8 letter word starting with la

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
law-fall noun Depression of the jaw; hence, depression of spirits.
labadist noun A follower of Jean de Labadie, a religious teacher of the 17th century, who left the Roman Catholic Church and taught a kind of mysticism, and the obligation of community of property among Christians.
labdanum noun See Ladanum.
labelled of Label
labeling present participle & vb. noun of Label
labellum noun The lower or apparently anterior petal of an orchidaceous flower, often of a very curious shape., A small appendage beneath the upper lip or labrum of certain insects.
labially adverb In a labial manner; with, or by means of, the lips.
labiated adjective Same as Labiate, a. (a).
lability noun Liability to lapse, err, or apostatize.
laboring present participle & vb. noun of Labor, That labors; performing labor; esp., performing coarse, heavy work, not requiring skill also, set apart for labor; as, laboring days., Suffering pain or grief.
laborant noun A chemist.
laborous adjective Laborious.
labrador noun A region of British America on the Atlantic coast, north of Newfoundland.
laburnic adjective Of, pertaining to, or derived from, the laburnum.
laburnum noun A small leguminous tree (Cytisus Laburnum), native of the Alps. The plant is reputed to be poisonous, esp. the bark and seeds. It has handsome racemes of yellow blossoms.
lacerate verb t. To tear; to rend; to separate by tearing; to mangle; as, to lacerate the flesh. Hence: To afflict; to torture; as, to lacerate the heart., Alt. of Lacerated
lacertus noun A bundle or fascicle of muscular fibers.
lacewing noun Any one of several species of neuropterous insects of the genus Chrysopa and allied genera. They have delicate, lacelike wings and brilliant eyes. Their larvae are useful in destroying aphids. Called also lace-winged fly, and goldeneyed fly.
lacrymal noun Alt. of Lacrymal, See Lachrymatory., See Lachrymatory, n., and Lachrymal, a.
laciniae plural of Lacinia
lacinula noun A diminutive lacinia.
lackaday interj. Alack the day; alas; — an expression of sorrow, regret, dissatisfaction, or surprise.
lackeyed imp. & past participle of Lackey
laconian adjective Of or pertaining to Laconia, a division of ancient Greece; Spartan., An inhabitant of Laconia; esp., a Spartan.
laconism noun A vigorous, brief manner of expression; laconic style., An instance of laconic style or expression.
laconize verb i. To imitate the manner of the Laconians, especially in brief, pithy speech, or in frugality and austerity.
lacrosse noun A game of ball, originating among the North American Indians, now the popular field sport of Canada, and played also in England and the United States. Each player carries a long-handled racket, called a “crosse”. The ball is not handled but caught with the crosse and carried on it, or tossed from it, the object being to carry it or throw it through one of the goals placed at opposite ends of the field.
lactamic adjective Pertaining to, or designating, an amido acid related to lactic acid, and called also amido-propionic acid.
lacteous adjective Milky; resembling milk., Lacteal; conveying chyle; as, lacteous vessels.
lactific adjective Alt. of Lactifical
lactonic adjective Of, pertaining to, or derived from, lactone., Pertaining to, or designating, an acid obtained by the oxidation of milk sugar (lactose).
lactucic adjective Pertaining to, or derived from, the juice of the Lactuca virosa; — said of certain acids.
lactucin noun A white, crystalline substance, having a bitter taste and a neutral reaction, and forming one of the essential ingredients of lactucarium.
lacunars plural of Lacunar
lacunose adjective Alt. of Lacunous
lacunous adjective Furrowed or pitted; having shallow cavities or lacunae; as, a lacunose leaf.
ladleful noun A quantity sufficient to fill a ladle.
ladybird noun Any one of numerous species of small beetles of the genus Coccinella and allied genera (family Coccinellidae); — called also ladybug, ladyclock, lady cow, lady fly, and lady beetle. Coccinella seplempunctata in one of the common European species. See Coccinella.
ladyfish noun A large, handsome oceanic fish (Albula vulpes), found both in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans; — called also bonefish, grubber, French mullet, and macabe., A labroid fish (Harpe rufa) of Florida and the West Indies.
ladyhood noun The state or quality of being a lady; the personality of a lady.
ladylike adjective Like a lady in appearance or manners; well-bred., Becoming or suitable to a lady; as, ladylike manners., Delicate; tender; feeble; effeminate.
ladylove noun A sweetheart or mistress.
ladyship noun The rank or position of a lady; — given as a title (preceded by her or your).
lagenian adjective Like, or pertaining to, Lagena, a genus of Foraminifera having a straight, chambered shell.
lagopous adjective Having a dense covering of long hair, like the foot of a hare.
laically adverb As a layman; after the manner of a layman; as, to treat a matter laically.
lakeweed noun The water pepper (Polygonum Hydropiper), an aquatic plant of Europe and North America.
lamantin noun The manatee.
lamasery noun A monastery or convent of lamas, in Thibet, Mongolia, etc.
lambaste verb t. To beat severely.
lambdoid adjective Shaped like the Greek letter lambda (/); as, the lambdoid suture between the occipital and parietal bones of the skull.
lamblike adjective Like a lamb; gentle; meek; inoffensive.
lambskin noun The skin of a lamb; especially, a skin dressed with the wool on, and used as a mat. Also used adjectively., A kind of woolen.
lamellae plural of Lamella
lamellas plural of Lamella
lamellar adjective Flat and thin; lamelliform; composed of lamellae.
lameness noun The condition or quality of being lame; as, the lameness of an excuse or an argument.
lamented imp. & past participle of Lament, Mourned for; bewailed.
lamenter noun One who laments.
lamentin noun See Lamantin.
laminary adjective Laminar.
laminate adjective Consisting of, or covered with, laminae, or thin plates, scales, or layers, one over another; laminated., To cause to separate into thin plates or layers; to divide into thin plates., To form, as metal, into a thin plate, as by rolling., To separate into laminae.
lampless adjective Being without a lamp, or without light; hence, being without appreciation; dull.
lampreys plural of Lamprey
lampyris noun A genus of coleopterous insects, including the glowworms.
lancegay noun Alt. of Lancegaye
lancelet noun A small fishlike animal (Amphioxus lanceolatus), remarkable for the rudimentary condition of its organs. It is the type of the class Leptocardia. See Amphioxus, Leptocardia.
lanching present participle & vb. noun of Lanch
landfall noun A sudden transference of property in land by the death of its owner., Sighting or making land when at sea.
landlady noun A woman having real estate which she leases to a tenant or tenants., The mistress of an inn or lodging house.
landless adjective Having no property in land.
landlock verb t. To inclose, or nearly inclose, as a harbor or a vessel, with land.
landlord noun The lord of a manor, or of land; the owner of land or houses which he leases to a tenant or tenants., The master of an inn or of a lodging house.
landmark noun A mark to designate the boundary of land; any , mark or fixed object (as a marked tree, a stone, a ditch, or a heap of stones) by which the limits of a farm, a town, or other portion of territory may be known and preserved., Any conspicuous object on land that serves as a guide; some prominent object, as a hill or steeple.
landskip noun A landscape.
landslip noun Alt. of Landslide
landsmen plural of Landsman
landsman noun One who lives on the land; — opposed to seaman., A sailor on his first voyage.
landward adverb & adjective Toward the land.
landwehr noun That part of the army, in Germany and Austria, which has completed the usual military service and is exempt from duty in time of peace, except that it is called out occasionally for drill.
langarey noun One of numerous species of long-winged, shrikelike birds of Australia and the East Indies, of the genus Artamus, and allied genera; called also wood swallow.
langrage noun Alt. of Langrel
langsyne adverb & noun Long since; long ago.
language noun Any means of conveying or communicating ideas; specifically, human speech; the expression of ideas by the voice; sounds, expressive of thought, articulated by the organs of the throat and mouth., The expression of ideas by writing, or any other instrumentality., The forms of speech, or the methods of expressing ideas, peculiar to a particular nation., The characteristic mode of arranging words, peculiar to an individual speaker or writer; manner of expression; style., The inarticulate sounds by which animals inferior to man express their feelings or their wants., The suggestion, by objects, actions, or conditions, of ideas associated therewith; as, the language of flowers., The vocabulary and phraseology belonging to an art or department of knowledge; as, medical language; the language of chemistry or theology., A race, as distinguished by its speech., To communicate by language; to express in language.
languish verb i. To become languid or weak; to lose strength or animation; to be or become dull, feeble or spiritless; to pine away; to wither or fade., To assume an expression of weariness or tender grief, appealing for sympathy., To cause to droop or pine., See Languishiment.
lanifice noun Anything made of wool.
lankness noun The state or quality of being lank.
lanneret noun m. A long-tailed falcon (Falco lanarius), of Southern Europe, Asia, and Northern Africa, resembling the American prairie falcon.
lantanum noun See Lanthanum.
lanthorn noun See Lantern.
lapboard noun A board used on the lap as a substitute for a table, as by tailors.
lapelled adjective Furnished with lapels.
lapicide noun A stonecutter.
lapidary noun An artificer who cuts, polishes, and engraves precious stones; hence, a dealer in precious stones., A virtuoso skilled in gems or precious stones; a connoisseur of lapidary work., Of or pertaining to the art of cutting stones, or engraving on stones, either gems or monuments; as, lapidary ornamentation., Of or pertaining to monumental inscriptions; as, lapidary adulation.
lapidate verb t. To stone.
lapidify verb t. To convert into stone or stony material; to petrify., To become stone or stony.
lapidist noun A lapidary.
lappeted imp. & past participle of Lappet
lapponic adjective Laplandish; Lappish.
lapsable adjective Lapsible.
lapsible adjective Liable to lapse.
lapsided adjective See Lopsided.
lapstone noun A stone for the lap, on which shoemakers beat leather.
laqueary adjective Using a noose, as a gladiator.
larboard noun The left-hand side of a ship to one on board facing toward the bow; port; — opposed to starboard., On or pertaining to the left-hand side of a vessel; port; as, the larboard quarter.
larcener noun Alt. of Larcenist
larderer noun One in charge of the larder.
largesse adjective Liberality; generosity; bounty., A present; a gift; a bounty bestowed.
lariated imp. & past participle of Lariat
larkspur noun A genus of ranunculaceous plants (Delphinium), having showy flowers, and a spurred calyx. They are natives of the North Temperate zone. The commonest larkspur of the gardens is D. Consolida. The flower of the bee larkspur (D. elatum) has two petals bearded with yellow hairs, and looks not unlike a bee.
larruped imp. & past participle of Larrup
larvalia noun pl. An order of Tunicata, including Appendicularia, and allied genera; — so called because certain larval features are retained by them through life. Called also Copelata. See Appendicularia.
larvated adjective Masked; clothed as with a mask.
lascious adjective Loose; lascivious.
lasslorn Forsaken by a lass.
lassoing present participle & vb. noun of Lasso
latching present participle & vb. noun of Latch, A loop or eye formed on the head rope of a bonnet, by which it is attached to the foot of a sail; — called also latch and lasket.
latchkey noun A key used to raise, or throw back, the latch of a door, esp. a night latch.
lateness noun The state, condition, or quality, of being late; as, the lateness of his arrival; the lateness of the hour; the lateness of the season.
latently adverb In a secret or concealed manner; invisibly.
laterite noun An argillaceous sandstone, of a red color, and much seamed; — found in India.
latewake noun See Lich wake, under Lich.
lateward adjective & adverb Somewhat late; backward.
lathered imp. & past participle of Lather
lathwork noun Same as Lathing.
latibula plural of Latibulum
latinism noun A Latin idiom; a mode of speech peculiar to Latin; also, a mode of speech in another language, as English, formed on a Latin model.
latinist noun One skilled in Latin; a Latin scholar.
latinity noun The Latin tongue, style, or idiom, or the use thereof; specifically, purity of Latin style or idiom.
latinize verb t. To give Latin terminations or forms to, as to foreign words, in writing Latin., To bring under the power or influence of the Romans or Latins; to affect with the usages of the Latins, especially in speech., To make like the Roman Catholic Church or diffuse its ideas in; as, to Latinize the Church of England., To use words or phrases borrowed from the Latin., To come under the influence of the Romans, or of the Roman Catholic Church.
latitant adjective Lying hid; concealed; latent.
latitude noun Extent from side to side, or distance sidewise from a given point or line; breadth; width., Room; space; freedom from confinement or restraint; hence, looseness; laxity; independence., Extent or breadth of signification, application, etc.; extent of deviation from a standard, as truth, style, etc., Extent; size; amplitude; scope., Distance north or south of the equator, measured on a meridian., The angular distance of a heavenly body from the ecliptic.
latterly adverb Lately; of late; recently; at a later, as distinguished from a former, period.
latticed imp. & past participle of Lattice
laudable verb i. Worthy of being lauded; praiseworthy; commendable; as, laudable motives; laudable actions; laudable ambition., Healthy; salubrious; normal; having a disposition to promote healing; not noxious; as, laudable juices of the body; laudable pus.
laudably adverb In a laudable manner.
laudanum noun Tincture of opium, used for various medical purposes.
laudator noun One who lauds., An arbitrator.
laughing present participle & vb. noun of Laugh, from Laugh, v. i.
laughter verb i. A movement (usually involuntary) of the muscles of the face, particularly of the lips, with a peculiar expression of the eyes, indicating merriment, satisfaction, or derision, and usually attended by a sonorous and interrupted expulsion of air from the lungs. See Laugh, v. i.
launched imp. & past participle of Launch
laureate adjective Crowned, or decked, with laurel., One crowned with laurel; a poet laureate., To honor with a wreath of laurel, as formerly was done in bestowing a degree at the English universities.
laureled adjective Crowned with laurel, or with a laurel wreath; laureate.
laurinol noun Ordinary camphor; — so called in allusion to the family name (Lauraceae) of the camphor trees. See Camphor.
lavation noun A washing or cleansing.
lavatory adjective Washing, or cleansing by washing., A place for washing., A basin or other vessel for washing in., A wash or lotion for a diseased part., A place where gold is obtained by washing.
lavature noun A wash or lotion.
lavement noun A washing or bathing; also, a clyster.
lavender noun An aromatic plant of the genus Lavandula (L. vera), common in the south of Europe. It yields and oil used in medicine and perfumery. The Spike lavender (L. Spica) yields a coarser oil (oil of spike), used in the arts., The pale, purplish color of lavender flowers, paler and more delicate than lilac.
laverock noun The lark.
lavished imp. & past participle of Lavish
lavisher noun One who lavishes.
lavishly adverb In a lavish manner.
lav/sium noun A supposed new metallic element. It is said to have been discovered in pyrites, and some other minerals, and to be of a silver-white color, and malleable.
lawgiver noun One who makes or enacts a law or system of laws; a legislator.
lawmaker noun A legislator; a lawgiver.
lawsonia noun An Asiatic and North African shrub (Lawsonia inermis), with smooth oval leaves, and fragrant white flowers. Henna is prepared from the leaves and twigs. In England the shrub is called Egyptian privet, and in the West Indies, Jamaica mignonette.
lawyerly adjective Like, or becoming, a lawyer; as, lawyerlike sagacity.
laxation noun The act of loosening or slackening, or the state of being loosened or slackened.
laxative adjective Having a tendency to loosen or relax., Having the effect of loosening or opening the intestines, and relieving from constipation; — opposed to astringent., A laxative medicine. See the Note under Cathartic.
layering noun A propagating by layers.
laystall noun A place where rubbish, dung, etc., are laid or deposited., A place where milch cows are kept, or cattle on the way to market are lodged.
lazarist noun Alt. of Lazarite
lazarite noun One of the Congregation of the Priests of the Mission, a religious institute founded by Vincent de Paul in 1624, and popularly called Lazarists or Lazarites from the College of St. Lazare in Paris, which was occupied by them until 1792.
lazaroni noun pl. See Lazzaroni.
laziness noun The state or quality of being lazy.
lazulite noun A mineral of a light indigo-blue color, occurring in small masses, or in monoclinic crystals; blue spar. It is a hydrous phosphate of alumina and magnesia.
lazyback noun A support for the back, attached to the seat of a carriage.