8 letter word starting with ne

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
nearctic adjective Of or pertaining to a region of the earth’s surface including all of temperate and arctic North America and Greenland. In the geographical distribution of animals, this region is marked off as the habitat certain species.
nearhand adjective & adverb Near; near at hand; closely.
nearness noun The state or quality of being near; — used in the various senses of the adjective.
neatherd noun A person who has the care of neat cattle; a cowherd.
neatness noun The state or quality of being neat.
neatress noun A woman who takes care of cattle.
nebulize verb t. To reduce (as a liquid) to a fine spray or vapor; to atomize.
nebulose adjective Nebulous; cloudy.
nebulous adjective Cloudy; hazy; misty., Of, pertaining to, or having the appearance of, a nebula; nebular; cloudlike.
neckband noun A band which goes around the neck; often, the part at the top of a garment.
necklace noun A string of beads, etc., or any continuous band or chain, worn around the neck as an ornament., A rope or chain fitted around the masthead to hold hanging blocks for jibs and stays.
neckland noun A neck of land.
neckmold noun Alt. of Neckmould
neckwear noun A collective term for cravats, collars, etc.
neckweed noun An American annual weed (veronica peregrina), with small white flowers and a roundish pod., The hemp; — so called as furnishing ropes for hanging criminals.
necropsy noun A post-mortem examination or inspection; an autopsy. See Autopsy.
necrosed adjective Affected by necrosis; dead; as, a necrosed bone.
necrosis noun Mortification or gangrene of bone, or the death of a bone or portion of a bone in mass, as opposed to its death by molecular disintegration. See Caries., A disease of trees, in which the branches gradually dry up from the bark to the center.
necrotic adjective Affected with necrosis; as, necrotic tissue; characterized by, or producing, necrosis; as, a necrotic process.
nectared adjective Imbued with nectar; mingled with nectar; abounding with nectar.
nectosac noun Alt. of Nectosack
needless adjective Having no need., Not wanted; unnecessary; not requiste; as, needless labor; needless expenses., Without sufficient cause; groundless; cuseless.
needment noun Something needed or wanted., Outfit; necessary luggage.
neelghau noun See Nylghau.
ne exeat A writ to restrain a person from leaving the country, or the jurisdiction of the court. The writ was originally applicable to purposes of state, but is now an ordinary process of courts of equity, resorted to for the purpose of obtaining bail, or security to abide a decree.
negation adverb The act of denying; assertion of the nonreality or untruthfulness of anything; declaration that something is not, or has not been, or will not be; denial; — the opposite of affirmation., Description or definition by denial, exclusion, or exception; statement of what a thing is not, or has not, from which may be inferred what it is or has.
negative adjective Denying; implying, containing, or asserting denial, negation or refusal; returning the answer no to an inquiry or request; refusing assent; as, a negative answer; a negative opinion; — opposed to affirmative., Not positive; without affirmative statement or demonstration; indirect; consisting in the absence of something; privative; as, a negative argument; a negative morality; negative criticism., Asserting absence of connection between a subject and a predicate; as, a negative proposition., Of or pertaining to a picture upon glass or other material, in which the lights and shades of the original, and the relations of right and left, are reversed., Metalloidal; nonmetallic; — contracted with positive or basic; as, the nitro group is negative., A proposition by which something is denied or forbidden; a conception or term formed by prefixing the negative particle to one which is positive; an opposite or contradictory term or conception., A word used in denial or refusal; as, not, no., The refusal or withholding of assents; veto., That side of a question which denies or refuses, or which is taken by an opposing or denying party; the relation or position of denial or opposition; as, the question was decided in the negative., A picture upon glass or other material, in which the light portions of the original are represented in some opaque material (usually reduced silver), and the dark portions by the uncovered and transparent or semitransparent ground of the picture., The negative plate of a voltaic or electrolytic cell., To prove unreal or intrue; to disprove., To reject by vote; to refuse to enact or sanction; as, the Senate negatived the bill., To neutralize the force of; to counteract.
negatory adjective Expressing denial; belonging to negation; negative.
neginoth noun pl. Stringed instruments.
negligee noun An easy, unceremonious attire; undress; also, a kind of easy robe or dressing gown worn by women.
negritic adjective Of or pertaining to negroes; composed of negroes.
negritos noun pl. A degraded Papuan race, inhabiting Luzon and some of the other east Indian Islands. They resemble negroes, but are smaller in size. They are mostly nomads.
nehiloth noun pl. A term supposed to mean, perforated wind instruments of music, as pipes or flutes.
neighing present participle & vb. noun of Neigh
neighbor noun A person who lives near another; one whose abode is not far off., One who is near in sympathy or confidence., One entitled to, or exhibiting, neighborly kindness; hence, one of the human race; a fellow being., Near to another; adjoining; adjacent; next; neighboring., To adjoin; to border on; tobe near to., To associate intimately with., To dwell in the vicinity; to be a neighbor, or in the neighborhood; to be near.
neishout noun The mahogany-like wood of the South African tree Pteroxylon utile, the sawdust of which causes violent sneezing (whence the name). Also called sneezewood.
nemaline adjective Having the form of threads; fibrous.
nemalite noun A fibrous variety of brucite.
nematode adjective & noun Same as Nematoid.
nematoid adjective Of or pertaining to the Nematoidea., One of the Nematoidea. see Illustration in Appendix.
nemetean adjective Of or pertaining to the Nemertina., One of the Nemertina.
nemertes noun A genus of nemertina.
nemertid adjective & noun Nemertean.
nemorous adjective Woody.
nenuphar noun The great white water lily of Europe; the Nymphaea alba.
neocracy noun Government by new or inexperienced hands; upstart rule; raw or untried officials.
neogaean adjective Of or pertaining to the New World, or Western Hemisphere.
neologic adjective Alt. of Neological
neomenia noun The time of the new moon; the beginning of the month in the lunar calendar.
neomorph noun A structure, part, or organ developed independently, that is, not derived from a similar structure, part, or organ, in a pre existing form.
neophyte noun A new convert or proselyte; — a name given by the early Christians, and still given by the Roman Catholics, to such as have recently embraced the Christian faith, and been admitted to baptism, esp. to converts from heathenism or Judaism., A novice; a tyro; a beginner in anything.
neoplasm noun A new formation or tissue, the product of morbid action.
neossine noun The substance constituting the edible bird’s nest.
neoteric adjective Alt. of Neoterical, One of modern times; a modern.
nepenthe noun A drug used by the ancients to give relief from pain and sorrow; — by some supposed to have been opium or hasheesh. Hence, anything soothing and comforting.
nephilim noun pl. Giants.
nephrite noun A hard compact mineral, of a dark green color, formerly worn as a remedy for diseases of the kidneys, whence its name; kidney stone; a kind of jade. See Jade.
nepotism noun Undue attachment to relations; favoritism shown to members of one’s family; bestowal of patronage in consideration of relationship, rather than of merit or of legal claim.
nepotist noun One who practices nepotism.
nereides plural of Nereid, of Nereis
nereites noun pl. Fossil tracks of annelids.
nerfling noun The id.
neritina noun A genus including numerous species of shells resembling Nerita in form. They mostly inhabit brackish water, and are often delicately tinted.
nestfuls plural of Nestful
nestling present participle & vb. noun of Nestle, A young bird which has not abandoned the nest., A nest; a receptacle., Newly hatched; being yet in the nest.
nethinim noun pl. Servants of the priests and Levites in the menial services about the tabernacle and temple.
nettling present participle & vb. noun of Nettle, A process (resembling splicing) by which two ropes are jointed end so as to form one rope., The process of tying together the ends of yarns in pairs, to prevent tangling., Stinging; irritating.
neuralgy noun Neuralgia.
neuraxis noun See Axis cylinder, under Axis.
neuridin noun a nontoxic base, C5H14N2, found in the putrescent matters of flesh, fish, decaying cheese, etc.
neuritis noun Inflammation of a nerve.
neuropod noun A neuropodous animal.
neurosis noun A functional nervous affection or disease, that is, a disease of the nerves without any appreciable change of nerve structure.
neurotic adjective Of or pertaining to the nerves; seated in the nerves; nervous; as, a neurotic disease., Uself in disorders of, or affecting, the nerves., A disease seated in the nerves., Any toxic agent whose action is mainly directed to the great nerve centers.
nevadite noun A grantitoid variety of rhyolite, common in Nevada.
newcomer noun One who has lately come.
newsroom noun A room where news is collected and disseminated, or periodicals sold; a reading room supplied with newspapers, magazines, etc.
new-year adjective Of or pertaining to, or suitable for, the commencement of the year; as, New-year gifts or odes.