8 letter word starting with im

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
imaginal adjective Characterized by imagination; imaginative; also, given to the use or rhetorical figures or imagins., Of or pertaining to an imago.
imagined imp. & past participle of Imagine
imaginer noun One who forms ideas or conceptions; one who contrives.
imbanked imp. & past participle of Imbank
imbecile adjective Destitute of strength, whether of body or mind; feeble; impotent; esp., mentally wea; feeble-minded; as, hospitals for the imbecile and insane., One destitute of strength; esp., one of feeble mind., To weaken; to make imbecile; as, to imbecile men’s courage.
imbedded imp. & past participle of Imbed
imbellic adjective Not warlike or martial.
imbezzle verb t. See Embezzle.
imbibing present participle & vb. noun of Imbibe
imbitter verb t. To make bitter; hence, to make distressing or more distressing; to make sad, morose, sour, or malignant.
imblazon verb t. See Emblazon.
imbolden verb t. See Embolden.
imbonity noun Want of goodness.
imborder verb t. To furnish or inclose with a border; to form a border of.
imbosked imp. & past participle of Imbosk
imbureed imp. & past participle of Imbrue
imbruted imp. & past participle of Imbrute
imbution noun An imbuing.
imesatin noun A dark yellow, crystalline substance, obtained by the action of ammonia on isatin.
imitable adjective Capble of being imitated or copied., Worthy of imitation; as, imitable character or qualities.
imitancy noun Tendency to imitation.
imitated imp. & past participle of Imitate
imitater noun One who imitates.
immailed adjective Wearing mail or armor; clad of armor.
immanent adjective Remaining within; inherent; indwelling; abiding; intrinsic; internal or subjective; hence, limited in activity, agency, or effect, to the subject or associated acts; — opposed to emanant, transitory, transitive, or objective.
immanity noun The state or quality of being immane; barbarity.
immantle verb t. See Emmantle.
immanuel noun God with us; — an appellation of the Christ.
immature adjective Not mature; unripe; not arrived at perfection of full development; crude; unfinished; as, immature fruit; immature character; immature plans., Premature; untimely; too early; as, an immature death.
immerged imp. & past participle of Immerge
immersed imp. & past participle of Immerse, Deeply plunged into anything, especially a fluid., Deeply occupied; engrossed; entangled., Growing wholly under water.
immeshed imp. & past participle of Immesh
imminent adjective Threatening to occur immediately; near at hand; impending; — said especially of misfortune or peril., Full of danger; threatening; menacing; perilous., (With upon) Bent upon; attentive to.
immingle verb t. To mingle; to mix; to unite; to blend.
immitted imp. & past participle of Immit
immiting present participle & vb. noun of Immit
immobile adjective Incapable of being moved; immovable; fixed; stable.
immodest adjective Not limited to due bounds; immoderate., Not modest; wanting in the reserve or restraint which decorum and decency require; indecent; indelicate; obscene; lewd; as, immodest persons, behavior, words, pictures, etc.
immolate verb t. To sacrifice; to offer in sacrifice; to kill, as a sacrificial victim.
immoment adjective Trifling.
immortal adjective Not mortal; exempt from liability to die; undying; imperishable; lasting forever; having unlimited, or eternal, existance., Connected with, or pertaining to immortability., Destined to live in all ages of this world; abiding; exempt from oblivion; imperishable; as, immortal fame., Great; excessive; grievous., One who will never cease to be; one exempt from death, decay, or annihilation.
immunity adjective Freedom or exemption from any charge, duty, obligation, office, tax, imposition, penalty, or service; a particular privilege; as, the immunities of the free cities of Germany; the immunities of the clergy., Freedom; exemption; as, immunity from error.
immuring present participle & vb. noun of Immure
immutate adjective Unchanged.
impacted imp. & past participle of Impact, Driven together or close.
impaired imp. & past participle of Impair
impairer noun One who, or that which, impairs.
impaling present participle & vb. noun of Impale
impallid verb t. To make pallid; to blanch.
impanate adjective Embodied in bread, esp. in the bread of the eucharist., To embody in bread, esp. in the bread of the eucharist.
imparity noun Inequality; disparity; disproportion; difference of degree, rank, excellence, number, etc., Lack of comparison, correspondence, or suitableness; incongruity., Indivisibility into equal parts; oddness.
imparked imp. & past participle of Impark
imparted imp. & past participle of Impart
imparter noun One who imparts.
impasted imp. & past participle of Impaste
impawned imp. & past participle of Impawn
impeding present participle & vb. noun of Impede
impedite adjective Hindered; obstructed., To impede.
impelled imp. & past participle of Impel
impeller noun One who, or that which, impels.
impenned imp. & past participle of Impen
impended imp. & past participle of Impend
impennes noun pl. An order of birds, including only the penguins, in which the wings are without quills, and not suited for flight.
impeople verb t. To people; to give a population to.
imperant adjective Commanding.
imperate adjective Done by express direction; not involuntary; communded.
imperial adjective Of or pertaining to an empire, or to an emperor; as, an imperial government; imperial authority or edict., Belonging to, or suitable to, supreme authority, or one who wields it; royal; sovereign; supreme., Of superior or unusual size or excellence; as, imperial paper; imperial tea, etc., The tuft of hair on a man’s lower lip and chin; — so called from the style of beard of Napoleon III., An outside seat on a diligence., A luggage case on the top of a coach., Anything of unusual size or excellence, as a large decanter, a kind of large photograph, a large sheet of drowing, printing, or writing paper, etc., A gold coin of Russia worth ten rubles, or about eight dollars., A kind of fine cloth brought into England from Greece. or other Eastern countries, in the Middle Ages.
impester verb t. See Pester.
impetigo noun A cutaneous, pustular eruption, not attended with fever; usually, a kind of eczema with pustulation.
impierce verb t. To pierce; to penetrate.
impinged imp. & past participle of Impinge
impishly adjective Having the qualities, or showing the characteristics, of an imp., In the manner of an imp.
implated imp. & past participle of Implate
impleach verb t. To pleach; to interweave.
impledge verb t. To pledge.
implicit adjective Infolded; entangled; complicated; involved., Tacitly comprised; fairly to be understood, though not expressed in words; implied; as, an implicit contract or agreement., Resting on another; trusting in the word or authority of another, without doubt or reserve; unquestioning; complete; as, implicit confidence; implicit obedience.
imploded adjective Formed by implosion.
implored imp. & past participle of Implore
implorer noun One who implores.
implumed adjective Not plumed; without plumes or feathers; featherless.
implunge verb t. To plunge.
implying present participle & vb. noun of Imply
impoison verb t. To poison; to imbitter; to impair.
impolicy noun The quality of being impolitic; inexpedience; unsuitableness to the end proposed; bads policy; as, the impolicy of fraud.
impolite adjective Not polite; not of polished manners; wanting in good manners; discourteous; uncivil; rude.
imporous adjective Destitute of pores; very close or compact in texture; solid.
imported imp. & past participle of Import
importer noun One who imports; the merchant who brings goods into a country or state; — opposed to exporter.
imposing present participle & vb. noun of Impose, Laying as a duty; enjoining., Adapted to impress forcibly; impressive; commanding; as, an imposing air; an imposing spectacle., Deceiving; deluding; misleading., The act of imposing the columns of a page, or the pages of a sheet. See Impose, v. t., 4.
impostor noun One who imposes upon others; a person who assumes a character or title not his own, for the purpose of deception; a pretender.
impotent adjective Not potent; wanting power, strength. or vigor. whether physical, intellectual, or moral; deficient in capacity; destitute of force; weak; feeble; infirm., Wanting the power of self-restraint; incontrolled; ungovernable; violent., Wanting the power of procreation; unable to copulate; also, sometimes, sterile; barren., One who is imoitent.
imp-pole noun A pole for supporting a scaffold.
imprimis adverb In the first place; first in order.
imprison verb t. To put in prison or jail; To arrest and detain in custody; to confine., To limit, restrain, or confine in any way.
imprompt adjective Not ready.
improper adjective Not proper; not suitable; not fitted to the circumstances, design, or end; unfit; not becoming; incongruous; inappropriate; indecent; as, an improper medicine; improper thought, behavior, language, dress., Not peculiar or appropriate to individuals; general; common., Not according to facts; inaccurate; erroneous., To appropriate; to limit.
improved imp. & past participle of Improve
improver noun One who, or that which, improves.
impudent adjective Bold, with contempt or disregard; unblushingly forward; impertinent; wanting modesty; shameless; saucy.
impugned imp. & past participle of Impugn
impugner noun One who impugns.
impulsor noun One who, or that which, impels; an inciter.
impunity noun Exemption or freedom from punishment, harm, or loss.
impurely adverb In an impure manner.
impurity noun The condition or quality of being impure in any sense; defilement; foulness; adulteration., That which is, or which renders anything, impure; foul matter, action, language, etc.; a foreign ingredient., Want of ceremonial purity; defilement.
impurple verb t. To color or tinge with purple; to make red or reddish; to purple; as, a field impurpled with blood.
imputing present participle & vb. noun of Impute