8 letter word starting with ha

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
habendum noun That part of a deed which follows the part called the premises, and determines the extent of the interest or estate granted; — so called because it begins with the word Habendum.
hability noun Ability; aptitude.
habiting present participle & vb. noun of Habit
habitant verb t. An inhabitant; a dweller., An inhabitant or resident; — a name applied to and denoting farmers of French descent or origin in Canada, especially in the Province of Quebec; — usually in plural.
habitual noun Formed or acquired by habit or use., According to habit; established by habit; customary; constant; as, the habiual practice of sin.
habitude noun Habitual attitude; usual or accustomed state with reference to something else; established or usual relations., Habitual association, intercourse, or familiarity., Habit of body or of action.
habiture noun Habitude.
hacienda noun A large estate where work of any kind is done, as agriculture, manufacturing, mining, or raising of animals; a cultivated farm, with a good house, in distinction from a farming establishment with rude huts for herdsmen, etc.; — a word used in Spanish-American regions.
hackbolt noun The greater shearwater or hagdon. See Hagdon.
hackbuss noun Same as Hagbut.
hackling present participle & vb. noun of Hackle
hackneys plural of Hackney
hackster noun A bully; a bravo; a ruffian; an assassin.
haemato- Alt. of Haemo-, See Haema-.
haemapod noun An haemapodous animal.
haematic adjective Of or pertaining to the blood; sanguine; brownish red.
haematin noun Same as Hematin.
hagberry noun A plant of the genus Prunus (P. Padus); the bird cherry.
haggling present participle & vb. noun of Haggle
haguebut noun See Hagbut.
hailshot noun pl. Small shot which scatter like hailstones.
hairbell noun See Harebell.
hairbird noun The chipping sparrow.
hairless adjective Destitute of hair.
hairtail noun Any species of marine fishes of the genus Trichiurus; esp., T. lepterus of Europe and America. They are long and like a band, with a slender, pointed tail. Called also bladefish.
hairworm A nematoid worm of the genus Gordius, resembling a hair. See Gordius.
halation noun An appearance as of a halo of light, surrounding the edges of dark objects in a photographic picture.
halfbeak noun Any slender, marine fish of the genus Hemirhamphus, having the upper jaw much shorter than the lower; — called also balahoo.
halfcock verb t. To set the cock of (a firearm) at the first notch.
halfness noun The quality of being half; incompleteness.
halfpace noun A platform of a staircase where the stair turns back in exactly the reverse direction of the lower flight. See Quarterpace.
half-ray noun A straight line considered as drawn from a center to an indefinite distance in one direction, the complete ray being the whole line drawn to an indefinite distance in both directions.
half-wit noun A foolish; a dolt; a blockhead; a dunce.
halicore noun Same as Dugong.
haliotis noun A genus of marine shells; the ear-shells. See Abalone.
halliard noun See Halyard.
hallooed imp. & past participle of Halloo
halloing present participle & vb. noun of Halloo
hallowed imp. & past participle of Hallow
hallucal adjective Of or pertaining to the hallux.
haltered imp. & past participle of Halter
halteres noun pl. Balancers; the rudimentary hind wings of Diptera.
hal’yard verb t. A rope or tackle for hoisting or lowering yards, sails, flags, etc.
hamiform noun Hook-shaped.
haminura noun A large edible river fish (Erythrinus macrodon) of Guiana.
hamleted p. adjective Confined to a hamlet.
hammered imp. & past participle of Hammer
hammerer noun One who works with a hammer.
hampered imp. & past participle of Hamper
hamulate adjective Furnished with a small hook; hook-shaped.
hamulose adjective Bearing a small hook at the end.
handbill noun A loose, printed sheet, to be distributed by hand., A pruning hook.
handbook noun A book of reference, to be carried in the hand; a manual; a guidebook.
handcart noun A cart drawn or pushed by hand.
handcuff noun A fastening, consisting of an iron ring around the wrist, usually connected by a chain with one on the other wrist; a manacle; — usually in the plural., To apply handcuffs to; to manacle.
handfast noun Hold; grasp; custody; power of confining or keeping., Contract; specifically, espousal., Fast by contract; betrothed by joining hands., To pledge; to bind; to betroth by joining hands, in order to cohabitation, before the celebration of marriage., Strong; steadfast.
handfish noun The frogfish.
handicap noun An allowance of a certain amount of time or distance in starting, granted in a race to the competitor possessing inferior advantages; or an additional weight or other hindrance imposed upon the one possessing superior advantages, in order to equalize, as much as possible, the chances of success; as, the handicap was five seconds, or ten pounds, and the like., A race, for horses or men, or any contest of agility, strength, or skill, in which there is an allowance of time, distance, weight, or other advantage, to equalize the chances of the competitors., An old game at cards., To encumber with a handicap in any contest; hence, in general, to place at disadvantage; as, the candidate was heavily handicapped.
handiron noun See Andrion.
handling present participle & vb. noun of Handle, A touching, controlling, managing, using, etc., with the hand or hands, or as with the hands. See Handle, v. t., The mode of using the pencil or brush, etc.; style of touch.
handless adjective Without a hand.
handmade adjective Manufactured by hand; as, handmade shoes.
handmaid noun Alt. of Handmaiden
handsome superl. Dexterous; skillful; handy; ready; convenient; — applied to things as persons., Agreeable to the eye or to correct taste; having a pleasing appearance or expression; attractive; having symmetry and dignity; comely; — expressing more than pretty, and less than beautiful; as, a handsome man or woman; a handsome garment, house, tree, horse., Suitable or fit in action; marked with propriety and ease; graceful; becoming; appropriate; as, a handsome style, etc., Evincing a becoming generosity or nobleness of character; liberal; generous., Ample; moderately large.
hangbird noun The Baltimore oriole (Icterus galbula); — so called because its nest is suspended from the limb of a tree. See Baltimore oriole.
hangnail noun A small piece or silver of skin which hangs loose, near the root of finger nail.
hangnest noun A nest that hangs like a bag or pocket., A bird which builds such a nest; a hangbird.
hankered imp. & past participle of Hanker
happened imp. & past participle of Happen
haquebut noun See Hagbut.
harangue noun A speech addressed to a large public assembly; a popular oration; a loud address a multitude; in a bad sense, a noisy or pompous speech; declamation; ranting., To make an harangue; to declaim., To address by an harangue.
harassed imp. & past participle of Harass
harasser noun One who harasses.
harbored imp. & past participle of Harbor
harborer noun One who, or that which, harbors.
hardbake noun A sweetmeat of boiled brown sugar or molasses made with almonds, and flavored with orange or lemon juice, etc.
hardbeam noun A tree of the genus Carpinus, of compact, horny texture; hornbeam.
hardened imp. & past participle of Harden, Made hard, or compact; made unfeeling or callous; made obstinate or obdurate; confirmed in error or vice.
hardener noun One who, or that which, hardens; specif., one who tempers tools.
hardfern noun A species of fern (Lomaria borealis), growing in Europe and Northwestern America.
hardhack noun A very astringent shrub (Spiraea tomentosa), common in pastures. The Potentilla fruticosa in also called by this name.
hardhead noun Clash or collision of heads in contest., The menhaden. See Menhaden., Block’s gurnard (Trigla gurnardus) of Europe., A California salmon; the steelhead., The gray whale., A coarse American commercial sponge (Spongia dura).
hardness noun The quality or state of being hard, literally or figuratively., The cohesion of the particles on the surface of a body, determined by its capacity to scratch another, or be itself scratched;-measured among minerals on a scale of which diamond and talc form the extremes., The peculiar quality exhibited by water which has mineral salts dissolved in it. Such water forms an insoluble compound with soap, and is hence unfit for washing purposes.
hardship noun That which is hard to hear, as toil, privation, injury, injustice, etc.
hardspun adjective Firmly twisted in spinning.
hardtail noun See Jurel.
hardware noun Ware made of metal, as cutlery, kitchen utensils, and the like; ironmongery.
harebell noun A small, slender, branching plant (Campanula rotundifolia), having blue bell-shaped flowers; also, Scilla nutans, which has similar flowers; — called also bluebell.
harefoot noun A long, narrow foot, carried (that is, produced or extending) forward; — said of dogs., A tree (Ochroma Laqopus) of the West Indies, having the stamens united somewhat in the form of a hare’s foot.
harikari noun See Hara-kiri.
harlotry noun Ribaldry; buffoonery; a ribald story., The trade or practice of prostitution; habitual or customary lewdness., Anything meretricious; as, harlotry in art., A harlot; a strumpet; a baggage.
harmless adjective Free from harm; unhurt; as, to give bond to save another harmless., Free from power or disposition to harm; innocent; inoffensive.
harmonic adjective Alt. of Harmonical, A musical note produced by a number of vibrations which is a multiple of the number producing some other; an overtone. See Harmonics.
harpagon noun A grappling iron.
harpings noun pl. The fore parts of the wales, which encompass the bow of a vessel, and are fastened to the stem.
harpress noun A female harper.
harridan noun A worn-out strumpet; a vixenish woman; a hag.
harrowed imp. & past participle of Harrow
harrower noun One who harrows., One who harries.
harrying present participle & vb. noun of Harry
hartford noun The Hartford grape, a variety of grape first raised at Hartford, Connecticut, from the Northern fox grape. Its large dark-colored berries ripen earlier than those of most other kinds.
hartwort noun A coarse umbelliferous plant of Europe (Tordylium maximum).
hasheesh noun Alt. of Hashish
hastated noun Shaped like the head of a halberd; triangular, with the basal angles or lobes spreading; as, a hastate leaf.
hastened imp. & past participle of Hasten
hastener noun One who hastens., That which hastens; especially, a stand or reflector used for confining the heat of the fire to meat while roasting before it.
hastings verb Early fruit or vegetables; especially, early pease.
hatching present participle & vb. noun of Hatch, A mode of execution in engraving, drawing, and miniature painting, in which shading is produced by lines crossing each other at angles more or less acute; — called also crosshatching.
hatchery noun A house for hatching fish, etc.
hatchure noun Same as Hachure.
hatchway noun A square or oblong opening in a deck or floor, affording passage from one deck or story to another; the entrance to a cellar.
hatstand noun A stand of wood or iron, with hooks or pegs upon which to hang hats, etc.
hatteria noun A New Zealand lizard, which, in anatomical character, differs widely from all other existing lizards. It is the only living representative of the order Rhynchocephala, of which many Mesozoic fossil species are known; — called also Sphenodon, and Tuatera.
hauerite noun Native sulphide of manganese a reddish brown or brownish black mineral.
haunched adjective Having haunches.
haunting present participle & vb. noun of Haunt
haurient adjective In pale, with the head in chief; — said of the figure of a fish, as if rising for air.
hautgout noun High relish or flavor; high seasoning.
hauynite noun A blue isometric mineral, characteristic of some volcani/ rocks. It is a silicate of alumina, lime, and soda, with sulphate of lime.
havanese adjective Of or pertaining to Havana, in Cuba., A native or inhabitant, or the people, of Havana.
haveless adjective Having little or nothing.
havelock noun A light cloth covering for the head and neck, used by soldiers as a protection from sunstroke.
havenage noun Harbor dues; port dues.
havildar noun In the British Indian armies, a noncommissioned officer of native soldiers, corresponding to a sergeant.
hawaiian adjective Belonging to Hawaii or the Sandwich Islands, or to the people of Hawaii., A native of Hawaii.
hawebake noun Probably, the baked berry of the hawthorn tree, that is, coarse fare. See 1st Haw, 2.
hawfinch noun The common European grosbeak (Coccothraustes vulgaris); — called also cherry finch, and coble.
hawkbill noun A sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), which yields the best quality of tortoise shell; — called also caret.
hawkweed noun A plant of the genus Hieracium; — so called from the ancient belief that birds of prey used its juice to strengthen their vision., A plant of the genus Senecio (S. hieracifolius).
hawthorn noun A thorny shrub or tree (the Crataegus oxyacantha), having deeply lobed, shining leaves, small, roselike, fragrant flowers, and a fruit called haw. It is much used in Europe for hedges, and for standards in gardens. The American hawthorn is Crataegus cordata, which has the leaves but little lobed.
hayfield noun A field where grass for hay has been cut; a meadow.
haymaker noun One who cuts and cures hay., A machine for curing hay in rainy weather.
haystack noun A stack or conical pile of hay in the open air.
haystalk noun A stalk of hay.
haythorn noun Hawthorn.
hazarded imp. & past participle of Hazard
hazarder noun A player at the game of hazard; a gamester., One who hazards or ventures.
hazardry noun Playing at hazard; gaming; gambling., Rashness; temerity.
hazeless adjective Destitute of haze.
hazelnut noun The nut of the hazel.
haziness noun The quality or state of being hazy.