8 letter word starting with k

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
kabassou noun See Cabassou.
kaimacam noun Same as Caimacam.
kakoxene noun See Cacoxene.
kalendar noun See Calendar.
kalender noun See 3d Calender.
kaliform adjective Formed like kali, or glasswort.
kangaroo noun Any one of numerous species of jumping marsupials of the family Macropodidae. They inhabit Australia, New Guinea, and adjacent islands, They have long and strong hind legs and a large tail, while the fore legs are comparatively short and feeble. The giant kangaroo (Macropus major) is the largest species, sometimes becoming twelve or fourteen feet in total length. The tree kangaroos, belonging to the genus Dendrolagus, live in trees; the rock kangaroos, of the genus Petrogale, inhabit rocky situations; and the brush kangaroos, of the genus Halmaturus, inhabit wooded districts. See Wallaby.
kapnomar noun chem. ) See Capnomor.
karagane noun A species of gray fox found in Russia.
kathetal adjective Making a right angle; perpendicular, as two lines or two sides of a triangle, which include a right angle.
kavasses plural of Kavass
keckling present participle & vb. noun of Keckle, Old rope or iron chains wound around a cable. See Keckle, v. t.
kecklish adjective Inclined to vomit; squeamish.
kecksies plural of Kecksy
keelhaul verb i. To haul under the keel of a ship, by ropes attached to the yardarms on each side. It was formerly practiced as a punishment in the Dutch and English navies.
keelrake verb t. Same as Keelhaul.
keenness noun The quality or state of being keen.
keepsake noun Anything kept, or given to be kept, for the sake of the giver; a token of friendship.
kelotomy noun See Celotomy.
kelpfish noun A small California food fish (Heterostichus rostratus), living among kelp. The name is also applied to species of the genus Platyglossus.
kelpware noun Same as Kelp, 2.
kenneled imp. & past participle of Kennel
kentucky noun One of the United States.
kephalin noun One of a group of nitrogenous phosphorized principles, supposed by Thudichum to exist in brain tissue.
keramics noun Same as Ceramics.
kerasine adjective Resembling horn; horny; corneous.
keratode noun See Keratose.
keratome noun An instrument for dividing the cornea in operations for cataract.
keratosa noun pl. An order of sponges having a skeleton composed of hornlike fibers. It includes the commercial sponges.
keratose noun A tough, horny animal substance entering into the composition of the skeleton of sponges, and other invertebrates; — called also keratode., Containing hornlike fibers or fibers of keratose; belonging to the Keratosa.
kerchief noun A square of fine linen worn by women as a covering for the head; hence, anything similar in form or material, worn for ornament on other parts of the person; — mostly used in compounds; as, neckerchief; breastkerchief; and later, handkerchief., A lady who wears a kerchief.
kermesse noun See Kirmess.
kerneled imp. & past participle of Kernel, Alt. of Kernelled
kernelly adjective Full of kernels; resembling kernels; of the nature of kernels.
kerolite noun Same as Cerolite.
kerosene noun An oil used for illuminating purposes, formerly obtained from the distillation of mineral wax, bituminous shale, etc., and hence called also coal oil. It is now produced in immense quantities, chiefly by the distillation and purification of petroleum. It consists chiefly of several hydrocarbons of the methane series.
keyboard noun The whole arrangement, or one range, of the keys of an organ, typewriter, etc.
key-cold adjective Cold as a metallic key; lifeless.
keystone noun The central or topmost stone of an arch. This in some styles is made different in size from the other voussoirs, or projects, or is decorated with carving. See Illust. of Arch.
key tone See Keynote.
kibitkas plural of Kibitka
kickable adjective Capable or deserving of being kicked.
kickshaw noun See Kickshaws, the correct singular.
kickshoe noun A kickshaws.
kiddyish adjective Frolicsome; sportive.
kidnaped imp. & past participle of Kidnap
kidnaper noun Alt. of Kidnapper
kiefekil noun A species of clay; meerschaum.
killdeer noun A small American plover (Aegialitis vocifera).
killesse noun A gutter, groove, or channel., A hipped roof.
kill-joy noun One who causes gloom or grief; a dispiriting person.
kiln-dry verb t. To dry in a kiln; as, to kiln-dry meal or grain.
kilnhole noun The mouth or opening of an oven or kiln.
kilogram noun Alt. of Kilogramme
kilowatt noun One thousand watts.
kindling present participle & vb. noun of Kindle
kindless adjective Destitute of kindness; unnatural.
kindness adjective The state or quality of being kind, in any of its various senses; manifestation of kind feeling or disposition beneficence., A kind act; an act of good will; as, to do a great kindness.
kinetics noun See Dynamics.
kingbird noun A small American bird (Tyrannus tyrannus, or T. Carolinensis), noted for its courage in attacking larger birds, even hawks and eagles, especially when they approach its nest in the breeding season. It is a typical tyrant flycatcher, taking various insects upon the wing. It is dark ash above, and blackish on the head and tail. The quills and wing coverts are whitish at the edges. It is white beneath, with a white terminal band on the tail. The feathers on the head of the adults show a bright orange basal spot when erected. Called also bee bird, and bee martin. Several Southern and Western species of Tyrannus are also called king birds., The king tody. See under King.
kingbolt noun A vertical iron bolt, by which the forward axle and wheels of a vehicle or the trucks of a railroad car are connected with the other parts.
kingfish noun An American marine food fish of the genus Menticirrus, especially M. saxatilis, or M. nebulosos, of the Atlantic coast; — called also whiting, surf whiting, and barb., The opah., The common cero; also, the spotted cero. See Cero., The queenfish.
kinghood noun The state of being a king; the attributes of a king; kingship.
kingless adjective Having no king.
kingling noun Same as Kinglet, 1.
kingship noun The state, office, or dignity of a king; royalty.
kingston noun Alt. of Kingstone
kinkajou noun A nocturnal carnivorous mammal (Cercoleptes caudivolvulus) of South America, about as large as a full-grown cat. It has a prehensile tail and lives in trees. It is the only representative of a distinct family (Cercoleptidae) allied to the raccoons. Called also potto, and honey bear.
kinology noun That branch of physics which treats of the laws of motion, or of moving bodies.
kinsfolk noun Relatives; kindred; kin; persons of the same family or closely or closely related families.
kippered imp. & past participle of Kipper
kirkyard noun A churchyard.
kistvaen noun A Celtic monument, commonly known as a dolmen.
kittened imp. & past participle of Kitten
kittlish adjective Ticklish; kittle.
kittysol noun The Chinese paper parasol.
kivikivi noun Alt. of Kiwikiwi
kiwikiwi noun Any species of Apteryx, esp. A. australis; — so called in imitation of its notes. Called also kiwi. See Apteryx.
klamaths noun pl. A collective name for the Indians of several tribes formerly living along the Klamath river, in California and Oregon, but now restricted to a reservation at Klamath Lake; — called also Clamets and Hamati.
klipfish noun Dried cod, exported from Norway.
knabbing present participle & vb. noun of Knab
knackish adjective Trickish; artful.
knapping present participle & vb. noun of Knap
knappish adjective Snappish; peevish.
knapsack verb t. A case of canvas or leather, for carrying on the back a soldier’s necessaries, or the clothing, etc., of a traveler.
knapweed noun The black centaury (Centaurea nigra); — so called from the knoblike heads of flowers. Called also bullweed.
kneading present participle & vb. noun of Knead
kneeling present participle & vb. noun of Kneel
knelling present participle & vb. noun of Knell
knighted imp. & past participle of Knight
knightly adjective Of or pertaining to a knight; becoming a knight; chivalrous; as, a knightly combat; a knightly spirit., In a manner becoming a knight.
knitting present participle & vb. noun of Knit, The work of a knitter; the network formed by knitting., Union formed by knitting, as of bones.
knitback noun The plant comfrey; — so called from its use as a restorative.
knitchet noun A number of things tied or knit together; a bundle; a fagot.
knitster noun A woman who knits.
knobbing noun Rough dressing by knocking off knobs or projections.
knobbler noun The hart in its second year; a young deer.
knocking present participle & vb. noun of Knock, A beating; a rap; a series of raps.
knolling present participle & vb. noun of Knoll
knoppern noun A kind of gall produced by a gallfly on the cup of an acorn, — used in tanning and dyeing.
knopweed noun Same as Knapweed.
knotting present participle & vb. noun of Knot
knotless adjective Free from knots; without knots.
knotweed noun See Knot/rass.
knotwort noun A small, herbaceous, trailing plant, of the genus Illecebrum (I. verticillatum).
knowable adjective That may be known; capable of being discovered, understood, or ascertained.
know-all noun One who knows everything; hence, one who makes pretension to great knowledge; a wiseacre; — usually ironical.
knuckled imp. & past participle of Knuckle, Jointed.
kohinoor noun Alt. of Kohnur
kolarian noun An individual of one of the races of aboriginal inhabitants which survive in Hindostan., Of or pertaining to the Kolarians.
koolslaa noun See Coleslaw.
koordish noun See Kurdish.
korrigum noun A West African antelope (Damalis Senegalensis), allied to the sassaby. It is reddish gray, with a black face, and a black stripe on the outside of the legs above the knees.
kotowing present participle & vb. noun of Kotow
krameria noun A genus of spreading shrubs with many stems, from one species of which (K. triandra), found in Peru, rhatany root, used as a medicine, is obtained.
krameric adjective Pertaining to, or derived from, Krameria (rhatany); as, krameric acid, usually called ratanhia-tannic acid.
kreosote noun See Creosote.
kreutzer noun A small copper coin formerly used in South Germany; also, a small Austrian copper coin.
krumhorn noun A reed instrument of music of the cornet kind, now obsolete (see Cornet, 1, a.)., A reed stop in the organ; — sometimes called cremona.
kryolite noun See Cryolite.
kurilian adjective Of or pertaining to the Kurile Islands, a chain of islands in the Pacific ocean, extending from the southern extremity of Kamschatka to Yesso., A native or an inhabitant of the Kurile Islands.
kyannite noun See Cyanite.
kyanized imp. & past participle of Kyanize
kyrielle noun A litany beginning with the words.