8 letter word starting with li

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
libament noun Libation.
libation noun The act of pouring a liquid or liquor, usually wine, either on the ground or on a victim in sacrifice, in honor of some deity; also, the wine or liquid thus poured out.
libatory adjective Pertaining to libation.
libelled of Libel
libeling present participle & vb. noun of Libel
libelant noun One who libels; one who institutes a suit in an ecclesiastical or admiralty court.
libelist noun A libeler.
li bella noun A small balance., A level, or leveling instrument.
libelous adjective Containing or involving a libel; defamatory; containing that which exposes some person to public hatred, contempt, or ridicule; as, a libelous pamphlet.
liberate adjective To release from restraint or bondage; to set at liberty; to free; to manumit; to disengage; as, to liberate a slave or prisoner; to liberate the mind from prejudice; to liberate gases.
librated imp. & past participle of Librate
libretti plural of Libretto
libretto noun A book containing the words of an opera or extended piece of music., The words themselves.
licensed imp. & past participle of License, Having a license; permitted or authorized by license; as, a licensed victualer; a licensed traffic.
licensee noun The person to whom a license is given.
licenser noun One who gives a license; as, a licenser of the press.
lichened adjective Belonging to, or covered with, lichens.
lichenic adjective Of, pertaining to, or obtained from, lichens.
lichenin noun A substance isomeric with starch, extracted from several species of moss and lichen, esp. from Iceland moss.
lichwale noun The gromwell.
lichwort noun An herb, the wall pellitory. See Pellitory.
licorice noun A plant of the genus Glycyrrhiza (G. glabra), the root of which abounds with a sweet juice, and is much used in demulcent compositions., The inspissated juice of licorice root, used as a confection and for medicinal purposes.
licorous adjective See Lickerish.
liefsome adjective Pleasing; delightful.
liegance noun Same as Ligeance.
liegemen plural of Liegeman
liegeman noun Same as Liege, n., 2.
lienculi plural of Lienculus
lientery noun A diarrhea, in which the food is discharged imperfectly digested, or with but little change.
lifeboat noun A strong, buoyant boat especially designed for saving the lives of shipwrecked people.
lifehold noun Land held by a life estate.
lifeless adjective Destitute of life, or deprived of life; not containing, or inhabited by, living beings or vegetation; dead, or apparently dead; spiritless; powerless; dull; as, a lifeless carcass; lifeless matter; a lifeless desert; a lifeless wine; a lifeless story.
lifelike adjective Like a living being; resembling life; giving an accurate representation; as, a lifelike portrait.
lifelong adjective Lasting or continuing through life.
lifemate noun Companion for life.
lifesome adjective Animated; sprightly.
lifetime noun The time that life continues.
liftable adjective Such as can be lifted.
ligament noun Anything that ties or unites one thing or part to another; a bandage; a bond., A tough band or plate of dense, fibrous, connective tissue or fibrocartilage serving to unite bones or form joints., A band of connective tissue, or a membranous fold, which supports or retains an organ in place; as, the gastrophrenic ligament, connecting the diaphragm and stomach.
ligation noun The act of binding, or the state of being bound., That which binds; bond; connection.
ligature noun The act of binding., Anything that binds; a band or bandage., A thread or string for tying the blood vessels, particularly the arteries, to prevent hemorrhage., A thread or wire used to remove tumors, etc., The state of being bound or stiffened; stiffness; as, the ligature of a joint., Impotence caused by magic or charms., A curve or line connecting notes; a slur., A double character, or a type consisting of two or more letters or characters united, as ae, /, /., To ligate; to tie.
ligeance noun The connection between sovereign and subject by which they were mutually bound, the former to protection and the securing of justice, the latter to faithful service; allegiance.
ligement noun See Ledgment.
lighting present participle & vb. noun of Light, of Light, A name sometimes applied to the process of annealing metals.
lightful adjective Full of light; bright.
lightman noun A man who carries or takes care of a light.
ligneous adjective Made of wood; consisting of wood; of the nature of, or resembling, wood; woody.
lignitic adjective Containing lignite; resembling, or of the nature of, lignite; as, lignitic clay.
ligulate adjective Alt. of Ligulated
likeable adjective See Likable.
likehood noun Likelihood.
likening present participle & vb. noun of Liken
likeness noun The state or quality of being like; similitude; resemblance; similarity; as, the likeness of the one to the other is remarkable., Appearance or form; guise., That which closely resembles; a portrait., A comparison; parable; proverb.
likerous noun Alt. of Likerousness
likewise noun In like manner; also; moreover; too. See Also.
lilywort noun Any plant of the Lily family or order.
limacina noun A genus of small spiral pteropods, common in the Arctic and Antarctic seas. It contributes to the food of the right whales.
limaille noun Filings of metal.
limation noun The act of filing or polishing.
limature noun The act of filing., That which is filed off; filings.
limbered imp. & past participle of Limber
limbless adjective Destitute of limbs.
limbmeal adverb Piecemeal.
limekiln noun A kiln or furnace in which limestone or shells are burned and reduced to lime.
limenean adjective Of or pertaining to Lima, or to the inhabitants of Lima, in Peru., A native or inhabitant of Lima.
liminess noun The state or quality of being limy.
limiting present participle & vb. noun of Limit
limitary verb t. Placed at the limit, as a guard., Confined within limits; limited in extent, authority, power, etc., Limiting, or tending to limit; restrictive., That which serves to limit; a boundary; border land., A limiter. See Limiter, 2.
limitate verb t. Bounded by a distinct line.
limitive adjective Involving a limit; as, a limitive law, one designed to limit existing powers.
limitour noun See Limiter, 2.
lim naea noun A genus of fresh-water air-breathing mollusks, abundant in ponds and streams; — called also pond snail.
limoniad noun A nymph of the meadows; — called also Limniad.
limonite noun Hydrous sesquioxide of iron, an important ore of iron, occurring in stalactitic, mammillary, or earthy forms, of a dark brown color, and yellowish brown powder. It includes bog iron. Also called brown hematite.
limpness noun The quality or state of being limp.
linament noun Lint; esp., lint made into a tent for insertion into wounds or ulcers.
linarite noun A hydrous sulphate of lead and copper occurring in bright blue monoclinic crystals.
linchpin noun A pin used to prevent the wheel of a vehicle from sliding off the axletree.
lincture noun Alt. of Linctus
lineally adverb In a lineal manner; as, the prince is lineally descended from the Conqueror.
linearly adverb In a linear manner; with lines.
lineated adjective Marked with lines., Marked longitudinally with depressed parallel lines; as, a lineate leaf.
lingence noun A linctus.
lingered imp. & past participle of Linger
lingerer noun One who lingers.
linguist noun A master of the use of language; a talker., A person skilled in languages.
liniment noun A liquid or semiliquid preparation of a consistence thinner than an ointment, applied to the skin by friction, esp. one used as a sedative or a stimulant.
linkwork noun A fabric consisting of links made of metal or other material fastened together; also, a chain., Mechanism in which links, or intermediate connecting pieces, are employed to transmit motion from one part to another.
linnaean adjective Alt. of Linnean
linoleic adjective Pertaining to, or derived from, linoleum, or linseed oil; specifically (Chem.), designating an organic acid, a thin yellow oil, found combined as a salt of glycerin in oils of linseed, poppy, hemp, and certain nuts.
linoleum noun Linseed oil brought to various degrees of hardness by some oxidizing process, as by exposure to heated air, or by treatment with chloride of sulphur. In this condition it is used for many of the purposes to which India rubber has been applied., A kind of floor cloth made by laying hardened linseed oil mixed with ground cork on a canvas backing.
linstock noun A pointed forked staff, shod with iron at the foot, to hold a lighted match for firing cannon.
lintseed noun See Linseed.
lionhood noun State of being a lion.
lionized imp. & past participle of Lionize
lionlike adjective Like a lion; brave as a lion.
lionship noun The state of being a lion.
lipaemia noun A condition in which fat occurs in the blood.
liparian noun Any species of a family (Liparidae) of destructive bombycid moths, as the tussock moths.
liparite noun A quartzose trachyte; rhyolite.
lipogram noun A writing composed of words not having a certain letter or letters; — as in the Odyssey of Tryphiodorus there was no A in the first book, no B in the second, and so on.
liquable verb i. Capable of being melted.
liquidly adverb In a liquid manner; flowingly.
liquored imp. & past participle of Liquor
liripipe noun See Liripoop.
liripoop noun A pendent part of the old clerical tippet; afterwards, a tippet; a scarf; — worn also by doctors, learned men, etc., Acuteness; smartness; also, a smart trick or stratagem., A silly person.
listened imp. & past participle of Listen
listener noun One who listens; a hearkener.
listless adjective Having no desire or inclination; indifferent; heedless; spiritless.
litanies plural of Litany
literacy noun State of being literate.
literary adjective Of or pertaining to letters or literature; pertaining to learning or learned men; as, literary fame; a literary history; literary conversation., Versed in, or acquainted with, literature; occupied with literature as a profession; connected with literature or with men of letters; as, a literary man.
literate adjective Instructed in learning, science, or literature; learned; lettered., One educated, but not having taken a university degree; especially, such a person who is prepared to take holy orders., A literary man.
literati noun pl. Learned or literary men. See Literatus., of Literatus
litharge noun Lead monoxide; a yellowish red substance, obtained as an amorphous powder, or crystallized in fine scales, by heating lead moderately in a current of air or by calcining lead nitrate or carbonate. It is used in making flint glass, in glazing earthenware, in making red lead minium, etc. Called also massicot.
litherly adjective Crafty; cunning; mischievous; wicked; treacherous; lazy.
lithoxyl noun Petrified wood.
litigant adjective Disposed to litigate; contending in law; engaged in a lawsuit; as, the parties litigant., A person engaged in a lawsuit.
litigate verb t. To make the subject of a lawsuit; to contest in law; to prosecute or defend by pleadings, exhibition of evidence, and judicial debate in a court; as, to litigate a cause., To carry on a suit by judicial process.
littered imp. & past participle of Litter
littoral adjective Of or pertaining to a shore, as of the sea., Inhabiting the seashore, esp. the zone between high-water and low-water mark.
littress noun A smooth kind of cartridge paper used for making cards.
liturate adjective Having indistinct spots, paler at their margins., Spotted, as if from abrasions of the surface.
liturgic Alt. of Liturgical
livelily adverb In a lively manner.
livelode noun Course of life; means of support; livelihood.
livelong adjective Whole; entire; long in passing; — used of time, as day or night, in adverbial phrases, and usually with a sense of tediousness., Lasting; durable.
liveried adjective Wearing a livery. See Livery, 3.
livering noun A kind of pudding or sausage made of liver or pork.
liveries plural of Livery
lividity noun The state or quality of being livid.
livingly adverb In a living state.
livonian adjective Of or pertaining to Livonia, a district of Russia near the Baltic Sea.
livinian noun A native or an inhabitant of Livonia; the language (allied to the Finnish) of the Livonians.
lixivial adjective Impregnated with, or consisting of, alkaline salts extracted from wood ashes; impregnated with a salt or salts like a lixivium., Of the color of lye; resembling lye., Having the qualities of alkaline salts extracted from wood ashes.
lixivium noun A solution of alkaline salts extracted from wood ashes; hence, any solution obtained by lixiviation.