8 letter word starting with mil

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
milanese adjective Of or pertaining to Milan in Italy, or to its inhabitants., A native or inhabitant of Milan; people of Milan.
mildewed imp. & past participle of Mildew
mildness noun The quality or state of being mild; as, mildness of temper; the mildness of the winter.
milepost noun A post, or one of a series of posts, set up to indicate spaces of a mile each or the distance in miles from a given place.
milesian adjective Of or pertaining to Miletus, a city of Asia Minor, or to its inhabitants., Descended from King Milesius of Spain, whose two sons are said to have conquered Ireland about 1300 b. c.; or pertaining to the descendants of King Milesius; hence, Irish., A native or inhabitant of Miletus., A native or inhabitant of Ireland.
miliaria noun A fever accompanied by an eruption of small, isolated, red pimples, resembling a millet seed in form or size; miliary fever.
militant adjective Engaged in warfare; fighting; combating; serving as a soldier.
military adjective Of or pertaining to soldiers, to arms, or to war; belonging to, engaged in, or appropriate to, the affairs of war; as, a military parade; military discipline; military bravery; military conduct; military renown., Performed or made by soldiers; as, a military election; a military expedition., The whole body of soldiers; soldiery; militia; troops; the army.
militate verb i. To make war; to fight; to contend; — usually followed by against and with.
milkmaid noun A woman who milks cows or is employed in the dairy.
milkweed noun Any plant of the genera Asclepias and Acerates, abounding in a milky juice, and having its seed attached to a long silky down; silkweed. The name is also applied to several other plants with a milky juice, as to several kinds of spurge.
milkwort noun A genus of plants (Polygala) of many species. The common European P. vulgaris was supposed to have the power of producing a flow of milk in nurses.
milleped noun A myriapod with many legs, esp. a chilognath, as the galleyworm.
milliard noun A thousand millions; — called also billion. See Billion.
milliary adjective Of or pertaining to a mile, or to distance by miles; denoting a mile or miles., A milestone.
milliner noun Formerly, a man who imported and dealt in small articles of a miscellaneous kind, especially such as please the fancy of women., A person, usually a woman, who makes, trims, or deals in hats, bonnets, headdresses, etc., for women.
millinet noun A stiff cotton fabric used by milliners for lining bonnets.
milliped noun The same Milleped.
millreis noun See Milreis.
millrind noun Alt. of Millrynd
millrynd noun A figure supposed to represent the iron which holds a millstone by being set into its center.
millwork noun The shafting, gearing, and other driving machinery of mills., The business of setting up or of operating mill machinery.
miltonic adjective Of, pertaining to, or resembling, Milton, or his writings; as, Miltonic prose.