping sinew.
gangrene noun A term formerly restricted to mortification of the soft tissues which has not advanced so far as to produce complete loss of vitality; but now applied to mortification of the soft parts in any stage., To produce gangrene in; to be affected with gangrene.
ganister noun Alt. of Gannister
ganoidal adjective Ganoid.
ganoidei noun pl. One of the subclasses of fishes. They have an arterial cone and bulb, spiral intestinal valve, and the optic nerves united by a chiasma. Many of the species are covered with bony plates, or with ganoid scales; others have cycloid scales.
gantline noun A line rigged to a mast; — used in hoisting rigging; a girtline.
gantlope noun See Gantlet.
gapeseed noun Any strange sight.
gapesing noun Act of gazing about; sightseeing.
gapeworm noun The parasitic worm that causes the gapes in birds. See Illustration in Appendix.
garancin noun An extract of madder by sulphuric acid. It consists essentially of alizarin.
garbling present participle & vb. noun of Garble
garboard noun One of the planks next the keel on the outside, which form a garboard strake.
garcinia noun A genus of plants, including the mangosteen tree (Garcinia Mangostana), found in the islands of the Indian Archipelago; — so called in honor of Dr. Garcin.
gardened imp. & past participle of Garden
gardener noun One who makes and tends a garden; a horticulturist.
gardenia noun A genus of plants, some species of which produce beautiful and fragrant flowers; Cape jasmine; — so called in honor of Dr. Alexander Garden.
gardenly adjective Like a garden.
gardyloo noun An old cry in throwing water, slops, etc., from the windows in Edingburgh.
garefowl noun The great auk; also, the razorbill. See Auk.
garganey noun A small European duck (Anas querquedula); — called also cricket teal, and summer teal.
garggled imp. & past participle of Gargle
gargling present participle & vb. noun of Gargle
gargoyle noun A spout projecting from the roof gutter of a building, often carved grotesquely.
garlicky adjective Like or containing garlic.
garnered imp. & past participle of Garner
garookuh noun A small fishing vessel met with in the Persian Gulf.
gar pike Alt. of Garpike
garreted adjective Protected by turrets.
garrison noun A body of troops stationed in a fort or fortified town., A fortified place, in which troops are quartered for its security., To place troops in, as a fortification, for its defense; to furnish with soldiers; as, to garrison a fort or town., To secure or defend by fortresses manned with troops; as, to garrison a conquered territory.
garroted imp. & past participle of Garrote
garroter noun One who seizes a person by the throat from behind, with a view to strangle and rob him.
gartered imp. & past participle of Garter
gasalier noun A chandelier arranged to burn gas.
gasiform adjective Having a form of gas; gaseous.
gasified imp. & past participle of Gasify
gaslight noun The light yielded by the combustion of illuminating gas., A gas jet or burner.
gasolene noun See Gasoline.
gasolier noun Same as Gasalier.
gasoline noun A highly volatile mixture of fluid hydrocarbons, obtained from petroleum, as also by the distillation of bituminous coal. It is used in making air gas, and in giving illuminating power to water gas. See Carburetor.
gastight adjective So tightly fitted as to preclude the escape of gas; impervious to gas.
gastness noun See Ghastness.
gastraea noun A primeval larval form; a double-walled sac from which, according to the hypothesis of Haeckel, man and all other animals, that in the first stages of their individual evolution pass through a two-layered structural stage, or gastrula form, must have descended. This idea constitutes the Gastraea theory of Haeckel. See Gastrula.
gastrula noun An embryonic form having its origin in the invagination or pushing in of the wall of the planula or blastula (the blastosphere) on one side, thus giving rise to a double-walled sac, with one opening or mouth (the blastopore) which leads into the cavity (the archenteron) lined by the inner wall (the hypoblast). See Illust. under Invagination. In a more general sense, an ideal stage in embryonic development. See Gastraea., Of or pertaining to a gastrula.
gastrura noun pl. See Stomatopoda.
gateless adjective Having no gate.
gatepost noun A post to which a gate is hung; — called also swinging / hinging post., A post against which a gate closes; — called also shutting post.
gatewise adverb In the manner of a gate.
gathered imp. & past participle of Gather
gatherer noun One who gathers or collects., An attachment for making gathers in the cloth.
gaud-day noun See Gaudy, a feast.
gaudless adjective Destitute of ornament.
gauntlet noun See Gantlet., A glove of such material that it defends the hand from wounds., A long glove, covering the wrist., A rope on which hammocks or clothes are hung for drying.
gauntree noun Alt. of Gauntry
gavelock noun A spear or dart., An iron crow or lever.
gaverick noun The European red gurnard (Trigla cuculus).
gawntree noun See Gauntree.
gaydiang noun A vessel of Anam, with two or three masts, lofty triangular sails, and in construction somewhat resembling a Chinese junk.
gayeties plural of Gayety
gazement noun View.
gazetted imp. & past participle of Gazette
gazogene noun A portable apparatus for making soda water or aerated liquids on a small scale.