8 letter word starting with gri

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
gridelin noun A color mixed of white, and red, or a gray violet.
gridiron noun A grated iron utensil for broiling flesh and fish over coals., An openwork frame on which vessels are placed for examination, cleaning, and repairs., A football field.
griefful adjective Full of grief or sorrow.
grieving present participle & vb. noun of Grieve, Sad; sorrowful; causing grief., The act of causing grief; the state of being grieved.
grievous adjective Causing grief or sorrow; painful; afflictive; hard to bear; offensive; harmful., Characterized by great atrocity; heinous; aggravated; flagitious; as, a grievous sin., Full of, or expressing, grief; showing great sorrow or affliction; as, a grievous cry.
grilling present participle & vb. noun of Grill
grillade verb t. The act of grilling; also, that which is grilled.
grillage noun A framework of sleepers and crossbeams forming a foundation in marshy or treacherous soil.
grimaced adjective Distorted; crabbed.
grimness noun Fierceness of look; sternness; crabbedness; forbiddingness.
grinning present participle & vb. noun of Grin
grinding present participle & vb. noun of Grind, from Grind.
grindery noun Leather workers’ materials.
grindlet noun A small drain.
grinting noun Grinding.
gripeful adjective Disposed to gripe; extortionate.
gripsack noun A traveler’s handbag.
griseous adjective Of a light color, or white, mottled with black or brown; grizzled or grizzly.
grisette noun A French girl or young married woman of the lower class; more frequently, a young working woman who is fond of gallantry.
gritting present participle &, vb. noun of Grit
gritrock noun Alt. of Gritstone
grizelin adjective See Gridelin.
grizzled adjective Gray; grayish; sprinkled or mixed with gray; of a mixed white and black.