8 letter word starting with iron

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
ironclad adjective Clad in iron; protected or covered with iron, as a vessel for naval warfare., Rigorous; severe; exacting; as, an ironclad oath or pledge., A naval vessel having the parts above water covered and protected by iron or steel usually in large plates closely joined and made sufficiently thick and strong to resist heavy shot.
ironical adjective Pertaining to irony; containing, expressing, or characterized by, irony; as, an ironical remark., Addicted to the use of irony; given to irony.
ironware noun Articles made of iron, as household utensils, tools, and the like.
ironweed noun A tall weed with purplish flowers (Vernonia Noveboracensis). The name is also applied to other plants of the same genus.
ironwood noun A tree unusually hard, strong, or heavy wood.
ironwork noun Anything made of iron; — a general name of such parts or pieces of a building, vessel, carriage, etc., as consist of iron.
ironwort noun An herb of the Mint family (Sideritis), supposed to heal sword cuts; also, a species of Galeopsis.