8 letter word starting with go

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
goatfish noun A fish of the genus Upeneus, inhabiting the Gulf of Mexico. It is allied to the surmullet.
goatherd noun One who tends goats.
goatlike adjective Like a goat; goatish.
goatskin noun The skin of a goat, or leather made from it., Made of the skin of a goat.
gobbetly adverb In pieces.
gobbling present participle & vb. noun of Gobble
godchild noun One for whom a person becomes sponsor at baptism, and whom he promises to see educated as a Christian; a godson or goddaughter. See Godfather.
godelich adjective Goodly.
godspeed noun Success; prosperous journeying; — a contraction of the phrase, “God speed you.”
goffered imp. & past participle of Goffer
goggling present participle & vb. noun of Goggle
goitered adjective Alt. of Goitred
goitrous adjective Pertaining to the goiter; affected with the goiter; of the nature of goiter or bronchocele.
goden ly adverb In golden terms or a golden manner; splendidly; delightfully.
goldfish noun A small domesticated cyprinoid fish (Carassius auratus); — so named from its color. It is native of China, and is said to have been introduced into Europe in 1691. It is often kept as an ornament, in small ponds or glass globes. Many varieties are known. Called also golden fish, and golden carp. See Telescope fish, under Telescope., A California marine fish of an orange or red color; the garibaldi.
goldless adjective Destitute of gold.
goldseed noun Dog’s-tail grass.
golgotha noun Calvary. See the Note under Calvary.
gomarist noun Alt. of Gomarite
gomarite noun One of the followers of Francis Gomar or Gomarus, a Dutch disciple of Calvin in the 17th century, who strongly opposed the Arminians.
gommelin noun See Dextrin.
gonangia plural of Gonangium
gondolet noun A small gondola.
goneness noun A state of exhaustion; faintness, especially as resulting from hunger.
gonfalon noun Alt. of Gonfanon
gonfanon noun The ensign or standard in use by certain princes or states, such as the mediaeval republics of Italy, and in more recent times by the pope., A name popularly given to any flag which hangs from a crosspiece or frame instead of from the staff or the mast itself.
gonidial adjective Pertaining to, or containing, gonidia., Of or pertaining to the angles of the mouth; as, a gonidial groove of an actinian.
gonidium noun A special groove or furrow at one or both angles of the mouth of many Anthozoa., A component cell of the yellowish green layer in certain lichens.
gonimous adjective Pertaining to, or containing, gonidia or gonimia, as that part of a lichen which contains the green or chlorophyll-bearing cells.
gonosome noun The reproductive zooids of a hydroid colony, collectively.
gonydial adjective Pertaining to the gonys of a bird’s beak.
good-bye noun / interj. Farewell; a form of address used at parting. See the last Note under By, prep.
good-den interj. A form of salutation.
goodgeon noun Same as Gudgeon, 5.
goodless adjective Having no goods.
goodlich adjective Goodly.
goodness noun The quality of being good in any of its various senses; excellence; virtue; kindness; benevolence; as, the goodness of timber, of a soil, of food; goodness of character, of disposition, of conduct, etc.
good now An exclamation of wonder, surprise, or entreaty.
goodship noun Favor; grace.
goodwife noun The mistress of a house.
gorebill noun The garfish.
gorflies plural of Gorfly
gorgelet noun A small gorget, as of a humming bird.
gorgeous noun Imposing through splendid or various colors; showy; fine; magnificent.
gorgerin noun In some columns, that part of the capital between the termination of the shaft and the annulet of the echinus, or the space between two neck moldings; — called also neck of the capital, and hypotrachelium. See Illust. of Column.
gorgonia noun A genus of Gorgoniacea, formerly very extensive, but now restricted to such species as the West Indian sea fan (Gorgonia flabellum), sea plume (G. setosa), and other allied species having a flexible, horny axis., Any slender branched gorgonian.
gospeler noun One of the four evangelists., A follower of Wyclif, the first English religious reformer; hence, a Puritan., A priest or deacon who reads the gospel at the altar during the communion service.
gossamer noun A fine, filmy substance, like cobwebs, floating in the air, in calm, clear weather, especially in autumn. It is seen in stubble fields and on furze or low bushes, and is formed by small spiders., Any very thin gauzelike fabric; also, a thin waterproof stuff., An outer garment, made of waterproof gossamer.
gossiped imp. & past participle of Gossip
gossiper noun One given to gossip.
gossipry noun Spiritual relationship or affinity; gossiprede; special intimacy., Idle talk; gossip.
goethite noun A hydrous oxide of iron, occurring in prismatic crystals, also massive, with a fibrous, reniform, or stalactitic structure. The color varies from yellowish to blackish brown.
gourmand noun A greedy or ravenous eater; a glutton. See Gormand.
goutweed noun Alt. of Goutwort
goutwort noun A coarse umbelliferous plant of Europe (Aegopodium Podagraria); — called also bishop’s weed, ashweed, and herb gerard.
governed imp. & past participle of Govern
governal noun Alt. of Governail
governor noun One who governs; especially, one who is invested with the supreme executive authority in a State; a chief ruler or magistrate; as, the governor of Pennsylvania., One who has the care or guardianship of a young man; a tutor; a guardian., A pilot; a steersman., A contrivance applied to steam engines, water wheels, and other machinery, to maintain nearly uniform speed when the resistances and motive force are variable.
gowdnook noun The saury pike; — called also gofnick.
gownsman noun Alt. of Gownman