8 letter word starting with int

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
intaglio noun A cutting or engraving; a figure cut into something, as a gem, so as to make a design depressed below the surface of the material; hence, anything so carved or impressed, as a gem, matrix, etc.; — opposed to cameo. Also used adjectively.
intangle verb t. See Entangle.
integral adjective Lacking nothing of completeness; complete; perfect; uninjured; whole; entire., Essential to completeness; constituent, as a part; pertaining to, or serving to form, an integer; integrant., Of, pertaining to, or being, a whole number or undivided quantity; not fractional., Pertaining to, or proceeding by, integration; as, the integral calculus., A whole; an entire thing; a whole number; an individual., An expression which, being differentiated, will produce a given differential. See differential Differential, and Integration. Cf. Fluent.
intended imp. & past participle of Intend, Made tense; stretched out; extended; forcible; violent., Purposed; designed; as, intended harm or help., Betrothed; affianced; as, an intended husband., One with whom marriage is designed; one who is betrothed; an affianced lover.
intender noun One who intends.
intently adverb In an intent manner; as, the eyes intently fixed.
interred imp. & past participle of Inter
interact noun A short act or piece between others, as in a play; an interlude; hence, intermediate employment or time., To act upon each other; as, two agents mutually interact.
interall noun Entrail or inside.
intercur verb i. To intervene; to come or occur in the meantime.
interess verb t. To interest or affect.
interest noun To engage the attention of; to awaken interest in; to excite emotion or passion in, in behalf of a person or thing; as, the subject did not interest him; to interest one in charitable work., To be concerned with or engaged in; to affect; to concern; to excite; — often used impersonally., To cause or permit to share., Excitement of feeling, whether pleasant or painful, accompanying special attention to some object; concern., Participation in advantage, profit, and responsibility; share; portion; part; as, an interest in a brewery; he has parted with his interest in the stocks., Advantage, personal or general; good, regarded as a selfish benefit; profit; benefit., Premium paid for the use of money, — usually reckoned as a percentage; as, interest at five per cent per annum on ten thousand dollars., Any excess of advantage over and above an exact equivalent for what is given or rendered., The persons interested in any particular business or measure, taken collectively; as, the iron interest; the cotton interest.
interior adjective Being within any limits, inclosure, or substance; inside; internal; inner; — opposed to exterior, or superficial; as, the interior apartments of a house; the interior surface of a hollow ball., Remote from the limits, frontier, or shore; inland; as, the interior parts of a region or country., That which is within; the internal or inner part of a thing; the inside., The inland part of a country, state, or kingdom.
interlay verb t. To lay or place among or between.
intermit verb t. To cause to cease for a time, or at intervals; to interrupt; to suspend., To cease for a time or at intervals; to moderate; to be intermittent, as a fever.
intermix verb t. To mix together; to intermingle., To be mixed together; to be intermingled.
internal adjective Inward; interior; being within any limit or surface; inclosed; — opposed to external; as, the internal parts of a body, or of the earth., Derived from, or dependent on, the thing itself; inherent; as, the internal evidence of the divine origin of the Scriptures., Pertaining to its own affairs or interests; especially, (said of a country) domestic, as opposed to foreign; as, internal trade; internal troubles or war., Pertaining to the inner being or the heart; spiritual., Intrinsic; inherent; real., Lying toward the mesial plane; mesial.
interpel verb t. To interrupt, break in upon, or intercede with.
interrer noun One who inters.
interrex noun An interregent, or a regent.
interset verb t. To set between or among.
intertex verb t. To intertwine; to weave or bind together.
intertie noun In any framed work, a horizontal tie other than sill and plate or other principal ties, securing uprights to one another.
interval noun A space between things; a void space intervening between any two objects; as, an interval between two houses or hills., Space of time between any two points or events; as, the interval between the death of Charles I. of England, and the accession of Charles II., A brief space of time between the recurrence of similar conditions or states; as, the interval between paroxysms of pain; intervals of sanity or delirium., Difference in pitch between any two tones., Alt. of Intervale
inthirst verb t. To make thirsty.
inthrall verb t. To reduce to bondage or servitude; to make a thrall, slave, vassal, or captive of; to enslave.
inthrone verb t. Same as Enthrone.
inthrong verb i. To throng or collect together.
intimacy noun The state of being intimate; close familiarity or association; nearness in friendship.
intimate adjective Innermost; inward; internal; deep-seated; hearty., Near; close; direct; thorough; complete., Close in friendship or acquaintance; familiar; confidential; as, an intimate friend., An intimate friend or associate; a confidant., To announce; to declare; to publish; to communicate; to make known., To suggest obscurely or indirectly; to refer to remotely; to give slight notice of; to hint; as, he intimated his intention of resigning his office.
intirely adverb See Entire, a., Entirely, adv.
intitule verb t. To entitle; to give a title to.
intombed imp. & past participle of Intomb
intonate verb i. To thunder., To sound the tones of the musical scale; to practice the sol-fa., To modulate the voice in a musical, sonorous, and measured manner, as in reading the liturgy; to intone., To utter in a musical or sonorous manner; to chant; as, to intonate the liturgy.
intoning present participle & vb. noun of Intone
intorted imp. & past participle of Intort
intrados noun The interior curve of an arch; esp., the inner or lower curved face of the whole body of voussoirs taken together. See Extrados.
intrench verb t. To cut in; to furrow; to make trenches in or upon., To surround with a trench or with intrenchments, as in fortification; to fortify with a ditch and parapet; as, the army intrenched their camp, or intrenched itself., To invade; to encroach; to infringe or trespass; to enter on, and take possession of, that which belongs to another; — usually followed by on or upon; as, the king was charged with intrenching on the rights of the nobles, and the nobles were accused of intrenching on the prerogative of the crown.
intrepid adjective Not trembling or shaking with fear; fearless; bold; brave; undaunted; courageous; as, an intrepid soldier; intrepid spirit.
intrigue verb i. To form a plot or scheme; to contrive to accomplish a purpose by secret artifice., To carry on a secret and illicit love or amour., To fill with artifice and duplicity; to complicate; to embarrass., Intricacy; complication., A complicated plot or scheme intended to effect some purpose by secret artifice; conspiracy; stratagem., The plot or romance; a complicated scheme of designs, actions, and events., A secret and illicit love affair between two persons of different sexes; an amour; a liaison.
intrinse adjective Tightly drawn; or (perhaps) intricate.
intromit verb t. To send in or put in; to insert or introduce., To allow to pass in; to admit., To intermeddle with the effects or goods of another.
introrse adjective Turning or facing inward, or toward the axis of the part to which it belongs.
intruded imp. & past participle of Intrude, Same as Intrusive.
intruder noun One who intrudes; one who thrusts himself in, or enters without right, or without leave or welcome; a trespasser.