8 letter word starting with ni

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
nibbling present participle & vb. noun of Nibble
niceness noun Quality or state of being nice.
niceties plural of Nicety
nickelic adjective Pertaining to, or containing, nickel; specifically, designating compounds in which, as contrasted with the nickelous compounds, the metal has a higher valence; as nickelic oxide.
nicknack noun See Knickknack.
nickname noun A name given in contempt, derision, or sportive familiarity; a familiar or an opprobrious appellation., To give a nickname to; to call by a nickname.
nicotian noun Tobacco., Pertaining to, or derived from, tobacco.
nicotine noun An alkaloid which is the active principle of tobacco. It is a colorless, transparent, oily liquid, having an acrid odor, and an acrid burning taste. It is intensely poisonous.
nidering adjective Infamous; dastardly.
nidorose adjective Nidorous.
nidorous adjective Resembling the smell or taste of roast meat, or of corrupt animal matter.
nidulant adjective Nestling, as a bird in itss nest., Lying loose in pulp or cotton within a berry or pericarp, as in a nest.
nidulate verb i. To make a nest, as a bird.
nidulite noun A Silurian fossil, formerly supposed to consist of eggs.
niellist noun One who practices the style of ornamentation called niello.
niggardy noun Niggardliness.
niggling present participle & vb. noun of Niggle
nighness noun The quality or state of being nigh.
nightcap noun A cap worn in bed to protect the head, or in undress., A potion of spirit drank at bedtime.
nightish adjective Of or pertaining to night.
nightjar noun A goatsucker, esp. the European species. See Illust. of Goatsucker.
nightmen plural of Nightman
nightman noun One whose business is emptying privies by night.
nihilism noun Nothingness; nihility., The doctrine that nothing can be known; scepticism as to all knowledge and all reality., The theories and practices of the Nihilists.
nihilist noun One who advocates the doctrine of nihilism; one who believes or teaches that nothing can be known, or asserted to exist., A member of a secret association (esp. in Russia), which is devoted to the destruction of the present political, religious, and social institutions.
nihility noun Nothingness; a state of being nothing.
nimbless noun Nimbleness.
nimbuses plural of Nimbus
ninefold adjective Nine times repeated.
ninepins noun pl. A game played with nine pins, or pieces of wood, set on end, at which a wooden ball is bowled to knock them down; bowling.
nineteen adjective Nine and ten; eighteen and one more; one less than twenty; as, nineteen months., The number greater than eighteen by a unit; the sum of ten and nine; nineteen units or objects., A symbol for nineteen units, as 19 or xix.
nineties plural of Ninety
nitrated adjective Combined, or impregnated, with nitric acid, or some of its compounds., Prepared with nitrate of silver.
nitriary noun An artificial bed of animal matter for the manufacture of niter by nitrification. See Nitrification, 2.
nitrogen noun A colorless nonmetallic element, tasteless and odorless, comprising four fifths of the atmosphere by volume. It is chemically very inert in the free state, and as such is incapable of supporting life (hence the name azote still used by French chemists); but it forms many important compounds, as ammonia, nitric acid, the cyanides, etc, and is a constituent of all organized living tissues, animal or vegetable. Symbol N. Atomic weight 14. It was formerly regarded as a permanent noncondensible gas, but was liquefied in 1877 by Cailletet of Paris, and Pictet of Geneva.
nitrolic adjective Of, derived from, or designating, a nitrol; as, a nitrolic acid.
nitroso- (/ / /). (Chem.) A prefix (also used adjectively) designating the group or radical NO, called the nitroso group, or its compounds.
nitrosyl noun the radical NO, called also the nitroso group. The term is sometimes loosely used to designate certain nitro compounds; as, nitrosyl sulphuric acid. Used also adjectively.
nitroxyl noun The group NO2, usually called the nitro group.
nittings noun pl. The refuse of good ore.