8 letter word starting with hard

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
hardbake noun A sweetmeat of boiled brown sugar or molasses made with almonds, and flavored with orange or lemon juice, etc.
hardbeam noun A tree of the genus Carpinus, of compact, horny texture; hornbeam.
hardened imp. & past participle of Harden, Made hard, or compact; made unfeeling or callous; made obstinate or obdurate; confirmed in error or vice.
hardener noun One who, or that which, hardens; specif., one who tempers tools.
hardfern noun A species of fern (Lomaria borealis), growing in Europe and Northwestern America.
hardhack noun A very astringent shrub (Spiraea tomentosa), common in pastures. The Potentilla fruticosa in also called by this name.
hardhead noun Clash or collision of heads in contest., The menhaden. See Menhaden., Block’s gurnard (Trigla gurnardus) of Europe., A California salmon; the steelhead., The gray whale., A coarse American commercial sponge (Spongia dura).
hardness noun The quality or state of being hard, literally or figuratively., The cohesion of the particles on the surface of a body, determined by its capacity to scratch another, or be itself scratched;-measured among minerals on a scale of which diamond and talc form the extremes., The peculiar quality exhibited by water which has mineral salts dissolved in it. Such water forms an insoluble compound with soap, and is hence unfit for washing purposes.
hardship noun That which is hard to hear, as toil, privation, injury, injustice, etc.
hardspun adjective Firmly twisted in spinning.
hardtail noun See Jurel.
hardware noun Ware made of metal, as cutlery, kitchen utensils, and the like; ironmongery.