8 letter word starting with je

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
jealousy noun The quality of being jealous; earnest concern or solicitude; painful apprehension of rivalship in cases nearly affecting one’s happiness; painful suspicion of the faithfulness of husband, wife, or lover.
jehovist noun One who maintains that the vowel points of the word Jehovah, in Hebrew, are the proper vowels of that word; — opposed to adonist., The writer of the passages of the Old Testament, especially those of the Pentateuch, in which the Supreme Being is styled Jehovah. See Elohist.
jejunity noun The quality of being jejune; jejuneness.
jelerang noun A large, handsome squirrel (Sciurus Javensis), native of Java and Southern Asia; — called also Java squirrel.
jellying present participle & vb. noun of Jelly
jeniquen noun A Mexican name for the Sisal hemp (Agave rigida, var. Sisalana); also, its fiber.
jentling noun A fish of the genus Leuciscus; the blue chub of the Danube.
jeopardy noun Exposure to death, loss, or injury; hazard; danger., To jeopardize.
jeremiad noun Alt. of Jeremiade
jerquing noun The searching of a ship for unentered goods., The searching of a ship for unentered goods.
jesuited adjective Conforming to the principles of the Jesuits.
jesuitic adjective Alt. of Jesuitical
jesuitry noun Jesuitism; subtle argument.
jettison noun The throwing overboard of goods from necessity, in order to lighten a vessel in danger of wreck., See Jetsam, 1.
jewelled of Jewel
jeweling present participle & vb. noun of Jewel
jewstone noun A large clavate spine of a fossil sea urchin.