8 letter word starting with miss

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
misserve verb t. & i. To serve unfaithfully.
misshape verb t. To shape ill; to give an ill or unnatural from to; to deform.
missound verb t. To sound wrongly; to utter or pronounce incorrectly.
misspeak verb i. To err in speaking., To utter wrongly.
misspelt of Misspell
misspell verb t. To spell incorrectly.
misspent imp. & past participle of Misspend, imp. & p. p. of Misspend.
misspend verb t. To spend amiss or for wrong purposes; to aquander; to waste; as, to misspend time or money.
misstate verb t. To state wrongly; as, to misstate a question in debate.
misswear verb i. To swear falsely.