8 letter word starting with na

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
nacreous adjective Consisting of, or resembling, nacre; pearly.
nailless adjective Without nails; having no nails.
nainsook noun A thick sort of jaconet muslin, plain or striped, formerly made in India.
naissant adjective Same as Jessant.
namation noun A distraining or levying of a distress; an impounding.
nameless adjective Without a name; not having been given a name; as, a nameless star., Undistinguished; not noted or famous., Not known or mentioned by name; anonymous; as, a nameless writer., Unnamable; indescribable; inexpressible.
namesake noun One that has the same name as another; especially, one called after, or named out of regard to, another.
naperies plural of Napery
naphthol noun Any one of a series of hydroxyl derivatives of naphthalene, analogous to phenol. In general they are crystalline substances with a phenol (carbolic) odor.
naphthyl noun A hydrocarbon radical regarded as the essential residue of naphthalene.
naperian adjective Of, pertaining to, or discovered by, Napier, or Naper.
napiform adjective Turnip-shaped; large and round in the upper part, and very slender below.
napoleon noun A French gold coin of twenty francs, or about $3.86.
narceine noun An alkaloid found in small quantities in opium, and extracted as a white crystalline substance of a bitter astringent taste. It is a narcotic. Called also narceia.
narcosis noun Privation of sense or consciousness, due to a narcotic.
narcotic adjective Having the properties of a narcotic; operating as a narcotic., A drug which, in medicinal doses, generally allays morbid susceptibility, relieves pain, and produces sleep; but which, in poisonous doses, produces stupor, coma, or convulsions, and, when given in sufficient quantity, causes death. The best examples are opium (with morphine), belladonna (with atropine), and conium.
nargileh noun An apparatus for smoking tobacco. It has a long flexible tube, and the smoke is drawn through water.
nariform adjective Formed like the nose.
narrable adjective Capable of being narrated or told.
narrated imp. & past participle of Narrate
narrator noun One who narrates; one who relates a series of events or transactions.
narrowed imp. & past participle of Narrow
narrower noun One who, or that which, narrows or contracts.
narrowly adverb With little breadth; in a narrow manner., Without much extent; contractedly., With minute scrutiny; closely; as, to look or watch narrowly; to search narrowly., With a little margin or space; by a small distance; hence, closely; hardly; barely; only just; — often with reference to an avoided danger or misfortune; as, he narrowly escaped., Sparingly; parsimoniously.
nasality noun The quality or state of being nasal.
nasalize verb t. To render nasal, as sound; to insert a nasal or sound in., To utter words or letters with a nasal sound; to speak through the nose.
nascency noun State of being nascent; birth; beginning; origin.
nasiform adjective Having the shape of a nose.
nataloin noun A bitter crystalline substance constituting the essential principle of Natal aloes. Cf. Aloon.
natantly adverb In a floating manner; swimmingly.
natation noun The act of floating on the water; swimming.
natatory adjective Adapted for swimming or floating; as, natatory organs.
natchnee noun An annual grass (Eleusine coracona), cultivated in India as a food plant.
nathless conj. Nevertheless.
nathmore adverb Not the more; never the more.
naticoid adjective Like or belonging to Natica, or the family Naticidae.
national adjective Of or pertaining to a nation; common to a whole people or race; public; general; as, a national government, language, dress, custom, calamity, etc., Attached to one’s own country or nation.
natively adverb By natural or original condition; naturally; originally.
nativism noun The disposition to favor the native inhabitants of a country, in preference to immigrants from foreign countries., The doctrine of innate ideas, or that the mind possesses forms of thought independent of sensation.
nativist noun An advocate of nativism.
nativies plural of Nativity
nativity noun The coming into life or into the world; birth; also, the circumstances attending birth, as time, place, manner, etc., A picture representing or symbolizing the early infancy of Christ. The simplest form is the babe in a rude cradle, and the heads of an ox and an ass to express the stable in which he was born., A representation of the positions of the heavenly bodies as the moment of one’s birth, supposed to indicate his future destinies; a horoscope.
naturism noun The belief or doctrine that attributes everything to nature as a sanative agent.
naturist noun One who believes in, or conforms to, the theory of naturism.
naturity noun The quality or state of being produced by nature.
naturize verb t. To endow with a nature or qualities; to refer to nature.
naufrage noun Shipwreck; ruin.
naughtly adverb Naughtily; wrongly.
naumachy noun A naval battle; esp., a mock sea fight., A show or spectacle representing a sea fight; also, a place for such exhibitions.
nauplius noun A crustacean larva having three pairs of locomotive organs (corresponding to the antennules, antennae, and mandibles), a median eye, and little or no segmentation of the body.
nauscopy noun The power or act of discovering ships or land at considerable distances.
nauseant noun A substance which produces nausea.
nauseate verb i. To become squeamish; to feel nausea; to turn away with disgust., To affect with nausea; to sicken; to cause to feel loathing or disgust., To sicken at; to reject with disgust; to loathe.
nauseous adjective Causing, or fitted to cause, nausea; sickening; loathsome; disgusting; exciting abhorrence; as, a nauseous drug or medicine.
nautical adjective Of or pertaining to seamen, to the art of navigation, or to ships; as, nautical skill.
nautilus noun The only existing genus of tetrabranchiate cephalopods. About four species are found living in the tropical Pacific, but many other species are found fossil. The shell is spiral, symmetrical, and chambered, or divided into several cavities by simple curved partitions, which are traversed and connected together by a continuous and nearly central tube or siphuncle. See Tetrabranchiata., The argonaut; — also called paper nautilus. See Argonauta, and Paper nautilus, under Paper., A variety of diving bell, the lateral as well as vertical motions of which are controlled, by the occupants.
navajoes noun pl. A tribe of Indians inhabiting New Mexico and Arizona, allied to the Apaches. They are now largely engaged in agriculture.
navarchy noun Nautical skill or experience.
navigate verb i. To joirney by water; to go in a vessel or ship; to perform the duties of a navigator; to use the waters as a highway or channel for commerce or communication; to sail., To pass over in ships; to sail over or on; as, to navigate the Atlantic., To steer, direct, or manage in sailing; to conduct (ships) upon the water by the art or skill of seamen; as, to navigate a ship.
nazarene noun A native or inhabitant of Nazareth; — a term of contempt applied to Christ and the early Christians., One of a sect of Judaizing Christians in the first and second centuries, who observed the laws of Moses, and held to certain heresies.
nazarite noun A Jew bound by a vow to lave the hair uncut, to abstain from wine and strong drink, and to practice extraordinary purity of life and devotion, the obligation being for life, or for a certain time. The word is also used adjectively.
nazirite noun A Nazarite.