8 letter word starting with hyp

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
hypaxial adjective Beneath the axis of the skeleton; subvertebral; hyposkeletal.
hyperion noun The god of the sun; in the later mythology identified with Apollo, and distinguished for his beauty.
hyphened imp. & past participle of Hyphen
hypnosis noun Supervention of sleep.
hypnotic adjective Having the quality of producing sleep; tending to produce sleep; soporific., Of or pertaining to hypnotism; in a state of hypnotism; liable to hypnotism; as, a hypnotic condition., Any agent that produces, or tends to produce, sleep; an opiate; a soporific; a narcotic., A person who exhibits the phenomena of, or is subject to, hypnotism.
hypoaria plural of Hypoarion
hypobole noun A figure in which several things are mentioned that seem to make against the argument, or in favor of the opposite side, each of them being refuted in order.
hypocarp noun Alt. of Hypocarpium
hypocist noun An astringent inspissated juice obtained from the fruit of a plant (Cytinus hypocistis), growing from the roots of the Cistus, a small European shrub.
hypoderm noun Same as Hypoblast.
hypogean adjective Hypogeous.
hypogene adjective Formed or crystallized at depths the earth’s surface; — said of granite, gneiss, and other rocks, whose crystallization is believed of have taken place beneath a great thickness of overlying rocks. Opposed to epigene.
hypogeum noun The subterraneous portion of a building, as in amphitheaters, for the service of the games; also, subterranean galleries, as the catacombs.
hypohyal adjective Pertaining to one or more small elements in the hyoidean arch of fishes, between the caratohyal and urohyal., One of the hypohyal bones or cartilages.
hypothec noun A landlord’s right, independently of stipulation, over the stocking (cattle, implements, etc.), and crops of his tenant, as security for payment of rent.
hypozoic adjective Anterior in age to the lowest rocks which contain organic remains.