8 letter word starting with mu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
muharram noun The first month of the Mohammedan year., A festival of the Shiah sect of the Mohammedans held during the first ten days of the month Mohurrum.
mucamide noun The acid amide of mucic acid, obtained as a white crystalline substance.
muchness noun Greatness; extent.
muchwhat adverb Nearly; almost; much.
muciform adjective Resembling mucus; having the character or appearance of mucus.
mucilage noun A gummy or gelatinous substance produced in certain plants by the action of water on the cell wall, as in the seeds of quinces, of flax, etc., An aqueous solution of gum, or of substances allied to it; as, medicinal mucilage; mucilage for fastening envelopes.
mucivore noun An insect which feeds on mucus, or the sap of plants, as certain Diptera, of the tribe Mucivora.
muckerer noun A miser; a niggard.
muckworm noun A larva or grub that lives in muck or manure; — applied to the larvae of the tumbledung and allied beetles., One who scrapes together money by mean labor and devices; a miser.
mucocele noun An enlargement or protrusion of the mucous membrane of the lachrymal passages, or dropsy of the lachrymal sac, dependent upon catarrhal inflammation of the latter.
muconate noun A salt of muconic acid.
mucosity noun The quality or state of being mucous or slimy; mucousness.
muculent adjective Slimy; moist, and moderately viscous.
muddling present participle & vb. noun of Muddle
muddying present participle & vb. noun of Muddy
muffetee noun A small muff worn over the wrist.
muffling present participle & vb. noun of Muffle
mughouse noun An alehouse; a pothouse.
mugiency noun A bellowing.
mugiloid adjective Like or pertaining to the genus Mugil, or family Mugilidae.
mulberry noun The berry or fruit of any tree of the genus Morus; also, the tree itself. See Morus., A dark pure color, like the hue of a black mulberry.
mulching present participle & vb. noun of Mulch
mulcting present participle & vb. noun of Mulct
mulctary adjective Alt. of Mulctuary
muleteer noun One who drives mules.
mulewort noun A fern of the genus Hemionitis.
mulierly adverb In the manner or condition of a mulier; in wedlock; legitimately.
mulierty noun Condition of being a mulier; position of one born in lawful wedlock.
multeity noun Multiplicity.
multifid adjective Having many segments; cleft into several parts by linear sinuses; as, a multifid leaf or corolla.
multiped noun An insect having many feet, as a myriapod., Having many feet.
multiple adjective Containing more than once, or more than one; consisting of more than one; manifold; repeated many times; having several, or many, parts., A quantity containing another quantity a number of times without a remainder.
multiply verb t. To increase in number; to make more numerous; to add quantity to., To add (any given number or quantity) to itself a certain number of times; to find the product of by multiplication; thus 7 multiplied by 8 produces the number 56; to multiply two numbers. See the Note under Multiplication., To increase (the amount of gold or silver) by the arts of alchemy., To become greater in number; to become numerous., To increase in extent and influence; to spread., To increase amount of gold or silver by the arts of alchemy.
mumbling present participle & vb. noun of Mumble, Low; indistinct; inarticulate.
mummying present participle & vb. noun of Mummy
munching present participle & vb. noun of Munch
mungcorn noun Same as Mangcorn.
mungoose noun Alt. of Mungoos
muniment noun The act of supporting or defending., That which supports or defends; stronghold; place or means of defense; munition; assistance., A record; the evidences or writings whereby a man is enabled to defend the title to his estate; title deeds and papers.
munition noun Fortification; stronghold., Whatever materials are used in war for defense or for annoying an enemy; ammunition; also, stores and provisions; military stores of all kinds.
murenoid adjective Like or pertaining to the genus Muraena, or family Muraenidae.
murdered imp. & past participle of Murder
murderer noun One guilty of murder; a person who, in possession of his reason, unlawfully kills a human being with premeditated malice., A small cannon, formerly used for clearing a ship’s decks of boarders; — called also murdering piece.
murdress noun A battlement in ancient fortifications with interstices for firing through.
murenger noun One who had charge of the wall of a town, or its repairs.
murexide noun A crystalline nitrogenous substance having a splendid dichroism, being green by reflected light and garnet-red by transmitted light. It was formerly used in dyeing calico, and was obtained in a large quantities from guano. Formerly called also ammonium purpurate.
murexoin noun A complex nitrogenous compound obtained as a scarlet crystalline substance, and regarded as related to murexide.
muriated adjective Put in brine., Combined or impregnated with muriatic or hydrochloric acid., Prepared with chloride of silver through the agency of common salt.
muriatic adjective Of, pertaining to, or obtained from, sea salt, or from chlorine, one of the constituents of sea salt; hydrochloric.
muricate adjective Alt. of Muricated
muricoid adjective Like, or pertaining to, the genus Murex, or family Muricidae.
muriform adjective Resembling courses of bricks or stones in squareness and regular arrangement; as, a muriform variety of cellular tissue.
muringer noun See Murenger.
murmured imp. & past participle of Murmur
murmurer noun One who murmurs.
murnival noun In the game of gleek, four cards of the same value, as four aces or four kings; hence, four of anything.
murrayin noun A glucoside found in the flowers of a plant (Murraya exotica) of South Asia, and extracted as a white amorphous slightly bitter substance.
murrelet noun One of several species of sea birds of the genera Synthliboramphus and Brachyramphus, inhabiting the North Pacific. They are closely related to the murres.
murrhine adjective Made of the stone or material called by the Romans murrha; — applied to certain costly vases of great beauty and delicacy used by the luxurious in Rome as wine cups; as, murrhine vases, cups, vessels.
muscadel noun See Muscatel, n.
muscales noun pl. An old name for mosses in the widest sense, including the true mosses and also hepaticae and sphagna.
muscarin noun A solid crystalline substance, C5H13NO2, found in the toadstool (Agaricus muscarius), and in putrid fish. It is a typical ptomaine, and a violent poison.
muscatel adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, or derived from, a muscat grapes or similar grapes; a muscatel grapes; muscatel wine, etc., A common name for several varieties of rich sweet wine, made in Italy, Spain, and France., Finest raisins, dried on the vine; “sun raisins.”
muscling noun Exhibition or representation of the muscles.
muscular adjective Of or pertaining to a muscle, or to a system of muscles; consisting of, or constituting, a muscle or muscles; as, muscular fiber., Performed by, or dependent on, a muscle or the muscles., Well furnished with muscles; having well-developed muscles; brawny; hence, strong; powerful; vigorous; as, a muscular body or arm.
musculin noun See Syntonin.
museless adjective Unregardful of the Muses; disregarding the power of poetry; unpoetical.
mushroom noun An edible fungus (Agaricus campestris), having a white stalk which bears a convex or oven flattish expanded portion called the pileus. This is whitish and silky or somewhat scaly above, and bears on the under side radiating gills which are at first flesh-colored, but gradually become brown. The plant grows in rich pastures and is proverbial for rapidity of growth and shortness of duration. It has a pleasant smell, and is largely used as food. It is also cultivated from spawn., Any large fungus, especially one of the genus Agaricus; a toadstool. Several species are edible; but many are very poisonous., One who rises suddenly from a low condition in life; an upstart., Of or pertaining to mushrooms; as, mushroom catchup., Resembling mushrooms in rapidity of growth and shortness of duration; short-lived; ephemerial; as, mushroom cities.
musicale noun A social musical party.
musician noun One skilled in the art or science of music; esp., a skilled singer, or performer on a musical instrument.
musingly adverb In a musing manner.
muskadel noun See Muscadel.
musketry noun Muskets, collectively., The fire of muskets.
muskwood noun The wood of a West Indian tree of the Mahogany family (Moschoxylum Swartzii)., The wood of an Australian tree (Eurybia argophylla).
muslinet noun A sort of coarse or light cotton cloth.
musquash noun See Muskrat.
musquito noun See Mosquito.
mustache noun That part of the beard which grows on the upper lip; hair left growing above the mouth., A West African monkey (Cercopithecus cephus). It has yellow whiskers, and a triangular blue mark on the nose., Any conspicuous stripe of color on the side of the head, beneath the eye of a bird.
mustacho noun A mustache.
mustaiba noun A close-grained, neavy wood of a brownish color, brought from Brazil, and used in turning, for making the handles of tools, and the like.
mustered imp. & past participle of Muster
mutacism noun See Mytacism.
mutandum noun A thing which is to be changed; something which must be altered; — used chiefly in the plural.
mutation noun Change; alteration, either in form or qualities.
muteness noun The quality or state of being mute; speechlessness.
muticous adjective Without a point or pointed process; blunt.
mutilate adjective Deprived of, or having lost, an important part; mutilated., Having finlike appendages or flukes instead of legs, as a cetacean., A cetacean, or a sirenian., To cut off or remove a limb or essential part of; to maim; to cripple; to hack; as, to mutilate the body, a statue, etc., To destroy or remove a material part of, so as to render imperfect; as, to mutilate the orations of Cicero.
mutilous adjective Mutilated; defective; imperfect.
mutineer noun One guilty of mutiny.
mutinous adjective Disposed to mutiny; in a state of mutiny; characterized by mutiny; seditious; insubordinate.
mutinies plural of Mutiny
mutinied imp. & past participle of Mutiny
muttered imp. & past participle of Mutter
mutterer noun One who mutters.
mutually adverb In a mutual manner.
muzzling present participle & vb. noun of Muzzle